beyond the horizon [Group 2]

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beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 12, 2022 22:57:32 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Once he perceived the approach of the individuals from the north, Mitsuda diligently informed the others. They were still far and it was, at this point, impossible to determine their numbers, but without any actual sensors among the ones who were responsible for guarding the perimeter other than the sage himself, they were basically in the dark. Even for Mitsuda, it was hard sensing them for they didn't seem to have a significant chakra signature, which likely meant that they were either suppressing it or they were not capable of using chakra.

With the snakes and wolves taking care of assessing the situation, it wouldn't be until a few hours later, as the dark shroud of the night covered the skies, that the people would be coming within range. There were 10 of them, spreading out to cover a larger area from the north. They were trying to sneak through the forest and although they were capable in their stealthy skills, they were not capable of avoid the sharp senses of the summoned beasts, and as such, the Shinobi would be ready to intercept them if they so choose to.

Those without particularly sharp senses would have trouble seeing in details, but the people there were carrying dangerous equipment.

[There are 10 bandits in the area. People without sharp senses or means to find them within this rotation will need to work on finding them, those who can are free to engage if they so choose to. They are carrying weapons and balls of explosive tags]

Rotation: 4/10

10 enemies appeared in this rotation, approaching from the north.

Next rotation will be posted on June 16th at 11:45 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 15, 2022 22:04:28 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

The identification of the direction in which an enemy was coming or at least a perceived enemy was given. It was nice to have an idea of where trouble was going to be coming from, but the reaction of the team wasn't quite what she expected. This was a mission to build a thing, well her goal was to protect the building, but still they had a structure and position still in 'creation'. Surely they'd want to avoid the enemy arriving here, so everyone gathering and taking shifts didn't quite jibe with the elite jounin.

"I haven't slept once so far and won't need to, I'll go north and draw them out. I-uh, don't have the sense to sense them, but uh. I can be a pretty loud distraction and I'm like overly confident this alpha predator can't be downed by anything they've brought!" The shark would boost despite likely appearing like an almost child to everyone in the group. She'd possibly be known enough by Daisuke to know she was far beyond her looks spoke in age, but regardless her age she'd arrived and existed with the proof of her jounin assessment.

Her plan wasn't wonderful, but she had a good feeling these people wouldn't be wielding her. At least certainly not well, so she'd have to rely on their unarmed abilities. Worlds greatest weapon and not a soul who knew how to use it, she'd think but looking to Ha Ha sigh at her 'last resort'. "My panda isn't the most trusting of people, but he'll keep this camp guarded. I'll make a fuss, you all just need to monopolize on it." Chuya would explain and unless specifically stopped, she'd make sure she was at the front line of the wolf and snake army.

Clearing her throat and letting out a deep exhale, Chuya would breath in to start singing. Starting with something a touch soothing, shifting to a more sea shanty tune, before finally breaking down to singing nonsense. "Baby Shark, do-do-do, Baby Shark!" Her goal was to stick out like a sore thumb, so much so that the snakes wolves and teammates would be missed. She had a shinobi headband and a weapon in the form of her trident in hand. She hadn't the physical mass to really take on shinobi, but she had the skill and knowledge to engage them in a 'never ending' battle of her blocking, dodging and running. Even if they had the skill to hit her, she'd seem to substitute with a trident. At least that'd be the most likely reaction to seeing the alpha predator suddenly poof into her trident.

Ha Ha her panda would be directed and left now at the camp, it'd seem to not want to be immediately next to those working or the other shinobi protecting the camp. However the panda was still a very large bear and thus could be seen as imposing. It'd watch the edge of the woods north, as to wait and be expecting for their companion. Unlike Chuya this animal would be asleep at times during it's watch.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 30 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 16, 2022 14:00:18 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Something about this morning seemed off to the young chuunin. Everything around him was normal. Quite, still, but nothing that would have raised an alarm had it not been for a simple gut feeling that something was off.

Daisuke would take a moment, then, to wander slightly from his post. His eyes darted around, drifting across the seen horizon with no sight of the Jonin who had been tasked with keeping guard. It brought a certain unease to the sage apprentice, even more so than before.

"God dammit…” Daisuke said under his breath, before he would take pause, and bring his hand to his mouth, and bite the meat near his thumb and palm.

