beyond the horizon [Group 1]

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beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 12, 2022 23:03:20 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The night would fall, and the workers would begin to set up their tents to rest for the night. Campfires were lit as people started preparing their food. Issei was informed that the rest of the paperwork would be arriving the following day, and the courier apologized for the delay. Without the information at his disposal, the hooded figure was still a mystery, but she was indeed a hard worker, really putting her back into the labour, so maybe talking with her would be a good thing.

People had some time to interact with each other as Wahei and Kojirou were tasked with putting away the tools and materials in a makeshift warehouse-tent near the construction site.

However, as the workers started to relax, Ayukawa would be able to notice some random smells approaching from the north. She could also notice with her keen nose that the Jounin in charge of guarding the site were moving towards it. With her military experience, it was far to reach a conclusion that it meant trouble.

[Since Ayukawa is the only one with a passive ability to perceive such situation, she noticed the approaching enemies from the north. It is her choice to share this with the others or not.]

Rotation: 4/10

No issues.

Next rotation will be posted on June 16th at 11:45 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 12, 2022 23:26:25 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Thank you for the camping set! I promise to return it!

The efforts of the day showed in what was built before the night had fallen upon them. While Ayukawa had managed to keep her distance so far from Issei, she didn't help herself too much by being here in the first place. But she wanted to help, and if she was going to find her reason for being a shinobi, she had to start with that feeling she knew was deep inside of her. As she accepted the materials to start pitching her tent, the night seemed to fill with stars, almost drawing her into a trance briefly as she took it in. They were just as clear as they were in Kaze no Kuni. Which wasn't too strange when you considered it.

They were all the same...each land was upon the same mass of existence...under the same sky...

In starting to get her belongs together, taking up the cloth as to lay it upon the outline for her camp, a voice would call to her and once again, she'd feel herself freeze beneath her hooded demeanor. As her newly colored eyes shifted from one side to the next, she'd let her gaze shift in the direction of the voice, not moving her head to it, but only listening as she rose up to partially meet it.

In Issei's statement toward her, he'd mention how she wasn't in trouble, but only that he was checking on the well-being of everyone at the site. It also seemed to help that she wasn't listened as a shinobi, which was good. It meant that perhaps there was a good chance that she wasn't identifiable either. As he introduced himself, the young female would begin to turn slowly, allowing herself a moment before looking at him with her bright yellow eyes.

"......It is fine....I'm not being overworked...I like doing things like help..."

Bowing politely, she'd then allow her posture to shift yet again, yet soon her body began to stiffen as she caught something upon the wind. It was certainly different, not familiar with anything she had smelled before during the day. With her eyes shifting in the direction of the north as she began to pick up movement from the guard that was posted to defend them in the same direction.

Somethin isn't right....but...if I say anything...

Allowing her gaze to widen, her expression would hide her biting her bottom lip as she knew better than to question her instincts a second time.

"I think something the north of here..."

As she spoke, she'd point in the direction of what she said, her eyes remaining low before then speaking again.

"Your people call it an hunch...I call it a omen...a bad one..."

    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 14, 2022 13:03:10 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
With another day in the books it all but seemed like this mission would be a success without any problems. They had been here for well over a weeks so the Uchiha imagined that if they were to have any problems that it would have happened by now. Of course he wouldn't let his guard down, but it was nice to know that they were getting the bulk of the work done without experience issues from outside of the construction. Nevertheless, his conversation with the hooded figure was brief as they stated they were fine and not overworked, but also that they liked doing this kind of stuff.

A head nod was given as well as a smile. Whoever she was he was glad they were here. The civilians had taken a liking to her and so did he for all the work they'd done so far. "Understood. Well, I'll leave you to it then. Great work again today." Issei added just as he was about to walk away from the girl to make sure that everything was in order for the night, including the security detail. However, as he was walking away the hooded girl noted that something was happening off to the north.

For a moment Issei hesitated as the suggestion came from out of nowhere, but the look on her face made it clear how serious she was about whatever it was that she was feeling. He had no record of who she was, but as far as he could tell she was nothing more than just a civilian right? He even took a number of second and third glances in the hopes that he might find whatever village she might have been attached to, but everything about her was just flat out neutral.

Unfortunately, his responsibility to her and everyone else kept him from questioning her as he couldn't afford to take any risk. If something was going on up ahead he needed to find out what. The Uchiha formed a handseal before creating 2 additional clones of himself. "Alright, one of you(#1) is going up toward the direction noted by this here--" Issei found himself unable to provide an identity of the girl as she never introduced her name.

