beyond the horizon [Group 2]

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beyond the horizon [Group 2]May 26, 2022 11:47:09 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

The Hidden Leaf Village was working towards making the Land of Fire a safer place for its citizens. Although no war had been declared, the tensions were continuously rising in the ninja world. With a territory as wide as they had, having advanced outposts was a logical decision, which would allow the shinobi of the Leaf to detect threats in advance and respond to them in time.

The location selected for the building of this advanced outpost was in the southern pennisula of the Land of Fire, on the border of the Land of Mountains, in the bay that acted as the gateway of the country by sea.

The increased security would also help the economy: a safe country is a prosperous one.

The first to arrive were the Jounin who were in charge of scouting the area around the construction site. Their objective was to make sure nobody sneaks past their perimetre, creating a safe area for the labourers to work on the outpost fort. After an initial scouting of the area, no immediate threats were detected.

Two days later, the construction workers would arrive, accompanied by the Chuunin and Genin. The first would be in giving immediate assistance to the construction workers, taking on the heavy part of the labour, while the Genin would assist with the material and repairing tools as needed.

The construction of the outpost began with no issues or interferences, and no immediate threats were detected.

Please see map above for reference on areas and location (red area = construction area / blue area = repairs and supply area). The map will be updated with each rotation to represent your actions.

There are two threads in place, but there's a possibility of integration in case it is needed.

You can make your initial post taking these points into account: It has been a week and the construction is progressing smoothly. No threats detected thus far, and no accidents. You are free to summarise what you character did during the week, or you can merely post what course of action you will be taking moving forward.

Each group will have 48 hours to post (there's no turn order for the participants), but due to my current situation (power outage), until further notice, the deadline to post will be increased to 96 hours per group (I deeply apologize for the inconvenience).

Next rotation will be posted on May 30th at 12:30 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]May 26, 2022 12:44:10 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


"Man, what a bunch of bullshit,” Daisuke said out loud, his attention set on Kota as he express his frustrations. "Who the hell is in charge of this whole operation, the Hokage? And where is he, dammit? I know they said all chunin would be left to deal with construction, but I'm a sage apprentice, didn't Kaede tell the Raikage I was supposed to work with the other jonin?

The past week Daisuke had done as he had been told, albeit begrudgingly, praying he could have a word with the Hokage himself to give the guy a piece of his mind. Regardless of the fact that Daisuke couldn't use sennin mode like a true sage yet, he knew his strength, and it certainly felt waisted tasked with helping build an outpost rather than protecting its construction. Besides, no one else needed to know he still couldn't balance natural chakra yet, right? At least his ego would agree with him.

The wolf beside him growled lowly as Daisuke went on to carry some of the remaining resources needed for construction into the building site. "You know, you really should reframe from letting your pride get the better of you. Embrace where you're at, as it's exactly where you should be. Consider this an application of humility.” Daisuke lifted his nose at the idea, nearly dropping the large posts he carried to emphasize his mood. "Oh, gee, thanks for the wisdom Don'yokuna. I'll really try and take that to heart.” The apprentice said with a tsk.

He was right though. Kota always seemed to be, lately. Like the wolf knew so much more than Daisuke himself, and if the chunin only did as he was told, then everything in his life would fall right into place. He'd learn humility, practice mindfulness, and attain the wisdom that came with being a sage if he only did what Kota said. Well, fuck that noise. Daisuke knew he was an egotistical prick sometimes, but Kota was in the same place as Daisuke, wasn't he? Both of them were supposed to learn with one another, only it seemed like the wolf was the only one who took any of the mental and spiritual training to heart. It was as if their strengths always rivaled one another's weaknesses. Daisuke knew he had power, and had to work on everything inside to attain a balance with the world around him, and if you'd ask him, Kota was just the opposite. Maybe that's why Don'yokuna and Kaede paired the two together...

Daisuke would let out a sigh though, feeling his previous out-lash creeping back into his mind to prove just how childish he still really was. "You don't always have to hit the nail so hard on the head you know.” He said under his breath, almost embarrassed by how accurate Kota's assessment was.