A quick display of handseals before slamming his hand into the ground would cause a puff of smoke to erupt before him, three wolves appearing from the fog. Two smaller timber wolves, Ino and Oki, and a large gray wolf by the name of Gaara. Three of the five tracker pack.

"Gaara,” Daisuke started, his eyes turning to the north. "Something doesn’t seem right. Take Ino and Oki and run a perimeter. Tell me if you hear or smell anything that might be cause for concern.

The three wolves turned to each other, taking the apprentices command before they would dart off to the west and work their way clockwise around the encampment.

"Man do I hope I’m wrong about this…


Temp By: Akira

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium? (two D Rank Summons, One C Rank Summon)
One of the most common and beneficial techniques in the known shinobi world. Simply drawing blood and releasing a mass of chakra from one's extended hand is capable of calling an animal or otherwise to one's location. As a Space-Time Ninjutsu, this technique is capable of instantly displacing an intended summon from wherever they may be to the requested location, though there are obstacles that can prevent this. To use this jutsu, one must first make a contract with whatever they are summoning, living creature or not. Both the size and the stamina of what a shinobi calls upon increases the demand of chakra they must spend to perform the jutsu.

Gaara SA’s active

Tracking: Gaara acts as a member of the Hunter Pack as their most skilled tracker. He has an excellent sense of smell and can stay locked on a specific scent to track it for 15 kilometers, even through rain. He also has very acute sight for things out of place, noticing in small detail if items have been disturbed from their norm, further improving his ability to detect where his target might have gone. Though these abilities are far from perfect and Gaara can sometimes be wrong, or even lose track of who or what he is tracking, though this is very uncommon for the wolf.

Pack Mentality: A trait that all five of the "Hunter Pack” have in common. The group of wolves all have a pack mentality and almost seem to operate under a hive mind. They are able to work together as a solid unit, each of them able to adapt to situations seemingly without flaw, as if they wolves were able to read each other's minds during their given task. It is because of this mentality and their ability to work together that these wolves are so dangerous when they are all in a group.

Ino & Oki SA

Pack Mentality: A trait that all five of the "Hunter Pack” have in common. The group of wolves all have a pack mentality and almost seem to operate under a hive mind. They are able to work together as a solid unit, each of them able to adapt to situations seemingly without flaw, as if they wolves were able to read each other's minds during their given task. It is because of this mentality and their ability to work together that these wolves are so dangerous when they are all in a group.

Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 18, 2022 12:50:44 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Chuya took the lead and went into the woods to drag out the enemies so they could more easily fight them, and since nobody opposed her plan, she was free to do as she wished. And her strategy worked. The man noticed her sticking up like a sore thumb and they went on to try and engage, throwing kunais at the Elite Jounin, who almost effortlessly dodged it while running around, much to the man frustration. That helped keep the snakes and wolves sent by Kazuto and Mitsuda concealed from the men. Chuya continued to do that, luring them closer to where her allies would be, and while she did that, Daisuke decided to also help and sent his wolves to join the fray.

Gaara would quickly turn around and run back to Daisuke to inform him they were being attacked by bandits and ask for further instructions, while the other two aided Chuya in keeping most of them busy. And they were successful to a degree. Three of them managed to make their way past the Elite Jounin, as they decided not to chase her, and made their way towards the camp. The other seven were still trying - and failing - to hit Chuya. "We will need to use that..." one of them said to the others, and they nodded.

[3 of them moved to engage group 1, Chuya is keeping 7 of them busy]

Rotation: 5/10 [Progression of the construction paused until interference ceases]

10 enemies appeared in this rotation, approaching from the north.

Next rotation will be posted on June 22th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 20, 2022 10:26:34 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


With the new information recieved from his wolves, Daisuke felt he had no other choice than to take action. From what he'd been told, Chuya was dealing with the bulk of the threat now, but a small handful of bandits had slipped past her to the north. Without any other thought in his mind, Daisuke knew he had to help and cut off the bandits heading for the building site.

With the three wolves leading the way, Daisuke would soon find himself before the bandits moving to the construction site.

"Thanks for the help you three. Kota and I will take it from here.” Daisuke said with a smirk, putting himself in direct line of the bandits.

With a quick few handsels, Daisuke would again slam his hand onto the ground, and as the three wolves soon bursted into smoke and dissappeared, their larger bretheren would replace them.

