beyond the horizon [Group 2]

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beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 4, 2022 9:58:56 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

Chuya instructed Daisuke on the proper way to use her in a rather straightfoward manner, and explained how they could share the chakra burden. The others would soon return to their positions, with Issei's group informing them that their prisoner mentioned that the attackers were a mere distraction and a way to test their power for a supposedely main force who would be attacking 'soon', but not extra detail was available.

That being said, the shinobi would return to their posts to keep up a watch, but nothing happened that night. Come the next day, the construction progressed fairly well, and when the night fell, the construction workers wrapped their things and went back to their tents. Things seemed to be going well so far.

Well, until the night fell. Kazuto, who was stationed by the shore, would notice a shade in the distance, but it was still too far to see. But with the information they had, he had a reason to suspect that they were worth further investigating.

Mitsuda's area remained quiet for now.

However, for Daisuke and Chuya, an angry bark from Kota was the only warning the Chuunin received - perhaps too late - regarding the three kunai flying his way, aiming at his upper chest and neck.

[Kazuto spots a shade in the distance. Daisuke is attacked by three kunai. May try to dodge with his enhanced speed, or block it]

Rotation: 8/11 [Paused due to attack starting next rotation]

Next rotation will be posted on July 7th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 5, 2022 11:31:33 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


It seemed progression for the construction site was well underway once more, and the attack the day prior was merely a test of their defenses. Well, if that was indeed the case, Daisuke would be eager for their return when the time came. And it seems he would get that opportunity sooner rather than later.

The following day, Daisuke, Kota, and Chuya had been looking over their designated section of the perimeter, Daisuke now fully embracing the roll of security rather than continuing with assisting in the construction of the new facility. Most had been quite during their watch, but as night fell, that would soon change. Kota had caught a strange scent, putting both he and Daisuke on edge.

They would follow the scent trail for a short while, informing Chuya of where they were headed, Daisuke still wearing the bracelet she had given him if she allowed it, and even taking her with him in her weapon form if she prefered.

Kota would soon bark, however, alerting Daisuke of more adversaries in the distance, giving him just enough time to block the kunai by twirling Chuya in his fingers. A smirk would soon cross Daisuke's face, quite pleased with the weapon as he prepared himself for an oncoming fight. Perhaps he'd have to get a spear like this for himself when he got back to Kaminari no Kuni.


Temp By: Akira

Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 5, 2022 19:26:59 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya would remain her weapon form throughout the night, she needed to rest in a sense of reserves. Furthermore she could continue to communicate with the chuunin, alert them of trouble and thwart any attempt to illude them. Using that time of calm, Chuya would go over all the techniques she knew. Likely just talking the poor chuunin's ears off, but she'd hopefully convey more interest in the sage apprentice to use pull arms and or more specifically wonderous tridents. It could block, it could stab, it could be thrown and rope activated it can be returned too. She'd even explain that she had another form, which was suiton reactive. Another feat to hopefully aid the male.

Upon their being attack Chuya was more than expecting to be used as opposition to the kunai, they'd easily present no real threat to the shark in her weapon form. Densetsu Ha were a grade above even most enhanced chakra blades, she had abilities that stacked well over anyone's normal weapons, these kunai were pitiful in her wake and wave. "Psssh! Like swatting flies!" Chuya would exclaim triumphantly, before using her elite knowledge in the weapon field to get a strong instinct on exactly where the kunai had been thrown by the way they hit her and the velocity behind them. She'd state the direction in the form of a time on the clock.

Hopefully he'd charge in for the attack, she assumed the longer they had to figure things out the worst they'd be to face. Hopefully they could avoid needing her true form, as well as do this with minimal risk to the chuunin. If she had to she'd change shapes to make a bigger barrier, but she had faith in the chuunin's reaction speed. Furthermore if there was an attempt to use genjutsu on him, she'd see through it similar to a jinchuuriki's bijuu. So any such deception would be clearly and quickly communicated. Any direction guided by the sharks unending chatter.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 7, 2022 1:15:42 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

The clone from Wahei had come, giving him notice that they had been able to trap an assailant from their end. The fact that the attack seemed to be coming from different angles gave credence to what he had surmised. There was something more complex than just a frontal assault from an unseen enemy. Deciding that it would be the best not spread their forces thin, Issei had it under control. The Uchiha was after all very adept when it came in the middle of battle. He dismissed Wahei's clone and took the information that had been given to him and considered all possibilities.

Something caught his eye however. He turned slowly, his eyes narrowing as he saw a nebulous shape in the distance. Humanoid yes, and certainly not one of his allies for they would come forward by revealing themselves, giving the phrase they knew and that he had to complete to make sure that they were the same people he had been deployed with. His hand slid towards the holster strapped on his leg. The quiet snap of plastic was heard, his finger touching the cool surface of one of his kunai.