"Well, I still wanna talk with him first chance I get. We should be with the jonin, you know? Isn't Mitsuda sensei supposed to be here too? He can vouch for me, let him and I work as a team, and maybe I can get some sage training in while we scout the area.” Kota's head almost recoiled at the thought, a small smirk crossing the wolf's face as he turned to look at his companion. "You know, I think that might be one of the smartest things you've ever suggested, Daisuke.” The wolf chuckled. "Oh, shut up, mut,” Daisuke said, laughing a bit himself.


Temp By: A

last edit by Kojima Daisuke on May 26, 2022 12:45:23 GMT -5
Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]May 28, 2022 0:18:24 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Kazuto sighed and rubbed his temples with index finger or thumb before shaking his head in disapproval. Whoever had made their discontent with his assigned duties was either too confident on his own abilities, enough to allow bravado to cloud his judgment, or simply failed to understand the importance of this. It wasn't a voice he could recognize which led him to surmise that it was someone from one of the allied villages. He knew things were dire in their allied village but he could only dread to imagine that the indiscipline that whoever had shouted was endemic with the ranks of the shinobi from the cloud.

He could only hope that there would be actual bite and no bluster behind his words. Deciding not to raise the issue and let the topic rest, assuming that any other shinobi from Kumo were to reprimand the infraction, he moved to his own task. Like many times before, the sea would greet him, the vast ocean stretching as far was the eye could see as the sun began to rise casting its light on the surface. Many leagues beyond there would be enemy territory. He gave little thought to this and concentrated on setting perimeters, hands tracing on the cliff that led into the white sand of the shore. Leaving a mark every fifteen meters from which he could use to retreat if the time came and finding a location that he could use as a vantage point.

There wasn't much to say in cover. Driftwood that had managed to made it to the beach with the tide, roots that had broken the stone through time and had mingled with the sand below, a few scattered rocks too small to be considered a boulder or a viable cover. He supposed that to stay here and wait as the best that he could do, even if he didn't like the idea of just being a sitting duck. "'Never wish for danger. Danger needs no help. There is no such thing as fate that can be tempted, but morale is never improved by an active lust for war." Kazuto murmured softly, as he made his mental preparations for battle.








Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]May 28, 2022 17:41:51 GMT -5
Kekkan Mitsuda
You'll do it my way, or I'll do it myself.
Kekkan Mitsuda Avatar
age 158 years old birthday 11/12 rank Elite Jounin occupation Sannin
[newclass=.mitsuda]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda b]color:#337733;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda i]color:#687768;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
[attr="class","mitsuda"]The Leaf was more of a thorn in his side these days than not. A simple yawn escaped his mouth, but his eyes remained focused and decisive. Mitsuda had been pulled to assist in guarding the construction of an outpost for the Leaf. While it was something he would agree they needed, he also did not feel as though his help was really needed. A favor for a favor, though, he supposed. He owed more than his life to the village over the years, even with all the work he had done to protect and serve its people. Now, with Yaki being a focus in his work, his eyes looked forward more to settling down than assisting in something as needless as this, but orders were orders.

So far, everything had gone well. The Jounin assigned had secured a perimeter, and the Chuunin and Genin had already begun their work on the construction. They had been at this site for a week now, and Mitsuda was growing ever impatient. Mitsuda was left mostly to his own devices but would regularly send snakes to check on the other Jounin in charge of securing the perimeter. His jutsu worked well enough in relaying these messages in a timely manner without chakra consumption being much or an issue at all.

His group was oddly scattered, something he didn’t like the thought of, and the only familiar name among the ranks was a Senju by the name of Kazuto. Renown for his Mokuton, Mitsuda found himself intrigued. He knew little to nothing about the Chuunin under their care outside of the name Kojima Daisuke. The Sage did, however, find it odd that Keisuke would allow for a Chuunin from another village to aid in the construction. Perhaps Mitsuda was simply too skeptical.

Mitsuda stood entirely still, meditating to himself as he would gather Nature Chakra within his body. He had done so daily, ensuring that his reserves were well in place should something happen to go wrong. His snakes would aid him in the stillness, and another three snakes that had previously been released from his body was acting as a double set of eyes for securing the perimeter.

mint has written 55 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]May 29, 2022 19:31:11 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya wasn't sure if the Raikage was sick of her presence or that her village was truly this short handed. She didn't mind going to Konoha's aid, they'd come to Kumogakure's aid in the past. Granted there'd been a chance long ago that Konoha's shinobi might of been the evictors of her clan. She'd trust them about as far as she could throw them, which as a weapon whose strength is in durability not muscle power. She wasn't throwing anyone far, but it was them who needed to trust her or perhaps trust that she wasn't a genin. There were however no looks to be gotten at the perimeter, it'd seem all the youth was put forth to manual labor!