"By them.. The other(#2) will notify the other Shinobi here within this area and they will be task with keeping an eye out on the people here while other me(#1) investigates. Once you have an idea of what's going on disperse so that I can gather whatever intel you can provide me with. Once your done getting word out to the others you(#2) will do the same." A head nod between the three was given before the two clones went to do his bidding.

"Lets hope for our sake that whatever you spotted is nothing more than a wanderer or something." Issei added. Immediately after his once brown eyes would makeshift into red with a wheel and two tomoe. His clones would also activate their Sharingan as well so that their sensory skills could be of use as well as for protection in the event anything went wrong. It wouldn't be long before his second clone would bring warning to Wahei and Kojirou.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
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  • NAME: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [Shadow Clone Technique]
    RANK: B
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    DESCRIPTION:The Kage Bunshin technique evenly distributes your chakra between one or more clones with form and substance. The clones created by this technique are able to utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows, has all of their special abilities, as well as their kekkei genkai. Typically a clone's equipment doesn't retain any special abilities and the clone itself is dispersed when hit with a single attack or incapacitated, although the clone can also choose to disperse itself or be dispersed by the user. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained along with it's remaining chakra are passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.

| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 15, 2022 11:40:41 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
… Despite the growing camaraderie, Kojirou couldn’t help but sulk at his own lacks. It was just construction work, but if this had been a matter of life and death, then… he would’ve been quite a disappointment. That was very unfitting of a Honō like him, wasn’t it? Right? It was easy to draw that conclusion, him and his self-loathing…

In the end, he returned Issei’s nod with his own and went back to work. A few other tools had been bent over from overuse, and he was likely the most efficient tool fixer among the Genin present. And thus, the rest of the day passed by… and nighttime fell upon the site.

He couldn’t relax just yet – the tools had to be stored away in the huge tent set up by the masons and workers, and both he and Wahei were tasked with that endeavor. Kojirou took this opportunity to throw closer glances at this Water Release user and Konoha-nin, especially intrigued about that pale, left eye of his. Given that Kojirou… yeah, now all the pieces fit together. He was among those who participated in the Chūnin Exams! Kojirou knew that he had seen him before…

Dropping another box with tools inside the tent, Kojirou decided to speak up: "I saw you at the Exams, actually. Just remembered it, now… you were all such skilled shinobi. It would’ve been fun to fight you myself, I bet.” Somehow, that came off as… depressing? No worries, Kojirou, there was always next time – and who knew, maybe he’d have his hands full by that point.

"Just like Shigure-senpai… you, too, have that all-seeing eye stuff going on, right? The Byakugan, a Kekkei Genkai quite different from the kind I possess… uhm… b-but why only one eye? What’s up with that?

Koji has written 397 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 15, 2022 14:01:23 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei


They were almost in time to call it a day. But deeply Wahei knew that night advance would not necessarily means 'time off'. Specially for someone with his skills and willing to contribute. Even so, night still had that taste of end. An end that would just lead to another begining was, still, an end. - "Fortunately this is only hand working. This way is easy to keep my energy and will in one piece. Hopefully, we won't get trouble to go through the night, but I know we couldn't take it for granted" - he sighted, as a new task were just handed over to him and the his colleague from the Grass village.

Night was falling upon the camp, and their were still managing that task with the tools. His clones on the other hand was yet distributed and coordinated in order that he could learn about the whole supply chain in the area and to guarantee everything was in due order and working accordingly. Some of them were able to get along with the original to work with the tools, even though they were still no match for Kojirou's kekkei genkai - "As Shigure-san always say... we can't be good at everything. And it is awesome to have someone who can strentgh up our weakness" - he was somewhat staring at the boy, maybe because of the harshness of the daywork, or even perhaps he was just too thoughtful and curious about the group diversity.

Kojirou has started conversation, getting Wahei sort of 'off-guard'. The boy rolled his eyes to the right, rubbing for being all staring but that seemed to not have bothered the Grass shinobi. - Oh! - clearly embarassed, he tried to follow up his conversation lead - Based on what I've seen here, you'd probably beat me. - he was being honest. His kekkei genkai was no joke and Wahei didn't had the proper mindset to face someone with that level of ability.

- This is quite... - he wasn't the kind of opened book anymore, even though he knew that after what happened during the CE, his implanted byakugan wasn't exactly a secret anymore. The scars of the CE was real deal, and the marks cut deeper than the scar he craved in his own eye-balls to pretend his left eye was blind. An eternal remark of how silly he was back then.

But that was the time to Issei come around. He seemed different than before. Quite more... serious? Wahei quit his line and postured up. Someone was coming from the north. - Hai! Wakarimashita! [Roger! I got this!] - he promptly said, leaving his material in the clsoest table and, just before leaving, he'd turn to Kojirou again - I'd love to show you what this eye can do, but I think it's better to have someone around to take care of the workers and post itself. My clones wil stay here with you, though, feel free to lead them up in case you need. - since he was still going to be around, they'd not probably dismiss and could be of his assistance in case of emergency.