His other hand holding in front of him, fingers extending and forming a hand seal. Eyes squared on the figure as if they were in the middle of a stand-off. Waiting to see who would blink first. Who would make the first movement. If this individual had managed to slip by his companions then it meant this person was skilled and therefore he could not underestimate them. His fingers were now caressing the worn nature steel of the weapon, green eyes remaining unblinking as an unspoken challenge was laid down between himself and the shade that was his assailant.










Jutsu Used:

1 Jutsu Prepared
last edit by Senju Kazuto on Jul 7, 2022 1:16:24 GMT -5
Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 8, 2022 11:19:01 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost contruction"

After deflecting the kunais with the trident, Chuya quickly identified their origin and alerted Daisuke, so he could better position himself, and the warning came in good timing, because the man charging towards them had just threw four shurikens their way, and then waived a few hand seals. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" the man in black exclaimed, making the four shurikens quickly multiply into 30, making it a challenge for Daisuke, but not one he couldn't overcome.

... only that there was more to the attack. Chuya, with her experience would be the one to notice that the man had used another technique as well: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu, and hidden in the shadows of the shuriken, there was another 30 of them; his goal was to induce Daisuke to make a mistake in his defences. The time was nigh, but maybe working together they would be able to fend off this impressive assault.

Meanwhile, Kazuto noticed the approach of one of Wahei's water clones. Using the Byakugan, he was able to warn the Senju of the chakra being used, sign that the two figures were casting jutsu. "Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu!" one of them exclaimed, as a huge water dragon emerged from the ocean and soared towards the Senju.

But the Water Dragon didn't come alone. The other individual on the boat used a technique at the same time. "Raiton Jibashi!" a powerful wave of lightning hit the Water Dragon, which now channeled the electricity, making it a rather deadly combo, moving at great speed, it was clear they were aiming to take down the Senju with ultimate force.

[The man attacks Daisuke with 30 shurikens, but Chuya noticed that they are actually 60, with half of them hidden in the shadows. Kazuto is being attacked by a combo of Water Dragon and Electromagnetic Murder, but was warned of the incoming technique by Wahei's clone]

Rotation: 9/12 [Progress paused while under attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 11th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Enemies Info:

Top Right: Shuriken Man
Specs: Bukijutsu [Sole]
SA: One handed seals
Silent Killing
Shuriken Master
Action: Attacks Daisuke with 60 shurikens
NAME: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - [Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique]
REQUIREMENT: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Upon throwing a projectile weapon, typically a shuriken or kunai, at the opponent, the user will form a set of seals. In moments, one blades becomes two, two becomes four, and in moments hundreds of weapons will be flying through the air. The sheer speed to which these created clones appear makes for an offense near impossible to avoid. Unlike the original Kage Bunshin technique, these created copies are all too real, as they are capable of being destroyed without necessarily dispersing when damaged. When combined with something like a fūma shuriken, this technique is capable of wiping out entire platoons.
NAME: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu - [Shadow Shuriken Technique]
Two shuriken, like the fuma shuriken or giant shuriken, are piled on one another an thrown simultaneously. The trick is to draw the enemy's attention on the top shuriken while the second hides in its shadow just below it to strike the unsuspecting enemy.

Left: Mysterious Man
Specs: Ninjutsu/ ?
SA: Raiton Master
Fast Hand Seals
Action: Attacked Kazuto with Raiton
NAME: Raiton: Jibashi [Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder]
This technique allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands up to 20 meters away from them. The user can vary its power from a small surge to lightly shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock and badly electrocuting opponents. It is ideal to use in conjunction with a water technique.

Bottom Right: Mysterious Woman
Specs: Ninjutsu [Sole]
SA: Suiton Master
Action: Attacked Kazuto with Suiton
Name:Suiryuudan no Jutsu - [Water Dragon Projectile Technique]
Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target. While being the same rank as Suikoudan no Jutsu, the two techniques have slight differences. Where as Suikouden is a slightly faster attack, Suiryuudan deals more damage against the target and has a farther range, but also requires more handseals to be performed.

Due to their combo and SAs, the combined technique has the power of an S-Rank

last edit by Ren on Jul 8, 2022 11:19:29 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 11, 2022 1:13:27 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

Tension was the suddenly cut at the words from Wahei, the shade that had targeted him revealing itself as a distraction and as he turned the Senju would see the shape of a dragon, spilling water on its wake and wreathed in lattices of lightning, flying towards him, maw opening as it threatened to swallow him and his life in a cocktail of violent concussion and torturous pain. He drew in a breath, noticed the direction of the attack and calculated the possibility. The hand seal was finished and his chakra flared brightly and then just as the combined techniques dared to strike, the Senju vanished.