The large black wolf could immediately feel Daisuke's presence and energy, and Kota knew quick why he'd been summoned once more.

"So what's the plan, Daisuke?” The wolf growled.

"Intervene. None get passed us.

Both Daisuke and Kota would grin as the wolf nodded his head. Without hesitation the two would rush forward, Daisuke flickering his hands once more as six basketball sized orbs of water appeared and began spiraling around him. With a snap of his fingers, Kota would fire off a ball of lightning toward the closest bandit, but as the ball traveled, Daisuke would move one of his orbs of water in the same direction. Like a canonball, the orb of water would launch forward, soon absorbing the ball of lightning that Kota had used prior and combine with it. No doubt, if the projectile had it, it was sure to cause an array of damage.


Temp By: Akira

Summery: Gaara, Ino, and Oki unsummoned, and Kota summoned to replace them. Daisuke and Kota move to intercept the bandits - Kota uses Thunder Shot, which is then absorbed and combined with a single orb from Daisuke's Divine Guardian to increase the effectiveness of both techniques, provided the now singular orb of water and lightning hit the target. Daisuke has 5 Divine Guardian orbs remaining.

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability


Tooth and Claw - Enhanced Size and Strength
Tenacious Predator - Enhanced Speed and Endurance

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Medium (One C Rank Summon)
One of the most common and beneficial techniques in the known shinobi world. Simply drawing blood and releasing a mass of chakra from one's extended hand is capable of calling an animal or otherwise to one's location. As a Space-Time Ninjutsu, this technique is capable of instantly displacing an intended summon from wherever they may be to the requested location, though there are obstacles that can prevent this. To use this jutsu, one must first make a contract with whatever they are summoning, living creature or not. Both the size and the stamina of what a shinobi calls upon increases the demand of chakra they must spend to perform the jutsu.

NAME: Kami Hogo-sha [Divine Guardian]
The user forms several tiny condensed balls of tiny, yet powerful, suiton spheres around them. They will float around the user until the shinobi decides to active them, leaving them as a passive technique until she calls upon them. These little balls can be used for several things, and either activated one at a time or all at the same time. Ultimately, they serve as a second defense for the shinobi as they are prepared to be used any moment and already created so that there is no further preparation needed. These spheres can be used to deflect incoming attacks , used as a water source for the shinobi later on, or be charged toward an opponent as a high speed ball.


NAME: Raiton: Kaminaridama [Lightning Release: Thunder Shot]
A simple technique based almost entirely on the Suiton: Teppōdama, the user focuses chakra into their gullet before firing a sizable ball of electricity which travels for about 30 meters before exploding. When it reaches its max range or hits a solid target the ball of electricity will explode in a 3 meter concussive blast, as well as electrocuting anything nearby.
last edit by Kojima Daisuke on Jun 20, 2022 10:28:14 GMT -5
Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 20, 2022 15:59:51 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Things now where in motion. Whilst both Kumo shinobi, Chuya and Daisuke had began to stop the enemy or at the very least try to delay it. He had heard the wolves from the young sage but he didn't recognize his own. He supposed that for the time being he would prepare defenses and make be for all effects and purposes the last line of defense. Work wouldn't progress unless the safety of the construction crew could be ensured. Briefly he wondered how the other group would be doing, but in truth he needed to focus on the enemy that could come in front of him.

Hands went into the one of his pouches, plucking three of his marked kunai. He looked around, scanning the area as he would see choke points, cul de sacs, fallback points and anything in the middle of this impromptu battlefield that could be used as a location to lay a trap of move away and mount a counter attack. A group of trees, the building that seemed to be in the midst of destruction and renewal, the road that lead into and out of the camp. He tossed the kunai to those locations, the sound of the steel whistling through the air like a whisper and then the clash of steel against wood, brick and the stab against the dirt of the road.

Whoever saw it would consider it to be a meaningless gesture, something to try to scare of, for the kunai were weapons that were a dime a dozen. And now he only did what he could do, wait and see that his enemies would come, crossing his arms as he stood sentinel to where his allies were fighting. "And so it begins." He muttered.