Nothing like child labor, it was the backbone of their modern society. The proud adults and alpha predator assigned to simply keep intrusion out. Sadly a lot of what gave Chuya umph wasn't present on this mission. She had no human meister, but luckily she wasn't alone. She had her faithful Giant Panda, Ha Ha with her. The bear was certainly large enough to be a threat to most bandits or ill mannered eyes. However this bear was special, it had the ability to wield Chuya, but that was still far less imposing than true shinobi on legendary weapon action. Her beast though was likely spending most of the week getting comfortable with their neck of the protected woods.

Ha Ha wasn't the bravest of souls, so he'd keep likely closer to the building of the outpost, but not too close to have to worry about groups trying to touch him. He knew he was here to 'defend', but he'd struggle to look tough around allies. Chuya on the other hand was a weapon, she hadn't any need to eat, sleep or drink. Her weight and small form made it easy for her to hop around tree to tree relatively quietly. Attempting to find good perches and look out spots, as to get the best advantage on spotting any trouble. She probably couldn't 'fend' off a shinobi, but she could certainly a bandit or dangerous animal. On top of that she was a perfect distraction. If they attacked her first, she probably couldn't be felled to them.

Despite the best wishes of her Konoha allies, she'd not be the voice of reason they wanted. Instead she'd be mentally rooting on her Kumogakure teammate. 'That's the spirit fight for your right to stand out. Be the jounin you want to be...' And other miss guided over optimistic thoughts, she certainly didn't have the physical force or even really the overwhelming image to convince the shinobi to change their way. She might of been an elite jounin, but her actual position held no weight in Kumogakure's grand plan.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 1, 2022 8:22:16 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Daisuke had been helping with the construction initially, and he was loathing the blue collar work, but life does suck at times, and we just have to power through. His lack of motivation was being noticed, however, and some of the construction workers were trying to keep a healthy distance from the boy; they didn't want to get into trouble, not really knowing Daisuke and such.

Kazuto continued to watch out for threats, but nothing in the horizon. The sea breeze lightly touched his hair, and the waves softly crashed into the rocks in the bay area, while some seagulls insisted on singing their own never ending song; pleasant to some, annoying to others.

Mistuda stood still like a Buddharupa, gathering his natural energy by a cliff, with a privileged view of the construction site. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening, and no presences were felt in the meantime.

However, the oddest of all was most likely Chuya, or rather Ha Ha, the Giant Panda wielding a trident who was, in fact, the Cloud Shinobi. Gazes were thrown at their direction every now and then, going from curiosity to fear, but the workers mostly kept it to themselves.

Rotation: 2/10

No issues.

Next rotation will be posted on June 5th at 10:00 am EST.

Group 02:

last edit by Ren on Jun 1, 2022 8:22:31 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 2, 2022 15:08:44 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


By now, it was hard to say Daisuke wasn’t beginning to feel a bit defeated with the task of menial labor. He’d been here for a few days now and still no sight of the Hokage.

But, despite his struggles, the young sage was trying to take it as Kota said, and learn the lesson of humility. Often with his brash nature, it was hard for him to take his lessons with much reverence. There seemed only a small handful of people he respected, and even with delegations or tasks given by those individuals directly, Daisuke was pretty hard headed. It was, however, something he was trying to learn to evolve from.

So, he would grow a bit quieter with his complaints in the times to come. He noticed those around him had begun to avoid him for his negativity, and it left a bit of a bad taste in his mouth. Not so much for himself, Daisuke never cared much what people thought of him, and by that, he of course meant he cared a great deal what people thought of him. More to the point though, he did want to represent Kumogakure as best he could, and stirring the pot with his "holier than thou” air was not something he very much wanted to bare the weight of.

While he of course still told himself that he would give the hokage a piece of his mind if the man ever set foot near here, in the meantime, Daisuke and Kota would button down and simply do as they were told.