The combined blast struck the earth, flashing brightly as the dragon spilled upon the ground and the flashing lightning spilled forth. Yet where a corpse should have been, there was nothing but the new scar upon the land. Kazuto remained in the interstice void, his hand seals forging in the ephemeral moments of the translation. Fingers began to move again, his chakra flaring as his time in this separate reality began to end, the secret locked in the alchemy of his blood stirred anew as chakra gave life to his arm and cherry blossoms appeared as if their were plumage as the voyage ended and he had found himself on the beach before the mark he had left before the attack had started.

Eyes moving to locate a solitary boat that had to be the source of the attack. He adjusted the trajectory as he floated and swung his arm forward as his remaining hand began to quickly forge another set of seals. The swarm of razor sharp petals began to fly undeterred towards the target. Chakra came to live once again as he held pressure between his fingers and thrusted his hand forward, releasing a gale of wind that caught up with the swarm of petals and would speed them to freighting heights as the techniques flew hard towards the target.










Jutsu Used:

NAME: Hiraishin no Jutsu [Flying Thunder God Technique]
OWNERS: Kawai Niko | Senju Kazuto
CHAKRA USAGE: Low to Very High
REQUIREMENT: Konoha Nin Exclusive
To activate this technique, the user places a special seal or "technique formula" (術式, jutsu-shiki) to mark an intended destination. After this is done, they can enter a dimensional void at will that instantaneously transports them to the location of the seal. The mark can be applied to almost any area through brief physical contact, including an opponent or some other surrounding feature. Because this technique is able to affect anything that is in contact with the user or somehow connected to their chakra, they can also use this technique to teleport other objects or people, though the size of the object dictates the amount of chakra required. Additionally, the marking formula never disappears from a marked target.

Chakra Use for Distance:
Short Distance - Low to Med
Medium Distance (across a village) - Med to High
Large Distance (across a country or to another country) - High to V. High

Chakra Per Type of Object:
Sentient - High - V. High
Huge / Large Object - Medium - High
Regular / Small Object - Low - Med

NAME: Mokuton: Senbonzakura Gōkei [Wood Release: Mawscape of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms ]
ELEMENT: Mokuton

Using their cells as life source and using the innate properties of Mokuton to not only create wooden structures but foliage, the user create cherry blossoms as sharp and durable as knifes from their dominant arm.

The cherry blossoms are then expelled in a single stream of hundreds of petals at a rapid and tremendous rate, as one leaves another one is created, thus is sustained a constant and single direction stream aimed towards the opponent that punctures and slash anything on its path. While powerful the technique is better used as a surprise attack or as part of a trap.

NAME: Fūton: Reppūshō [Wind Release: Gale Palm]
After charging Fūton chakra into one's hands, the caster will clap their hands to initiate this technique. The clap causes the Fūton to compress and transform into a powerful gale. The gale itself has enough force to knock a human off of their feet; however, this technique's true power shows when used in correlation with shuriken, as it increases the wounding, piercing, and killing potential several times over.

SA Used:

The Branching Path

A true-born Senju, Kazuto has mastered Mokuton. Hailed as the one greatest master of the Kekkei Genkai, his abilities with Mokuton are held in high regard, mastering the many techniques for which the clan is renown whilst also bending his ingenuity to create a discipline of his own referred by those within the clan as merely the branching path and by him as Senbonzakura. His techniques can either be great in power and scope or subtle and deceptively simple, creating either durable wooden constructs, imaginative tools for a wide range of occasions or deadly hails storms of cherry blossom petals which Kazuto wields with great mastery.

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.

Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 12, 2022 17:05:05 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

There wasn't too much the elite jounin had to worry about other than their meister. She'd obviously do her best to alert of the oncoming attack, but if he was failing to react, she'd choose to do so herself. The form she took presently was a short stack in comparison to her true size. As she'd decide to use her true form a sudden explosion of what appeared to be water erupted from the end of the Tide Caller. This abrupt wave of water would act as water if Daisuke were to channel his suiton nature through her properly. If not it'd end up snagging and bundling up as a wall of 'rope'.

Though anyone just looking at this strange creation would see it almost as a blob of water, the actual material much more dense and sturdy easily able to soak the entire barrage of shuriken. "Aye snap back into action!" Chuya would exclaim to her meister, as they'd essentially let her ace in the hole out. She as an inanimate object normally wasn't going to turn the tide of this battle, she needed her meister to be up in the front of action.