Swift moving across the site heading towards the jonin and Ayukawa were suppose to be, Wahei would present himself in a brief, getting coordination of the suspect and trigger out his - Byakugan! - a single hand seal to help him better focus his chakra and scanning skills.

Albeit his skills has improved in the past few months, he was yet no expert with byakugan. Nothing compared to Shigure, at least. A quick warm up was an way to make it flow better. That said, he'd quickly feeling those around him, to then circulate the vicinity in a zoom out before finally jump-in towards the indicated direction. - Reporting... - as soon as he noticed whatever it was coming to them, he would start reporting to Issei.

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[656 Words]
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 18, 2022 12:58:13 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

While Issei was talking to the hooded figure, she mentioned that something bad was happening in the north, alerting the shinobi to be ready. The workers would quickly start moving to their tents, to try and remain protected, while Issei took charge of the situation, creating two clones of himself with the Shadow Clone Technique.

Clone one and two went their separate ways, with the second alerting Kojirou and Wahei that something was going on there and to be alert. With that, Wahei took the initiative and left his two water clones there to help Kojirou out while he used his Byakugan to assess the situation and report to Issei.

Issei's first clone made it to the frontlines and noticed people approaching. Chuya and Daisuke were directly engaging a larger force, but they couldn't stop them all at the same time, and three of the enemies were heading their way. The clone poofed so that the knowledge would come back to Issei, and shortly after that, Wahei arrived and helped indicate the exact direction they were approaching from and their direction, to the point that the two of them managed to intercept them before they reached the camp completely.

The three men drew kunais, and the shinobi could see that they had explosive tags attached to them. And although they had not yet acted, Issei's Sharingan predicted that they would be firing that towards the construction site if they were not stopped. He could act and warn Wahei, to still try and prevent them from hitting their target, he had more than enough reactions speed for it.

[Issei and Wahei move to intercept the 3 enemies. Issei predicts their movement with Sharingan and can react before they can.]

Rotation: 5/10 [Progression of the construction paused until interference ceases]

3 enemies approached from the north.

Next rotation will be posted on June 22th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 20, 2022 17:14:30 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"I really don't think it is...."

Ayukawa had said what she needed to say in order to sound the alarm, though whether or not it proved to be little more than a misguided traveler remained to be seen. But she had questioned her instincts once and it had cost her, she wasn't going to allow a misjudgment or hesitation, or even fear of discovery to prevent her from doing the right thing. At this point, it didn't matter when lives were in danger.

Before long, it appeared as if everyone was now on high alert, with even the workers starting to move their tents in order to protect themselves, prompting the young girl to bow politely as she felt herself salute and then quickly try and stop her hand from doing so as she pulled it down abruptly while Issei seemed within his Sharigan inspection of events.

"I should go help the others move to safety...good safe..I mean...of course you'll be safe your a shinobi but...yea!"

With her shamble of words, Ayukawa quickly retreated back into the camp, aiming to help the workers in their fleeing to safety and gathering of their supplies. But would there be enough time? Already out of habit, the young girl would take hold of her pouch, which she had still resting by her camping supplies, attaching it to her hip as she readied herself.

She was hoping she wouldn't have to fight, but then again...shinobi in name or not, she had to help in anyway that she could...and in was fighting...and heavy lifting...and maybe eating contests...

Though she kept herself aware of the situation unfolding in the north, three of the odors were starting to draw closer than the guard, whom were still dealing with the heavy threat of the approaching army. Though the three that seemed to be in route were stopped by the two, it appeared that the three were about to throw Kunai in their direction. But something was clearly different about these, and very familiar in their appearance.
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

Kaze has written 571 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 21, 2022 13:24:52 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
… F-For real? Wahei’s answer threw Kojirou off guard, for he had seen the participants in the Chūnin Exams as above his own level. But… okay, winning in a 1v1 fight was different from fulfilling the requirements of becoming a Chūnin, so maybe the swordsman was merely focusing on the wrong areas. Maybe, just maybe... argh, it was confusing. His eyes did widen up in sparkles at the compliment, though – Kojirou could need some more confidence in these days.

Sadly, Wahei was unable to show him his Byakugan’s abilities just yet, for he and the swordsman were summoned by the Jounin in response to unidentified approach from the north. Wahei suggested that the swordsman stayed put in this post, keeping the rest of the workers safe – without hesitation, Kojirou nodded in response and grabbed the sheath of his katana in preparation.