Temp By: A

Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 4, 2022 13:32:07 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The sea gave a sense of tranquility. The cold breeze that softly caressed his skin bringing back memories of more halcyon times that felt like a lifetime ago. With the cries of the seagulls disrupting whatever thoughts of the past he may have had. Boredom was, for the most part now, interrupting whatever inclination of keeping his watch on the shoreline. That was dangerous and he knew it. Even when there was no one lurking around, or at the very least no one that he could see. As the waves crashed against the beach the Senju supposed that he might as well prepare a perimeter, just in case.

Pulling off one of his gloves, he would bring his thumb to his mouth and nip the flesh. The tang of iron flashed on his taste for a second before he smeared the droplet on the fabric of the other glove. Flashing the signs with one hand he would feel his chakra flare before placing his hand on the damp sand. A puff of white smoke emerged and faded as the sea breeze blew, revealing a trio of grey wolves. Yellow and amber eyes looked at the Senju patently for orders. As the Senju rose to his full height before looking around. "Spread out, standard patrol pattern." He said after patting each of the wolves that suddenly turned and moved away, following for new scents and for anything that would be out of place.

"I suppose I should make sure that everyone is aware." He said, reaching for the microphone strapped to his neck, moving up the dials as he went to the right frequency. "This is Kazuto, I've established a perimeter on the beach." He said before looking again at the sea and awaited for anyone to speak or report anything of worth.









Jutsu Used:

NAME: Kuchiyose no Jutsu [Summoning Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low - Very High depending on summon.
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
One of the most common and beneficial techniques in the known shinobi world. Simply drawing blood and releasing a mass of chakra from one's extended hand is capable of calling an animal or otherwise to one's location. As a Space-Time Ninjutsu, this technique is capable of instantly displacing an intended summon from wherever they may be to the requested location, though there are obstacles that can prevent this. To use this jutsu, one must first make a contract with whatever they are summoning, living creature or not. Both the size and the stamina of what a shinobi calls upon increases the demand of chakra they must spend to perform the jutsu.


Tracker Wolves


-Enhanced sense of smell; their one and only role is to be used for tracking, using their noses to help find the way. With years of experience on most of the pack, they collectively are very skilled at tracking.
Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 4, 2022 20:52:23 GMT -5
Kekkan Mitsuda
You'll do it my way, or I'll do it myself.
Kekkan Mitsuda Avatar
age 158 years old birthday 11/12 rank Elite Jounin occupation Sannin
[newclass=.mitsuda]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass]
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The snakes were more than doing their duty by keeping Mitsuda in the loop and keeping an eye on both his safety and the safety of those under his care. While it was possible that nothing bad would happen, as a Sage and a higher ranking shinobi of Konohagakure, he was in charge for the safety of everyone here, not to say that Kazuto could not take care of himself if it ever came to needing it. Mitsuda was well aware of his abilities, though from word and title alone. He had not had the privilege to really meet the man given how reclusive Mitsuda typically was. It had likely been for the better. The Senju remained a powerful force in the village, and the Sage’s history with clans was not a simple one, not that the Senju ever harmed him in any way, but he found affiliation with clans to be unsavory at best.

The two Kumogakure ninja seemed to be handling themselves quite well on their own, pulling their weight in their respective areas, giving the Sage no reason to worry or complain. With that in mind, he continued to gather nature chakra, carefully meditating, though for the mission at hand, it was likely overkill to need as much nature chakra as he was gathering. Mitsuda, however, did not like to take chances when other people’s lives were potentially at stake.

He continued onward meditating, his snakes surveying the construction zone as well as the forested area at Mitsuda’s back. The snakes hosted within his body would remain gathering as well, adding to his reserves. Should any trouble arrive, they would be able to sense it easily as their tongues spread outward. The Sage would prefer to not have to fight, but should one come his way, he would make quick work of it.

mint has written 55 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 5, 2022 12:31:47 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya wasn't really feeling her own ideals being pushed, but she did know the importance of their villages good relations. Boredom was a thing even a weapon could suffer, but these were allied lands with a bunch of ally shinobi. Why would they even see opposition? They'd probably heard the alpha predator was in town and decided to skip. Or so the Elite Jounin thought smuggly to herself, she'd continue to hop tree to tree remaining at the outskirt of her perimeter.