Granted if Daisuke does react, she'll happily comply to his actions routing him on as she tries to guide him tactically.
Sorry for the late posts, as a Ha it's really hard to write a post before the meister and I didn't realize we were a day past.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 12, 2022 22:15:56 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost construction"

The combo of water and lightning was truly devastating, but it hid nothing but the sand, causing a crater to form where the technique hit. Wahei's water clone didn't have the same luck and it was completely destroyed by the attack. Kazuto had used his Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear and then reappear at the same place after the technique had already been gone, only to launch sharp, knife-like petals towards the boat, with their speed increased by the following Wind Release technique.

However, the man at the boat reacted quickly waving his hand seals. "Raiton Raijinheki!" and due to the sheer speed of his reflexes and the nature of a lightning technique, the wall was formed before the petals could hit, essentially blocking them from hitting the two of them. "Now, Nori!" the man exclaimed, and the woman quickly waived her own hand seals as counter. "Suiton Teppoudama!" she spit out five water bullets heading at great speed towards the Senju.

The duo were no pushovers, and their teamwork was quite good.

Meanwhile, Daisuke was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of shurikens coming his way. Chuya had to take over in order to protect the Chuunin and creating a wall of 'rope' to protect him, and while it did protect him from the majority of the shuriken, eight of them still managed to pass through Chuya's defenses - since she couldn't channel the water from Daisuke - and make his way into the young sage apprentice.

They hit him on his torso and arms, which was going to make his life harder. He was not yet in danger and still capable of fighting, but he has seriously injured. Still, their opponent didn't seem to be willing to give them much time as he closed in and grabbed the sword on his back. "Die!" he exclaimed as he drew the blade, aiming at Daisuke's neck, trying to decapitate him.

[Red-haired man blocks the petals with Lightning Wall, the blue-haired woman counters with Teppoudama. Daisuke is injured by 8 shurikens, the man comes to try and decapitate him]

Rotation: 10/13 [Progress paused while under attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 16th at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Enemies Info:

Top Right: Shuriken Man
Specs: Bukijutsu [Sole]
SA: One handed seals
Silent Killing
Shuriken Master
Action: Attacks Daisuke with Iai Behading
NAME: Iaigiri - [Iai Beheading]
The user performs a quick and powerful slash with their sword, appearing almost like a blur, in order to cur the intended target before immediately resheating the blade afterwards. In the hands of the right user, this attack can even cut clean through a boulder.

Left: Mysterious Man
Specs: Ninjutsu/ ?
SA: Raiton Master
Fast Hand Seals
Action: Blocks attacks with Raiton
NAME: Raiton: Raijinheki [Lightning Release: Lightning Encampment Wall]
By ejecting powerful bolts of Raiton-based chakra from their hands, the user is able to create a wall of electricity ten feet high and forty feet in length. Due to the fact that the 'wall' is constantly moving in a continuous circuit, anyone caught in the technique will be considerably shocked before being thrown back.

Bottom Right: Mysterious Woman
Specs: Ninjutsu [Sole]
SA: Suiton Master
Action: Attacked Kazuto with Suiton
NAME: Suiton: Teppōdama [Water Release: Gunshot]
The user kneads chakra, and converts it into water, and then spits it out in the form of condensed balls. The high-speed water ball attack possesses just as much power to kill as an actual gunshot. While this is a water release technique, it can still be employed someplace where no water is available, which is a great advantage. It is also possible to increase the power of destruction of the spheres themselves by building up the chakra inside of them. The number of bullets is determined while kneading chakra. By taking advantage of gravity, the bullets can brutally increase in power.

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 13, 2022 10:17:30 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


There was a lapse in Daisuke's thinking, and that lapse caused him to suffer greatly it would seem. Several of the shuriken, clones or not, would collide with him, despite his best efforts to remain mobile. But, although the attack did cause him to sustain injury, this simply added fuel to the young sage's fire.

"Just a little closer now...

Daisuke would take in all of the idea's that Chuya had given him in her current form, most intriguing to him being that of what he could do with her suiton reactive abilities. Well, he would soon find out, he figured.

As the black haired offender pushed his way toward Daisuke, Chuya and Kota, Daisuke would burst into action, his body erupting in lightning with a loud clap of thunder. With the incredible speed and power granted to him due to one of Kumogakure's most sacred techniques, Daisuke would quickly do his best leap out of the way of the sword that swung for his neck. Next, he would call to a different nature, and while lightning chakra still crackled and jumped over his body, he would flood Chuya with Suiton chakra before throwing the trident towards the man with all his might.


Temp By: Akira

Writers note: Sorry I missed the last rotation, I wasn't able to post with the move and I ran out of time!