Many of the workers had begun packing away their tents in response, and Kojirou quickly began aiding them in their retreat. The hooded shinobi from earlier was here too, though, so he decided to take another approach in protecting the constructors from any would-be saboteurs. From that point on, it appeared that Kojirou was aiming to stand guard at the northern part of the camp, not yet spotting that something had been thrown towards their camp from that direction.

Another Kojirou was still along with the workers and the hooded shinobi. He had performed the ‘boar’, ‘ox’, and ‘horse’ handseals to manifest a Tar Clone; while incapable of attacking the intruders, if they were to attack back at it, Kojirou hoped for the sticky properties of the clone to give him enough time to heed any sudden sounds and strike back.
last edit by Honō Kojirou on Jun 21, 2022 13:26:18 GMT -5
Koji has written 397 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 22, 2022 13:25:46 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei was glad that this hooded figure had managed to snuff out the enemy in the manner that she did. Without it all of their work would have been for nothing, and without more funding this whole mission would have been a failure. "Who knew your presence here would be so helpful. Its crazy that you're somehow not a Shinobi." Issei added before she attempted to give him a salute before acknowledging that she needed to help the others. There was something about her that he couldn't quite grasp, but it was certainly familiar. Unfortunately there was no time to find out.

"Of course, thank you again for you help, by the way w-"

Before he could get her name the hooded figure was off to help the civilians. On the side of business, If Wahei was looking to get back on the good side of Konoha he was doing a hell of a job so far. The use of his Byakugan was definitely a big help with maintaining consistent eyes on the opposition in addition to his own sensory prowess. Nevertheless, once clone (#1) dispersed he all the information he was going to need in terms of what they look like, the kind of weapons they brought along with them, or if they were already in preparation for an attack.

Issei was glad that the Kusa Shinobi showed discipline by actually doing what he asked instead of trying to play hero ball. It might not have been much to some people, but Issei had been a shinobi long enough to see how people acted whenever they want they wanted to make an impact personally, and that usually left the civilians like the ones they were in charge of helping in danger. His work in the eyes of the Uchiha would definitely not go unnoticed.

Nevertheless, his focus and Wahei's needed to be on taking out the opposition that was coming their way, and now that clone (#2) had done its job it would tagging along right with them. Albeit they would be aiming to flank towards in the enemies side so that they would not be able to see them coming with their focus being on the real Issei and Wahei. Issei knew enough about Wahei from the intel and watching him in the previous to know he was quite the skilled Suiton user.

With the enemy looking to destroy all the hours of hard work they all put into this project it was extremely important that they prevented any harm to the construction site. With his Two Tomoe Sharingan he'd be able to know the moment they made their move, and then they did attempt to throw the kunai in the direction of the construction site Issei would have taken in a deep breath before releasing a stream of fire into the direction of the enemy.

The force of the flamethrower would not only stop the tagged kunai in its track, but it would also redirect it back toward the opposition if they had not already moved out of the way. Wahei would hopefully be able to put out any fire left behind by the Uchiha in the event any of the surrounding area was affected. If not then it would only create more room for a counter assault, especially with the use of Wahei's implanted Byakugan.

Clone (#2) on the other hand would have already used the body flicker to flank toward the groups right side around the same time the real Issei and Wahei arrived. Once the combat ensues the clone would make a coughing sound loud enough for the three enemies to hear. If successful they would all suddenly feel the need to vomit or to use the toiletries bady.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
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  • NAME: Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu [Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu]
    RANK: C
    CHAKRA USAGE: Medium
    ELEMENT: Katon
    DESCRIPTION: Acquisition of this technique indicates a young Uchiha's transition to adulthood, and has thus become an identifying symbol among themselves. After performing the seals, chakra is kneaded inside the body and converted into fire which is expelled from the mouth either as a expeditious massive orb of roaring flame comparable to a comet or as a continuous flame-thrower. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface. In its comet form, this technique is capable of going as far as 40 meters. As a flamethrower, its range is shorter at 20 meters, but can engulf several oncoming projectiles and opponents. For those who posses a Katon Ability, this technique possesses the speed, power, and efficiency of a B-ranked jutsu.

    NAME: Shunshin no Jutsu [Body Flicker Technique] (used by clone)
    RANK: D
    CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
    ELEMENT: None
    DESCRIPTION: By invigorating one's entire body with chakra, a shinobi can seemingly disappear and reappear in another location faster than most people can see. Often times one's movements are disguised with the use of an extra element, be it a smoke bomb, leaves, water, sand, etc. in order to hide the user's trajectory from those with skilled eyes. Though it mimics teleportation, it is important to remember this jutsu merely boosts the agility of its user. As useful as this technique is, it can only be used 4 times in a battle thread, compounding in exertion and difficulty each time. with any more usages beyond that result in muscle tears in the legs from overexertion. The hand seal for this technique must be held until the shinobi reaches their destination, making it impossible to utilize other techniques regardless of any preparation.