Ha Ha continued to laze about waiting for things him to stand off against, there'd be little in truly threatening animals, but he would get a skunk to go the other way. There'd be no none summoned wolves equal in the panda's size and he'd even probably stand pretty strong to another bear. Granted he definitely wanted no part of that challenge, but if he got into any trouble he knew how to alert his master and weapon.

"Beach secured? Why're we at the woods when there's a beach, don't these leaf ninja know they've got a shark on their side?!" Chuya muttered to herself having not really paid any attention upon arrival. She heard the waves knew they were near a coast, but still she felt a bit cheated. She'd say nothing as there'd likely be no difference between one side or another. They were all safe. "The wood coast is clear too on operations east side, over and out!" Chuya would exclaim over her microphone to everyone.

FYI: Chuya is in avatar form abusing the fact she doesn't need to sleep or anything to just always be up / vigilant. Ha Ha is kept farther back by the base just being a big imposing bear. Chuya would go to him though if an enemy appeared.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 6, 2022 14:57:06 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Daisuke continued to help, keeping most of his brooding to himself. The Hokage hadn't showed up at the site yet, but that was reasonable considering the force that had been dispatched, including important names such as the Senju head and the Snake Sage. If anything, he could file his grievances to one of them, or wait until Keisuke came to visit the site at one some point.

Kazuto made sure the seas remained safe, and then he summoned his allied wolves to help with the patrol, telling them to sprad out with their standard pattern. With their keen nose, they would most likely be a valuable asset in anticipating threats before they were perceived by most shinobi there. Once that was done, he reached out for his radio, making sure his companions knew that the perimetre had been secured thus far.

Mitsuda continued to gather natural energy and his snakes took care of scouting the forested area behind him, but so far, no threats were immediately identified. Chuya had her area clear of issues as well, and she confirmed as such.

By the end of the day, however, as the sun slowly set on the horizon, one of Mitsuda's snake caught a scent approaching in the distance. It was too far to determine what or who it was, but since they had no word on reinforcements, it was enough to alert the creature, and by consequence, the Sage.

Rotation: 3/10

No issues this rotation. 's snake perceives something moving towards them from the far north and relies the information to the sage.

Next rotation will be posted on June 10th at 6:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

last edit by Ren on Jun 6, 2022 14:58:00 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 9, 2022 12:40:58 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


Admittedly, now that he had shrugged off the feeling of this working being beneath him, Daisuke was feeling rather content with the physical labor he was assigned to. Kota had since left back to the his home of Tsuki no Yama, leaving the young sage apprentice with some time by himself.

It felt quite good to have a moment of solitude in all honesty. Kota was nearly always by his side, and if it wasn’t him, Daisuke was typically found training with Kaede, Kiho, or a small few others. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be alone when he requested it, though, but more and more lately solitude was turning to isolation. Many thoughts had flooded the boys mind, and it seemed only while he was around others could he get his mind away from the self-depricating feelings. Thoughts that he should be further along than he really was, thoughts that he’d never be qualified to become a sage, and with word of the Raikage stepping down and his pride and ambition wanting to someday achieve the rank for himself, the back of his mind would say that too was nothing but the dream of a foolish child.

This, though, felt different. Daisuke found himself calm when his hands were kept busy, and he was able to put himself in a somewhat meditative mindset and allow his thoughts to simply wander to and fro, rather than dwell.

He actually would find himself smiling, now, as he worked. Something he was sure many of the other chunin and genin he worked with on the project might have found a bit odd considering the distance they had been giving him. But, again, he didn’t mind it. It was just nice to find himself in a moment of peace, and was beginning to feel grateful that all that was asked of him was to lug around some lumber and the like for a few days.


Temp By: Akira
Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 9, 2022 21:18:02 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya as the time went further would shorten her route, as she'd mostly stick to a set of paths which covered good hiding, sleeping or travelling ground. She'd also in the desperation of boredom proceed to pass the prettier local flowers. The weather hadn't been very rainy, so she'd release a small splash on each substantial bush. Her fake tide caller was no tide caller, but it was a good trident of it's own merit. The shark with a toothy smile was pretty happy about the sights of this land, she'd think to herself it was a beautiful place.