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability


Tooth and Claw - Enhanced Size and Strength
Tenacious Predator - Enhanced Speed and Endurance

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Lightning Release Chakra Mode: Stage One [Raiton Chakura Mōdo: Sutēji Ichi]
The user wraps their body in a cloak of Raiton though not used offensively, the cloak is used to stimulate the users nervous system. Speeding up neural synapses to react faster, as well as pushing the users body to its absolute limit, allowing for tremendous raw speed, a speed which makes even a one tomoe Sharingan user confused as to the user's whereabouts. The increase in speed comes with a great level of fatigue attached with it making this a jutsu best suited to be used when needed and not spammed throughout the entirety of a fight (though it can be used that way its highly dangerous). It is effectively an armor that surrounds the user allowing them to brush off and B-rank and below Raiton techniques and also C-rank and lower Physical attacks.

This jutsu improves on the basis of the Lighting Release Body Flicker and makes it a more longer lasting affect (2 rounds) with more more refined increases. But also much more costly price as over use in one fight could overexert the user causing the body to shut down in due to crippling pain.

Acts as an elongated Shunshin technique. The user can move at shunshin speeds with the above benefits for 2 rounds with one High usage of Chakra. This can be used four times total during a thread, each time tiring out the body of the user. After the fourth time, their muscles are completely deteriorated.

Note: Without the proper SAs, just like Chidori, the extreme speed would only be for straight lines, without curving, and giving a form of tunnel vision.
Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 17, 2022 0:25:53 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

If there was any element of surprise that he might have had thanks to the use of his technique, it seemed that these people had managed to preternaturally anticipate his attack, that or they were inhumanely fast. As he saw the sped up petals flash against the wall of lightning blocking the deadly momentum of the stream of petals. As disappointment washed over and the concerns of battle returned anew, the Senju would look towards the enemy, looking as how one of the pair would continue her retaliation. The crack of a technique was heard as a technique fly towards him.

Eyes narrowed as he recognized the jutsu and his began to consider his own counterattack. His fingers moving in concert as the gunshot of water painfully advanced over the water, time being spent slowly. Body moved on its own, years of muscular memory embedded into every inch of his being were activated with the influx of adrenaline, prompting his knees to bend, lowering his mass for a brief second before he would rotate upon himself, creating space as he moved to a side and dodged the blast, the sound of breaking stone filled his ears as his hand sign was completed. The earth below then rumbled.

Sands shook, the waves that clashed upon the sea stopped as something grew beneath the surface. Suddenly trees emerged, violently, scarring the sand on the beach and emerging beneath the tides, raising like slumbering leviathans violently awakened around the boat. Suddenly the trees in the beach and those close to the boats would move downwards, moving like a whip as they sought to swat the two of them as the Senju directed the very likely tree trunks as he attempted to snare and trap and even crush his enemies if he had to.










Jutsu Used:

NAME: Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Kōtan [ Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees ]
ELEMENT: Mokuton
A KG technique where the user forces trees to grow on any surface, easily creating a dense forest anywhere they choose. A small plant can grow into a forest in an instant. By generating chakra, the user manoeuvres it as they see fit for attack and defense; and furthermore, this omnipotent technique even allows them to capture the enemy at the same time. With their tremendous life force, the trees can pierce through earthen walls, and extend their branches at their prey in an instant.

NAME: Kuikkurōtēshon [Quick Rotation]
Utilizing chakra in the feet, ankles and legs specifically. It is a small amount of energy, but used precisely on reflexes and timing. This technique is gauged this way. When timed, the user can twist themselves abruptly out of the way of an attack. Like a speedy side-step, but a rotation of one's body to the side. A spin-move. This is only attacks in an immediate vicinity(three meters) anything else is too big an attack. Usually Taijutsu, but sometimes this technique is effective against close-range ninjutsu.

SA Used:

The Branching Path

A true-born Senju, Kazuto has mastered Mokuton. Hailed as the one greatest master of the Kekkei Genkai, his abilities with Mokuton are held in high regard, mastering the many techniques for which the clan is renown whilst also bending his ingenuity to create a discipline of his own referred by those within the clan as merely the branching path and by him as Senbonzakura. His techniques can either be great in power and scope or subtle and deceptively simple, creating either durable wooden constructs, imaginative tools for a wide range of occasions or deadly hails storms of cherry blossom petals which Kazuto wields with great mastery.

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.

Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 17, 2022 21:56:22 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost construction"

Daisuke's injuries didn't break his spirit; quite the contrary, it ignited the flame within him, as his fighting spirit reached its peak with adrenaline. His opponent was getting closer, ready to try and server the Chuunin's head from his body, but he didn't expect the man's response. As lightning sparkled through his body, the loud clap of thunder could be heard and with an incredible speed, Daisuke managed to leap out of the way of the attack. "W-what?! Impossible!" the man exclaimed, gritting his teeth and falling back into his fighting stance.