    NAME: Muneyake [Sour Stomach] (used by clone)
    RANK: D
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low
    DESCRIPTION: After the user coughs, the opponent will explode into upheaval. The person or persons caught in the genjutsu feeling as if they are not only going to vomit, but be struck with the overwhelming need to use toiletries. It can catch up to three people.

last edit by UCHIHA ISSEI on Jun 22, 2022 13:30:20 GMT -5
| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 22, 2022 19:34:59 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

I won't dissapoint you.

A genin in a frontline. A medic in the frontline. But Wahei has trained as hell since the Chunin Exams. He wasn't an ordinary naive genin anymore. Neither an ordinary medic, thanks to his efforts on developing the Yūken

Though the sparkle of using it in combat was hungering up inside of him, his temperance and discipline was another qualities of the boy - "Albeit I'd love to see them bleeding inside-out" - "If we want to become a Chunin, we need to act as one. So, we are going to play by the book" - "E-eh? You've changed a lot, kiddo. Nah, I don't feel like I can call you that anymore. Ganbatte [頑張って, 'do your best'], Wahei-kun!" - Pride showing his prideness in a good way was something unnusual, but they weren't in right time or position for focusing on that. Though Wahei had a smirk in his face, it was time for business.

- Nevermind, I've noticed your shadow clone. - he said, reminding of the trick behind that interesting technique based on field experience with Shigure. - What's the COA, Senpai? - He asked, but no specific instructions came. By the look of Issei, he trusted him enough to let him follow his instincts. - "So instinct it is. I won't let you down. Eye have you, Senpai!" - So Wahei would use the byakugan to keep Issei informed about the track and timing of the enemies, pointing their constant direction, including the seconds for the clash.

Getting close enough, Wahei would slow down his pace and get at Issei's six - I got you covered. - he stated with a determinated but serious tone. Beside being a medic, he was also a support ninja after all. Thus, with a close look into their target, he'd get ready to act following Issei's lead.

"Senpai is Uchiha clan member. I've heard a lot about them, but I can't wait to see him in action" - "Stay sharp though. Don't forget you carry the legacy of a hyuga member!" - "Yeeesss... a very precious one" - "A lusty treasure we can't afford to waste, love" - "Acknowledge! I'm on it".

It was time to show what Wahei was made of. Meaning, why he was known as a promising ninja medic and for his impeccable charka control. As Issei made his attempt, Wahei prepared the hand seals for his water wall jutsu (Tiger → Snake → Rat → Snake → Tiger). But the last Tiger Seal though was a little different than its regular position, it was the same variation used when sometimes he used to activate his byakugan, specially when he needed to improve the capacity of the dojutsu. - Suiton: Suijinheki!

This was a little trick Wahei developed to simultaneous use his defensive suiton and keep his dojutsu enacted and aware of the surroundings. Though as also an accurate suiton user, the variation would also work for another purpose.

As Wahei spit and formed the wall of water, water clones inside of it were ready to pop out and strike or simply grab and hold the enemies into a wet trap, specially in case if one of the targets tried to trespass their line or even manage to get the chance to attacking Issei from his back or even try any surprising or sneaky moves. Even though he knew the second Kage Bunshin was around, it's better safe than sorry.

So his strategy was not made only to reinforce the defense of the site against the explosive tags, but also to both prevent the targets of advancing and corner and trapping them in case they tried to force a breakthrough with kawarimi or shunshin no jutsu. - "I won't dissapoint you, Senpai!".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[634 Words]

Enhance Chakra Control
Despite not have experience in the battle field, "Wahen" was created to be a "perfect ninja tool" [it doesn't mean that he really is, since he actually have flaws] and in his unknown lifespan he was submitted to all sorts of training and experiences to grant him the most accurate capacity to manipulate and control not only his mind and body but also his chakra. That's what mades him "natural" when he started to learn Ninjutsu and the reason why he showed quite facility into the basic techniques, basics of Genjutsu and mostly to acquire what it takes to become a medical ninja like his "mother". This is also what will allow him to evolve, along with future special abilities, in terms of his "water healing" technique.

Implanted Byakugan
With only one implanted Byakugan, Wahei acquired the ability to see beyond the limitations of a regular eye. When activated, his Byakugan can see in a 179.5 degree angle. On top of that he is able to see through most objects, giving him a great perception of his environment. Having only recently acquired the doujutsu, Wahei's range is limited to 100 meters, and allow him to see through Chakra barriers and other obstacles, discern clones from their makers, and the color of a person's Chakra. It also helps him identify if a genjutsu is being used or not.