Harukei has written 2,175 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 21, 2022 14:50:31 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

"Oh, nyo! Not that!" Chuya among the chaos would be more or less quite vigilant to her opponents, she had over a hundred years of combat skill after all. So she was as much up in their faces as their displayed inexperience would allow her. The fact they'd make such a statement though meant there was either more to come or these people had some specific strategy. She'd have to be careful either way, especially as a few slipped by her already. So much attention drawn, she couldn't comprehend why it'd not been taken advantage. She was up shit creek without a paddle, well more accurately she was a paddle up shit creek without a person.

There however were things the shark was capable, if they'd let her on them she could try biting them. Her avatar had chompers, but the force of her blows. If they weren't sure she was a threat, then that'd probably be the dead giveaway. There was still aces up her sleeve though, so she'd attempt to focus on those who seemed to be coordinating. As well as those most grouped together, it was probably a waste, but she'd surge a massive amount of chakra into her glass trident. The weapon converting her suiton chakra into water, as she'd suddenly unleash a large pools worth of water upon whoever was closest with the most around them.

It was no marvel of what many shinobi could perform with jutsu of that cost, but she doubted anyone knew Shark Torpedo or Wild Fire of the Blue Dragon. In order to properly get the usage out of her own reserves. Circumventing these people from performing 'that', whatever it might be, became her center focus. Though she wasn't going to pursue them away from the camp further. None braver than the snakes, wolves and shark at the frontline!

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 30 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 21, 2022 16:49:06 GMT -5
Kekkan Mitsuda
You'll do it my way, or I'll do it myself.
Kekkan Mitsuda Avatar
age 158 years old birthday 11/12 rank Elite Jounin occupation Sannin
[newclass=.mitsuda]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda b]color:#337733;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda i]color:#687768;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
[attr="class","mitsuda"]Mitsuda had taken more time than he had needed, and due to that, it seemed as though the others in his group had fallen into a bit of trouble. Chuya had her hands full, but Mitsuda admittedly felt torn between protecting the Chuunin, Daisuke, and helping Chuya rid of some of the devils on her hands.

He would click his teeth. Chuya was a fully-fledged Elite Jounin, and as much as he wanted to assist her to quickly rid of the bandits, his job was to protect the weaker of the group, and that meant Daisuke if he kept rank in mind.

With this thought, Mitsuda quickly rushed to Daisuke’s side, and he would cover it carefully, assisting him and his wolves with their attack. The Sage would quickly release a flurry of handseals, and in the face of his enemies would spit at them with a dangerous venom, ensuring that he did not catch an ally in the midge of the chaos.

Anyone hit with the attack would find themselves inhaling it, and they would begin to feel the effects of the venom almost immediately. Their extremities would become numb, and they would twitch, making their grip upon anything unreliable, and their knees easier to cave.

The man would assist Daisuke to rid of the bandits before him as quickly as possible. His safety was the Sage’s responsibility, and that is what he would do, although it looked as though Daisuke was handling himself well enough as it was.

Mitsuda removed his chakram from his side, slinging them in the direction of the bandits, and after it had passed them, he would call them back, hopefully hitting one in the back with the poison-coated chakram in the process. After all, most would not expect it to return so quickly or at all.

mint has written 55 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 22, 2022 23:17:50 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Daisuke approached the place where Chuya kept the enemies busy and unsummoned his wolves. Meanwhile, Chuya began the assault on the enemies, unleashing a large pool of water on a group of three enemies piled together. One of them managed to jump out of the way, but the other three were taken out by the strength of the Jounin's attack.

After quickly assessing the situation, Kazuto threw kunais marked with his seal to key locations around the area, which could come in handy later on as well, and stood there waiting for the enemies, in case they made it pass his allies.

Daisuke and Kota were ready to attack, and when the enemy fled from Chuya's attack, his relief was short-lived as he was caught by the Chuunin's attack. The combo of Water and Lightning was more than enough to fry the enemy, and he was able to quickly follow up and eliminate yet another one.

While he was attacking, the last remaining two went on to grab their explosive kunais, but before they could throw it at Daisuke, Mitsuda, who bolted into battle like a blur, hit them with his deadly poisonous spit, and the man fell to the ground, dying in pain. He didn't even need his chakram, they were all taken care of now.

Hopefully, the ones who managed to sneak past them wouldn't prove to be much trouble to their allies near the construction site.