Throwing the spear with all his might, Chuya's weapon body flew through the air with incredible speed and when it got close to the man, he channeled his chakra through his blade and lounged to intercept. He was confident on his sword's ability to cut through metal, but he couldn't anticipate that the spear was - in fact - a member of the famed Ha clan, and even though his sword was quite remarkable, it pale in comparison.

The Trident clashed with his blade, and to his shock, the blade broke, and the man was hit by the weapon, which impaled his guts and sent him flying backwards until he hit a nearby tree. The man puked some blood and looked at his opponent for a moment. He wasn't too far, so maybe he could do a last attempt. Waiving a hand seal before losing consciousness, he activated all the explosive seals he had within his body - a total of 5 - and he would be exploding real soon.

Daisuke was within range, but with the Lightning Release Armour, evading it would be easy. Chuya, on the other hand, would need to do something to avoid being caught in the explosion.

Meanwhile, Kazuto focused on dodging the water gunshots fired his way before making the earth below him rumble. Waves clashed upon the sea as tree emerged violently, scarring the sand on the beach. The woman wasn't fast enough to react and she was capture by the tree. Her scream was the last thing she would utter before being crushed by the trees. However, the red-haired man was showing his prowess, and with a single hand seal, his body vanished from there as he used the Body Flicker Technique to move to just behind the Senju.

"You will pay for her death with your blood!" the man said as he tried to stab Kazuto with a kunai.

[Daisuke kills the opponent using Chuya, but he explodes himself. Daisuke and Chuya will have an opportunity to try and escape the explosion caused by 5 explosive tags. Kazuto kills the woman, but he man Body Flickers, appearing behind him and trying to stab him with a kunai]

Rotation: 11/14 [Progress paused while under attack]

Next rotation will be posted on July 21st at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02: [Mitsuda is out. Mint requested to be removed from the event]

Enemies Info:

Top Right: Shuriken Man
Specs: Bukijutsu [Sole]
SA: One handed seals
Silent Killing
Shuriken Master
Action: Explodes himself with 5 explosive seals

Left: Mysterious Man
Specs: Ninjutsu/ ?
SA: Raiton Master
Fast Hand Seals
Action: Body flickers out of the way and tries to stab Kazuto's back with a Kunai
Body Flicker

Bottom Right: Mysterious Woman
Specs: Ninjutsu [Sole]
SA: Suiton Master

Ren has written 286 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 18, 2022 8:21:15 GMT -5
Ha Chuya
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ha Chuya Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 144 years old birthday 6/20 rank Elite Jounin occupation Weapon

Chuya would be disappointed the release of her tidal wave wasn't enough to block the shuriken. However it'd put her in the perfect place for what'd happen next, her meister would get the initiative to move it, move it. He'd light up with lightning, one of the sharks very own elements. His dodge was admirable, but without her even suggesting it, he'd chuck her straight for their opponents gut. In the two shinobi's mindscape, Chuya's tail would waggle with excitement. She could feel the air blowing around her trident blades, as the rope trailed behind her feeding from the tidal wave effortlessly.

Their opponent would raise their blade to guard and there'd be a momentary look of confusion on Chuya. What'd he intend to do with that blade? It'd be risen to block her and as she'd meet the blade a smug look came upon her face. "What an idiot!" She'd make short work of the blade and in the following moment end the shinobi who wielded it too. Well ending was perhaps a poor choice of words, as though the man surely beat still had life in him. He'd make the seal for igniting explosion notes, at least that'd be the clear action as the fizz of explosion notes followed.

"Pull me out, but get yourself out quicker!" Explosions were loud and she wasn't too sure she wanted to be in the center of one. She'd faced much stronger jutsu and apart of her was confident the shinobi and sword delivered more than these explosion notes. There really wasn't too much concern in these notes being her undoing, but there was no point taking the hit if she didn't have to. If only her true meisters had come, then they could just use one of the many reeling techniques in her repertoire.
Sorry for the late posts, as a Ha it's really hard to write a post before the meister and I didn't realize we were a day past.

Words. --
Avatar form first~!

Template by Kuroya of THQ & GS.

Yoshiko has written 33 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 19, 2022 15:24:21 GMT -5
Kojima Daisuke
Step aside, don't make this any harder than it has to be.
Kojima Daisuke Avatar
age 21 years old birthday July 20th rank Chūnin occupation Sage Apprentice, Raikage's Assistant


As Daisuke's feet hit the ground, his body still crackling with lightning, a satisfactory smirk would cross his face when he trident companion effortlessly skewered his opponent, even breaking his blade in the process. At the sight of what was becoming possible with such a weapon, the young sage was beginning to think he might need to get something like this of his own someday.