Although he is capable of seeing a person's Chakra and the interior of their bodies, he cannot yet see the Chakra pathway system and its tenketsus. The usage of the Byakugan is heavy on its Chakra cost, and Wahei, despite his remarkable Chakra control, cannot keep it activated for long.

Name:Suijinheki - [Water Encampment Wall]
Suijinheki is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.

Name:Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - [Water Clone Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low (per clone)
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 22, 2022 23:28:14 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Ayukawa and Kojirou were left in charge of the safety and well-being of the workers, who were almost in full panic, but with their presence and aid, they started to calm their nerves a bit more, hiding in the protection of their tents. Kojirou added one of his tar clones to aid in that protection, and with their steadfastness, the situation seemed to fall under control.

Meanwhile, Issei and Wahei were ready to engage with their enemies and make sure the construction site would remain unharmed, and with the aid of his clone, it was three against three; the odds were in their favour.

Before the enemies could throw their Kunai, Issei greeted them with a fiery inferno from his Fire Ball Jutsu, scorching the tags before they could explode and incinerating two of the enemies, as one of them managed to avoid it just enough to escape death, except for his now scorched leg. "Argh!! It hurts!" the man screamed.

Wahei quickly reacted to avoid letting Issei's flames from spreading, and put them under control with his Water Release technique, extinguishing the flames. While he did that, the injured man tried to use the vapour to hide and escape, but he couldn't hide from a Sharingan and a Byakugan, and Issei's clone caught the man with his Genjutsu, prompting him to drop to the floor, unable to control his body from vomiting.

Immobilized by the genjutsu, the Water Clone Wahei created managed to intercept and immobilize the man, who was now at their mercy.

[Issei takes down 2. Issei's clone incapacitates 1 with Genjutsu, Wahei water clone further immobilizes him. Fire properly contained, no damage caused]

Rotation: 6/11 [Progression of the construction will continue next rotation]

No further issues this rotation.

Next rotation will be posted on June 26th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 01:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 24, 2022 10:11:49 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
age 21 years old birthday OCTOBER 12, -13SD rank SP. JOUNIN occupation WAR COUNCIL
Issei couldn't help but to be proud of what took place. The boy might have had his issues, but he was no doubt a product of the great Yuuta just like himself. It was only natural that the two of them had synergy with one another because of who their sensei was. The opposition that pushed forth here wasn't going to stand a chance. After Wahei's water wrapped up their counter assault Issei took it upon himself to use his wire to tie the man up from his shoulders down to his legs before tying the ends with two Shuriken and stabbing them into his calf muscles.

That way every time he tried to move he'd feel pain because what came next was important. After typing the man he'd Kai him from the Genjutsu that had him feeling like his entire body was losing control over him before placing his right hand beneath mans chin. "Great work Wahei. Wait to represent team three.." Issei acknowledged before lifting the mans head up so that he would be forced to stare into his red optics.

"I'm going to try to keep this as simple as possible and hopefully you don't try anything funny. If you do as I say the pain you're in will end here and we'll just simply have the authorities take you away. Free food, housing, and some labor doesn't sound too bad does it? Now.. Who are you working for and how many of you are here right now trying to destroy this project, and why?" Issei asked politely. If the man was lying his Sharingan would be able to detect it.

In the meantime while he attempted to interrogate the enemy clone (#2) and Wahei would be pulling security nearby just in case someone tried to make another move on them. The quicker they got answers the faster they could move along with investigating and putting anyone else that attempt to stop this away, or in a grave. Whatever it was they decided. Hopefully having to look at the crisp corpse of his comrades would change his mind.