Due to the rather tame weather it was also pretty beautiful nights, but she couldn't really enjoy the stars as much as the plants fine details. There wasn't going to be shinobi hidden in the stars, at least she'd not seen such traversal or hiding jutsu. She'd seen a lot of jutsu too, but if someone was going to star attack, it'd be hopefully aimed at her. She knew to a certain extent she was probably the most resilient and survivable. As any legendary weapon would, so it'd be best a sneak attack wasted their surprise on the one individual without blood to spill.

Unlike Chuya, Ha Ha didn't quite have the same mental fortitude. He'd grow more and more uncomfortable as time passed, but he wasn't the bravest nor the type to go rogue. His antics would more so be shaking branches to inevitably break a couple, then tearing off their smaller branches attempt to make staffs. A panda pathetically attempting to re-enact some kung-fu panda. Though the bear was far more skilled than many, these branches were terrible trades and he lacked confidence without the sharks guidance. The true alpha predator in their duo.

If alerted of what their sages snakes found, Chuya would be quick to offer her assistance. She'd not press it, but she'd be the first voice to crack in to frequency. As she really had no moments of meditation, her mission was her real mental focus.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 10, 2022 21:17:15 GMT -5
Kekkan Mitsuda
You'll do it my way, or I'll do it myself.
Kekkan Mitsuda Avatar
age 158 years old birthday 11/12 rank Elite Jounin occupation Sannin
[newclass=.mitsuda]width:350px;padding:25px;text-align:justify;background-color:#ffffff;font:13px Open Sans;line-height:20px;color:#000000;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda b]color:#337733;[/newclass]
[newclass=.mitsuda i]color:#687768;[/newclass][googlefont=Open+Sans]
[attr="class","mitsuda"]The day seemed to go by with little to no issues. The workers seemed to have made very good progress, and with their hard day's work, Mitsuda could only assume they were tired and hungry. While he had gathered energy for most of the day, the concentration and meditation alone made his old bones ache a little.

One of his slithering friends returned to him, communicating the presence of a scent heading towards them from the far north. Mitsuda would immediately pick up his radio and relay the message. "We have bodies en route from the north. There's no way these are reinforcements just yet. We should gather at camp. Sun is going down anyway.”

His eyes would then immediately look out from his position in the camp, counting the members of his party. He would not advance too far until he would see each member nearby or close to the camp, leaving enough room between himself and the others to be able to jump to them if he needed.

Once at the camp, he would ensure a fire was lit with the flint and steel provided in his mission satchel. He would then distribute dry rations and water from the same satchel. He would recommend that the fire not stay lit for long, only long enough to boil additional water for drinking unless someone noted otherwise.

He would look to the higher-ranked shinobi in their group, "I can take first watch unless you have other suggestions?” Should no-one have other recommendations, he would position additional snakes to the north, spread out to watch for the incoming enemies, but would also ensure that all corners of their camp were being addressed. He would also stay watch. Positioning himself in a tree near the camp, hidden, but able to view far away and below where the sleeping lay.

last edit by Kekkan Mitsuda on Jun 10, 2022 21:19:01 GMT -5
mint has written 55 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jun 11, 2022 1:16:10 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Sunset came in what seemed to be an uneventful day. The sound of his wolves becoming distant as they started their patrol. As the sky turned into deep ochres and midnight purple, stars began to twinkle at the fading of the sun's golden light. He could have stayed here, set up a camp under the excuse of just watching to the sea until the sun's presence was just a thin line and fallen asleep in this idyllic setting. Alas, even when that thought crossed his mind he would, he was quick to dismiss it, bending his knees to retreat further into the camp, and as he entered he'd seen that progress had been done.

Yet what he had found worrying was the notice from the Sage that there was movement coming from the North. Quietly he had to concur with Mitsuda-san, if these were shinobi from their village in their direction he would imagine that they would have tried to hail them, their approach seemed sloppy. "We should have someone who can sense their approach in watch, I can offer my wolves to help look around, but doesn't it seems they are giving themselves too much attention?" He said, posing his own question to the gathered group.

Regardless of the opinion of his companions, whether his query was made from a place of caution or the if his theory had seemed to them to be more from a place of paranoia. Whatever his opinion would be he would have his wolves patrolling around the camp, making a perimeter where their noses could aid in the detection of any enemy that came towards them. Kazuto himself would not sleep as he had the anticipation of a battle to come and the training necessary to ignore the pangs of sleep.









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