It seemed a moment too early to celebrate, however, as the man breathing his last breath of life released a plethora of explosive seals, igniting them in a last ditch attempt to take Daisuke, Kota, and Chuya down with him.

"Kota! To me!” He exclaimed, getting the wolf's attention. "RUN!!

Daisuke would yank on the rope to pull Chuya free and back to him as Kota immediately turned on a dime, making his way toward Daisuke as quick as he could. With what some might call a reckless attempt, Daisuke would run toward the explosion, reaching his arms out to save his friend. He didn't care if he got hurt from the blast, all that matter was saving Kota from harm.

The wolf lept to Daisuke, and although the lightning from his Lightning release armor might cause a few shocks of pain to the wolf, it would be nothing compared to what could have happened if he were hit from the incoming blast. Although Kota was a large and heavy beast, Daisuke would manage to crutch the wolf against his body and shoulder in someting of a fireman's carry, still holding Chuya in his opposite hand.

His mind raced, his heart throbbed behind his chest, and as fast as his body could move, Daisuke would make a quick rotation and blast his feet off the ground at blinding speeds to get everyone away as safely as possible from the oncoming explosion.


Temp By: Akira

SA’s Active:


Sea of Chakra - Chakra Reserves
Thrill of the Hunt - Enhanced Speed and Endurance
Will of Thousands - Enhanced Strength and Durability


Tooth and Claw - Enhanced Size and Strength
Tenacious Predator - Enhanced Speed and Endurance

Jutsu Used:


NAME: Lightning Release Chakra Mode: Stage One [Raiton Chakura Mōdo: Sutēji Ichi]
The user wraps their body in a cloak of Raiton though not used offensively, the cloak is used to stimulate the users nervous system. Speeding up neural synapses to react faster, as well as pushing the users body to its absolute limit, allowing for tremendous raw speed, a speed which makes even a one tomoe Sharingan user confused as to the user's whereabouts. The increase in speed comes with a great level of fatigue attached with it making this a jutsu best suited to be used when needed and not spammed throughout the entirety of a fight (though it can be used that way its highly dangerous). It is effectively an armor that surrounds the user allowing them to brush off and B-rank and below Raiton techniques and also C-rank and lower Physical attacks.

This jutsu improves on the basis of the Lighting Release Body Flicker and makes it a more longer lasting affect (2 rounds) with more more refined increases. But also much more costly price as over use in one fight could overexert the user causing the body to shut down in due to crippling pain.

Acts as an elongated Shunshin technique. The user can move at shunshin speeds with the above benefits for 2 rounds with one High usage of Chakra. This can be used four times total during a thread, each time tiring out the body of the user. After the fourth time, their muscles are completely deteriorated.

Note: Without the proper SAs, just like Chidori, the extreme speed would only be for straight lines, without curving, and giving a form of tunnel vision.

NAME: Kuikkurōtēshon [Quick Rotation]
Utilizing chakra in the feet, ankles and legs specifically. It is a small amount of energy, but used precisely on reflexes and timing. This technique is gauged this way. When timed, the user can twist themselves abruptly out of the way of an attack. Like a speedy side-step, but a rotation of one's body to the side. A spin-move. This is only attacks in an immediate vicinity(three meters) anything else is too big an attack. Usually Taijutsu, but sometimes this technique is effective against close-range ninjutsu.
Matt has written 205 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 20, 2022 19:30:26 GMT -5
Senju Kazuto
No Remorse, No Fear!
Senju Kazuto Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday 03/20 rank Jōnin occupation ANBU Captain

He looked on, hearing the splash of water, the rumble of nature and the wet crunch of bones and flesh drowning the screams of one of them. He looked with dispassionate eyes, not taking any satisfaction nor commending himself for a kill. No pity, no remorse in his mind but cold detachment as the trees that had emerged from sea dragged down the remnants of the boat, arterial red tinging the tides the only epitaph to an enemy he had not known. That and a haze of white that had been left by the other enemy that had stopped his attacks, his hands began to move to forge a seal.

Kazuto heard the man land from his burst of speed, chakra coursing through his body as he claimed that there would be a payment of blood to be had for a killing that had been the cause of the skirmish. The blade would edge painfully close, inch by inch advancing into what seemed a painful death and retribution. And soon as the kunai would seem to piece, the Senju vanished like an apparition, like smoke drifting in the breeze.

What followed was the same short trip through the grey interstice. Returning to the mark that he had left on the beach just behind where the man had appeared. His hand opening as chakra began to flare in hand and take shape. An orb of spiraling energy appeared as the Senju would move forward, eyes locked unto his foe before he would lunge on and press the orb to the shoulder and back of the man, the orb would expand viciously and a great rumble would be heard as the energy would carry the man forward and hurl him towards the beach with great ferocity.