  • E.P.T. | SOLE REFLEXES | HANSHA 反射 - Fighting up close in combat with Issei will prove difficult to opponents seeing as his ability to see others movements almost before they even fully develop puts them at a disadvantage. 
  • SHARINGAN | 2 TOMOE KG - Issei Sharingan now has the full reactive and Genjutsu capabilities that were withheld from him in its premature state such as being able to reactively dodge fast moving projectiles; as well as predict an opponent's moves just by watching minuscule twitches of their muscles. Issei can also see Chakra in physical form. With it Issei can not only distinguish what is being used based on its color, but can also break lower level Genjutsu.
  • SUPERIOR CHAKRA | RESERVES - with this he is able to perform use a larger repertoire of jutsu without the consequences of running out of chakra like most are accustomed to, and thus isn't limited to the amount of jutsu he can use at once. Also this ability grants him the power to user higher ranking jutsu with little to no consequences given the fact that he has a greater amount of chakra than most.
  • ENHANCED AGILITY | E.P.T - Issei is now capable of moving his body without the consequences of his muscles inability to handle his own body weight and speed. With this, he can move around almost as if the laws of physics don't apply using his near perfect movement precision.
  • DRAGON BREATH | JUTSU ENHANCEMENT - Issei can not only use the Fire Ball jutsu without handseals, but the size of it in Comet form is doubled. In addition to that its burning prowess has increased to the level of causing critical levels of damage. Likely death with a direct hit.
  • ENHANCED SPEED | E.P.T - Issei speed has reached its peak for his current class and as a result there aren't many others who can keep up him. The combination of his raw athleticism and speed make him a nightmare for anyone wishing to take him on in close range combat.
  • ----
  • ----
  • ----
  • NAME: Hantei [Judgement]
    RANK: D
    CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low
    DESCRIPTION: A skill that uses the Sharingan that allows the user to determine whether a target is lying or not through the minutest of bodily reactions of a target even if they are skilled in deception. This technique has a broad applicability, but is commonly used to seek information. Against individuals who posses Natural Lying abilities, this technique proves useless and the user remains unsure as to whether their target is being truthful or not.

| AP has written 653 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 25, 2022 16:28:11 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Wahei Avatar
age "15" years old birthday "September 28th" rank Chūnin occupation Iryō (Medic); Ne; 'Scientific'

"beyond the horizon".
"Sometimes we don't get what you want because we deserve better.
And the best is yet to come!"
Kazuhira Tsukuru Wahei

No time to waste.

Wahei and Issei were doing a good job together. They've sucessfully beaten their foes and now would attempt to collect information out from them. - What a bad luck... You'd better know we got our eyes on you, mate. - he advised, with a serious tone in contrast Issei. A little of the good cop bad cop stuff which was basic but oftenly effective.

His byakugan was activated and scanning around for more of them. He had already noticed some other enemies but the other group was taking care of them.

Things seemed to be under control around there too, and at this point they weren't far so. - Report. - Original would say, and one of his water clone's would nod while the others would assume defensive position just in case. Having the water around would make easy for him to have them on guard.

Meanwhile Issei was doing his job interrogating the captured enemy, Wahei would keep scanning the area for clues, but also tracking his clone to get sure his message would get to the right person. And since Kazuto was there in the other, he'd be the right chosen person to share and report.

[#WC] - Kazuto-senpai, Mizu bunshin Wahei presenting to report. - he'd knee in respect to his senior, awaiting for his approval so he could report - It's good to know you guys got things under control around here. - his tone has a slight of optimism, but not surprise - Original me is watching the perymeter and will report your winning here. - he said with a serious tone - I'm also here to report we've taken care of those who managed to escape. One of the enemies was restrained alive. Issei is interrogating him as we speak. - unfortunately, he couldn't exchange information because it was a mizu bunshin. But at least he could be useful for the urgent updating. - We will get in touch ASAP. Good work, everyone. - he smiled and nodded to the rest of the group, and with not furthermore due, he'd dispell into water.

"Everyone is trying their best. I need to stay focus and sharp to protect them." - Wahei would thought, while keeping his efforts to find any reamining clue from the enemy or simply to get sure the area was safe and clea. Using the tiger seal, he would prompt his byakugan in his search. Time has passed since he was dealing with it and he had improved enough to know his limits and how he could make the ability useful for mission goals. - "No time to waste!".

"From the very moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain, suffering and misery. I was also blindly obsessed with a trivial and irrational need for vengeance. But I was left behind. Alone. Forgotten. Abandoned. Forsaken. But now, the fog has been truly lifted. One can never run from its ghosts. And that’s exactly all that I am. A lost memory. An undying shadow, in this world of light. From now on, I’ll have to live up to this semi-charmed kind of life. Regardless of this phantom pain. This is my fate. This is my Destiny. It’s not the light which will guide us through the darkness, but the darkness that shall guide us through the light. Never forget. Always remember."

Ra-Ri-Ru-Re-Ro (らりるれろ).