[Chuya takes down 3. Daisuke takes down 2. Mitsuda takes down 2. Enemies eliminated]

Rotation: 6/11 [Progression of the construction will continue next rotation]

No further issues this rotation

Next rotation will be posted on June 26th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 24, 2022 7:53:31 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


With the snake sage moving to assist him, Daisuke actually found himself feeling a fair bit upset. He was confident in the abilities of himself and Kota, and dealing with three bandits was not something he would have thought to himself as a difficult ordeal to manage. His ally of the cloud, however, was dealing with the much larger mass of the force, so wouldn't it have made more sense to help her first?

Admittedly, there was a large part of his mind that wanted to argue the subject, but the young sage was starting to grow. He'd take heed of the words of his tutors, swallow his pride and ego, and find some gratitude for Mitsuda moving into position next to him.

"Thanks.” Daisuke said gruffly. 'Now be the change you want to see.'

The words echoed in his mind, and rather than barking orders to the Hidden Leaf's sage, Daisuke would just move himself to assist Chuya.

"I take it you and the Senju can cover the rest? We'll help Chuya.

With that, Daisuke and Kota would leave their matters for Mitsuda and Kazuto, bolting up to Chuya's side to lend her aid.


Temp By: Akira

Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 26, 2022 18:17:41 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya couldn't help feeling impressed by her attacks ability to put down opposition. These might not of really been a shinobi opposition after all, they'd be possibly armed or have a weapon worth worrying about. However it'd seem their conflict was quick and of the ten there'd only be three remaining. There'd been in the sharks eyes the expectation she'd be a distraction other struck upon, but now it'd seem the assistance was arriving.

A smug look of discrete childish pride would fill the relic. It'd seem the first to arrive was of course a Kumogakure shinobi, he didn't seem to scream trident or spear user. However she'd re-note the man's use of a pole at least once and like everyone's had to swing a stick. Surely there was something to go off here right? "Hey! Put this on!" Chuya would announce to the chuunin, as she'd quickly toss a small gold bracelet over to him. If he'd put it on, she'd retreat back to him and extend her wrist out to him.

"Take my wrist!" She'd declare and if grabbed she'd quickly shapeshift, an almost water looking substance suddenly shifting from the sharkettes frame and into the legendary trident. It'd be a bonding moment, as a sense of connection would link between the two. Chuya creating her own visage within a mind space of Daisuke if willing. She'd walk him through fighting any enemies if there was more to face off immediately, but she'd likely be disappointed at the males lack of discipline in her art.

If there weren't any enemies or word of other enemies incoming, Chuya would use the mind space to state to Daisuke childishly. "Alright, so when we go back. Tell everyone you found me dying and I gave you my trident. We'll see if they believe it!" Chuya would state with a laugh, as she'd clearly see it more as a joke than a serious suggestion. She however was fully intrigued with whether or not the Kumogakure sage apprentice would take her aid in this whole event, as well as if he'd listen to her commands. She did out rank him after all.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 30 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 27, 2022 11:29:49 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

If there was anything that Kazuto had gathered from the fight, was that it had been too easy. Easy enough for his preparations to mean for little when the shinobi of Kumoagakure had dispatched their enemies and even those that slipped their grasp struck down by the might of the Snake Sage with an unbelievable ease. These shinobi were, if he could call them that, not very skilled or simply cannon fodder to test them. Or to distract them from a larger scheme that still remained unseen. The evidence was there.

He didn't doubt on the quality of his allies. The Sage apprentice from Kumogakure was more than capable. The strange woman or girl, he couldn't be sure, was more than what her appearance suggested and to underestimate her was for all intends and purposes a fatal error. And of course, Mitsuda was, like all Snake Sages he had met, eerie and powerful, someone whose sole presence was enough to turn the tide of any fight. As Daisuke would tell Mitsuda and Kazuto of whether they had this area secured, the Senju simply nodded but that sense of foreboding didn't left him even when it seemed that all enemies had been taken down.

All he could do, all anyone could do really, was for them to wait and see. Perhaps this was it and the rest of the construction would seem easy. Still he lowered his expectations on what could happen and he mentally prepared for the worse.









Harukei has written 2,175 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 27, 2022 13:49:20 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

After taking care of the bandits, Chuya tossed a small, gold bracelet over to Daisuke, so that the Chuunin could have access to her aid if needed. It was up to him if he was going to wear it or not, but the offer was on the table.