Jutsu Used:

NAME: Hiraishin no Jutsu [Flying Thunder God Technique]
OWNERS: Kawai Niko | Senju Kazuto
CHAKRA USAGE: Low to Very High
REQUIREMENT: Konoha Nin Exclusive
To activate this technique, the user places a special seal or "technique formula" (術式, jutsu-shiki) to mark an intended destination. After this is done, they can enter a dimensional void at will that instantaneously transports them to the location of the seal. The mark can be applied to almost any area through brief physical contact, including an opponent or some other surrounding feature. Because this technique is able to affect anything that is in contact with the user or somehow connected to their chakra, they can also use this technique to teleport other objects or people, though the size of the object dictates the amount of chakra required. Additionally, the marking formula never disappears from a marked target.

Chakra Use for Distance:
Short Distance - Low to Med
Medium Distance (across a village) - Med to High
Large Distance (across a country or to another country) - High to V. High

Chakra Per Type of Object:
Sentient - High - V. High
Huge / Large Object - Medium - High
Regular / Small Object - Low - Med

NAME: Rasengan [Spiralling Sphere]

A jutsu that requires no hand seals, the Rasengan is formed by spinning the users chakra on the palm of their hands, therefore creating a rotating sphere of chakra. Considered to be an example of the highest form of shape transformation, on contact grinds and encompasses into its target, propelling them, either away from the user up to a distance of seventy meters or into the ground beneath them, creating a big crater in the process, and at some point bursts, causing severe damage at the point of contact.

SA Used:

Might of Heroes

Descendant of a great lineage, the blood of great and legendary heroes of the clan courses through the veins of Kazuto as they do with any other Senju. As such he has been bestowed with robust pools of chakra upon his birth. Through intense training and countless missions these pools of chakra have expanded quite considerably, becoming a Furnace of Might within him, allowing him to fight for longer periods of time and casting powerful techniques without much concern to run out of stamina. Although this chakra makes his control suffer, his impressive reserves make up for this deficit in control.

Paragon of War

His mind is as keen and sharp as blade recently sharpened by a whetstone. Through the learning of tactics, records, on field experience and on the fly ingenuity, the Senju is able to plan before, during and after a fierce fray. It is thanks to this that he can discern the correct course of action and what stratagems and actions should he take. He is able to read and keep the Flow of Battle as flexible as possible. His tactics range from the most subtle ambush within dark corridors to even the most brutal and grim battlefield.


After much study and training, Kazuto achieved the ability to weave hand seals and cast techniques with just One Hand. A rare skill among shinobi and a sign of great prowess, the Senju is able to form hand signs forgoing the need to bring the digits of both his hands together, he is able to string a number of techniques without worrying during a fray to be unable to complete techniques if someone targets his hand, as he is able to defend himself with the off-hand by either the use of a technique or by wielding a weapon.

Harukei has written 2,184 posts
beyond the horizon [Group 2]Jul 22, 2022 9:57:18 GMT -5
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Ren Avatar
age 33 years old birthday June 18 rank occupation

Beyond the Horizon [Event]
"advanced outpost construction"

After a swift kill, Daisuke noticed the danger and immediately told Kota to run and the wolf promptly obeyed his command. Using the rope, he pulled Chuya back. If it wasn't for his Lightning Release Armour, he wouldn't have made it in time, but luckily he could count on its extreme speed to avoid the area of the explosion, and since they intercepted the enemy before he got close to the site, the sizeable explosion didn't cause any damage to the construction site. The duo, working together, managed to neutralize the enemy quickly while only sustaining minor wounds.

Meanwhile, Kazuto vanished once again using his Flying Thunder God Technique and the man missed the attack. He cursed himself as he started looking around, trying to prepare for any attack, but covering all your surroundings was something only a few selected shinobi could accomplish, and that was not his case.

When he finally noticed the Senju, it was already too late as he lunged towards the man, pressing the powerful orb of chakra against his back. The man screamed in pain as he was hurled towards the beach, sinking to his death. Kazuto had disposed of the final threat, ensuring that the construction site would remain safe.

[You can post wrapping up this night]

Rotation: 12/14

Next rotation will be posted on July 23rd at 11:00 pm EST.

Group 02:

Enemies Info:

Top Right: Shuriken Man
Specs: Bukijutsu [Sole]
SA: One handed seals
Silent Killing
Shuriken Master
Action: Explodes himself with 5 explosive seals

Left: Mysterious Man
Specs: Ninjutsu/ ?
SA: Raiton Master
Fast Hand Seals
Action: ded

Bottom Right: Mysterious Woman
Specs: Ninjutsu [Sole]
SA: Suiton Master

last edit by Ren on Jul 22, 2022 9:58:52 GMT -5
Ren has written 286 posts