Hold Position ! ! !
- Building up an advance post -
[ | | |  ]
[441 Words]

Name:Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - [Water Clone Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Low (per clone)
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.
MissingNo has written 491 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 25, 2022 16:38:09 GMT -5
Honō Kojirou
I have an entire world filled with reasons to become stronger!
Honō Kojirou Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday March 17th rank Chūnin occupation Academy Instructor
Kojirou could see a glowing view in the depths of the woods for a brief moment, realizing that some kind of Fire Release Jutsu had been fired out at whoever the intruders turned out to be. Silence followed afterwards, and without any means of sensing or seeing chakra, both the tar clone and Kojirou himself had no way of knowing whether the two Leaf shinobi had wrapped things up. He hoped so, deep inside…

Still, it would be a good idea to keep the tar clone standing around for a while longer. Kojirou didn’t wish to get blindsided or backstabbed with his own guards lowered. Still, though, he also wanted to check up on the workers – they had moved their items away a few blinks ago, and they were most likely the targets of the intruders spotted earlier by Issei. It gave Kojirou this tingling sense of paranoia, not knowing where a potential, sneaky one could pop up from. He held the sheath of his katana tightly, walking back to the hard-working masons and carvers. "Uhm… s-so, uh, Mizu Bunshin guys, yeah, you… one of you follow me, the rest of you go and make sure nobody’s sneaking into the camp from other sides,” he commanded, feeling quite weirded out that he’s commanding someone else’s clones. Still, Wahei gave him authority over them for the time being, so he was going to use it.


As if grabbed by the hands of death itself, Kojirou’s entire body jolted as he darted towards the workers, for but the briefest of moments had the young swordsman forgotten that- oh wait, yeah, one of the volunteers were cloaked too! Good thing that he broke his advance, albeit resulting in dirt getting kicked up underneath his soles as he might’ve scared a few men nearby. Now, he was in the close company of the hooded stranger, a little embarrassed of himself.

"… Sorryyyyy… you look a little menacing with that hood on.”
Koji has written 397 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 1]Jun 26, 2022 0:24:59 GMT -5
Saeko Ayukawa
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Saeko Ayukawa Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 15th rank Chunin occupation Operation Team Member
Beyond the Horizon
"Everythings going to be okay now...I think it's over...

The girl had managed to work with the Grass nin to help keep order within the camp, allowing for a less than dramatic fall out to occur under the previous conditions. While it seemed that the danger was mostly over and done, now came the challenge of ensuring that everyone was still capable of working by dawn. Of course, there was still plenty of time before that.

As Ayukawa stopped to watch Issei and Wahei work upon cleaning up what had happened with the attackers, even attempting to speak to one while the other one seemed to act in support. The sensation of something coming prompted her attention, yet she remained still as she turned her head slightly to see it from the corner of her eye. Her first instinct was to attack, but upon taking a sniff from the air, it was clearly one of the boys she had seen before in the cement area that had been walled off. But, why was he running...and coming directly at her. His speed was incredible, yet he didn't seem to be stopping until just a few inches away from her. With a cloud of dust built up from his halt, he'd waver a bit in his position, but in the clearly of the debris, he'd see what looked to be a more prepared stance from the young hooded figure, their leg raised close to their chest, as though ready to strike, but then lowered upon seeing him apologize.

Releasing a soft breath, Ayukawa would hear the statement about her hood making her look pretty menacing prompting her to blink from the darkness of the head piece as she scratched the side of her face.

"Sorry...I...I just don' people staring at me..."

In looking away, she'd then nod as she quickly held up her hand.

"But its really cool how you're prepared for anything...Thats awesome! And you were so fast too!"
    Tag: | Words: xxx | Notes:

-Jutsu Used-
NAME: Henge Hitomi no Jutsu [Eye Transformation Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
Much like it's parent technique Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique], this justu focuses on transformation. However, this is to a far lesser degree. By making a single rat handsign and with slight focus of the user's chakra towards their eyes. They are able to change the colour easily. This is most often used by those within the ANBU alongside the Henge Kaminoke no Jutsu [Hair Transformation Technique] for use in missions that require the Shinobi to be undercover. Thanks to the low chakra cost needed to maintain such a justu; many users keep it active throughout their day.

-Item's used-
xPuppet Arm

-S.A Used-
Lion's Sleep
Hunter instincts and experience on the hunt have granted Ayukawa insight into the minds of the prey she encounters. Animalistic encounters have allowed her to track and be capable of following those that she intends to target, at times giving her brief, but small insight into their intentions. While not fully developed, they have improved over her continued use and natural development, allowing her instincts to be heighten to a point where she isn't caught off-guard when activated or in an intense moment that requires a reaction. It also allows for her to at times get inside of the heads of her target, mostly due to their movements and their patterns once discovered. It is a skill that is constantly growing, though has yet to reach it's full potential.

In the Jungle
To survive in the desert, one must be able to keep up with not just the prey, but also to outrun the wild predators as well. Ayukawa training and life in the wilderness and vast landscape has prepared her for such events. Her genetics in relation to the Saeko Clan have given her an edge in physical combat, along with making her much more agile. Living out in the desert has also made her incredibly durable due to the intense environment surrounding her, along with possessing a high amount of physical stamina.
Kaze has written 571 posts