There were no further enemies there, and even though they still looked around for it, nobody else showed up, or was detected by the snakes and wolves. Still, Kazuto couldn't help but to feel something odd was going on. Soon after that, a Water Clone of Wahei approached Kazuto and said: Kazuto-senpai, Mizu bunshin Wahei presenting to report." kneeling and waiting for approval before continuing his report. "It's good to know you guys got things under control around here. Original me is watching the perimeter and will report your winning here. I'm also here to report we've taken care of those who managed to escape. One of the enemies was restrained alive. Issei is interrogating him as we speak. We will get in touch ASAP. Good work, everyone. and then the clone vanished as it became just a puddle of water.

The next day would come and work would continue, but there was this eerie feeling in the air as if something bad was about to happen.

[Kazuto has the opportunity to try and interrogate the prisoner or leave it to Issei. Please state on this next rotation what your characters will be doing to cover the perimeter for the upcoming days]

Rotation: 7/11

No further issues this rotation

Next rotation will be posted on June 30th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 28, 2022 8:24:28 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Daisuke's mind was something of a void in the heat of battle. He kept his thoughts clear, acting much more on instinct. He and Kota both always seemed to have greater success when they simply acted, making decision in the moment. That said, Daisuke would put up no argument when Chuya approached and tossed him the bracelet. He couldn't have been sure why exactly she would make such a request, but he would quickly find out as he slipped the bracelet on and grabbed the little sharks wrist.

Water would shimmer around her as she twirled through the air, shifting her form into a magnificent trident. A feeling of awe would soon come over Daisuke, a strange power almost tingling at his fingertips as Chuya's voice echoed in his mind. A proud smirk crossed his face as he went through a few basic motions with the new weapon, once Kota would affirm that the coast was clear, the wolf no longer able to smell any new traces in their immediate vicinity that would match the bandits they had just fought.

"So how does this whole thing work exactly?” Daisuke would ask, more rhetorically than anything, though he wouldn't be surprised if Chuya would have given him an answer to better clarify how she could do what she did, or any inticacies that may have come with her new form.

He'd chuckle at her request to claim her dead, feeling a bit of hesitancy to fulfill her ask, worrying if it might leave a bad impression on him. Then again, she wouldn't really have been dead, right? So what was the harm?

Daisuke would soon make his approach to the others, Kota at his side and Chuya in his hand, only catching the tail end of the conversation the water clone was having with Kazuto.

"Well, I guess with any good news, there's gotta be some bad.” Daisuke said, piping up as he turned his head to the side, doing his best to look upset. "I was too slow getting to Chuya. She... She gave me this with her dying breath.” The chunin would say, lifting the trident in his hand, before the corner of his mouth tugged upward in a sly smirk.


Temp By: Akira

Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 1, 2022 21:52:58 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

"You know, you hit people with the pointy end!" The voice would come from everywhere and nowhere, yet somehow the chuunin would know it was coming from the trident. Chuya's voice clearly drove the message and it was a bit of a joking response, as she'd point out how a trident works. "If you're afraid to get close you can throw me like a javelin." Chuya would add in a more smug tone, fiendishly chuckling at her own fraternizing comments. Her teasing words only present in the younger shinobi's head as she lacked a mouth now to speak them.

"If you've got any techniques inline with me, we can share the chakra burden to lessen your burnout... Uh... if that doesn't work out, well I can try to guide you, but even if not you've still got the best weapon in hand. I'm durable, deadly and this isn't even my final form!" Chuya would attempt to be more cordial to her new likely temporary meister. She wondered who'd be more talented him or her panda, but she had faith in the Kumogakure shinobi. He did after all meet the bravery test of coming to her frontline position first. He was also a Kumogakure shinobi, if she choose the village to migrate her people, then clearly it had to be a place of superior shinobi.

Thankfully she'd put her trust in the right guy, as he'd even take the risk of looking foolish reporting her death. She stopped caring about her appearance especially it being silly long ago. When she decided being a valuable weapon was more important than learning the skill to simply wield one better. She knew though in her soul, she'd made the right decision all those years ago. Once the two konoha shinobi panic, she'd pop-out all boo! Gotcha! Or maybe she'd see how long it'd take them to realize she wasn't actually dead. She did get substantially more rest being a trident than her avatar and she had exhausted a lot of chakra to drop a pool of water. Yes, it was time to watch the discourse unfold.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 30 posts