Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]

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Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 13, 2022 22:08:43 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Though the pirates are too distant to be heard their alarm at seeing the barrier and the jutsu failing to penetrate the hull is clear. Those who had stood once confidently on deck suddenly scrambling as the man who'd been perched on the prow quickly back peddles. From behind Tomomi Azarea alights on the rail standing tall and purposefully making herself a noticeable target right behind Tomomi's puppet as she raises her hands high, sparking her fire gloves as if she's about to perform a rather dangerous jutsu, and then forms a single hand seal. Her chakra snapping into place as she casts the Chikyū o Shifuto [Shifting Earth] genjutsu. Those pirates who had been following Tomomi's puppet with their eyes glancing up at the sight of the sparks before falling with yells of alarm unable to escape the hail of arrows raining down on them. Sadly not all of them were caught. Those who'd thrown themselves into shelter the moment the jutsu had impacted the barrier remain active and are trying to steer the small ship alongside their own to hopefully get close enough the puppet couldn't easily fire down on them without hitting the merchant vessel.

"I got most of them. We might be able to mop them up before they can come aboard." Azarea calls out sweat beading on her brow as she tries to maintain both her jutsu's and keep her stores from draining too quickly. The woman throwing herself to one side behind the puppet as a few of the pirate begin firing back at them with arrows from the ships windows and from behind barrels.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

NAME: Chikyū o Shifuto [Shifting Earth]
CHAKRA USAGE: To Use: Medium | To Maintain: Low
Triggered by the target(s) seeing the user render a handseal, the technique begins by immediately causing the earth to violently shake. This, in turn, makes it difficult if not impossible for the target(s) to remain standing. Furthermore, the user is not affected which means that their mobility will remain unhindered unlike their target(s) allowing this technique to help bridge a gap between the user and targets that are more physically inclined.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 271 |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 13, 2022 22:23:03 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 13, 2022 23:41:39 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Seeing them scramble as they do, Tomomi is even more confident than before that these people are untrained. Sloppy. Still potentially dangerous, as people always are (it is very unwise to underestimate even someone without training - all it takes is one good blow to the head from anyone to kill a human), but certainly not quite the match for trained soldiers like Tomomi and Azarea.

When Azarea alights her genjutsu, even more of them wobble and fall down, as though losing their sea legs entirely, tossed about by unseen waves. Tomomi isn't sure what genjutsu that is, but it's a very fun one to use at sea. Puts them at risk of being thrown overboard into the water if they don't simply hunker down and hide, which makes it harder for them to coordinate on beating an escape.

Some still try, though.

"I'd definitely prefer it. Let's not let them climb on or let them escape,"
he agrees.

Normally he's not the type to hop into the fray, even if he has been practicing his taijutsu more often recently, but Azarea is less experienced and even less physically inclined, so if anyone should move in first it should be someone with more guarding options.

Drawing Nokogiri to him, he hops from the side of the ship to land upon the water, running across it with water walking to approach the vessel. It requires some dodging and weaving, as the pirates aboard the ship, more frantic than ever, take aim at him and start trying to shoot him from their deck. He holds his puppets in front of him as shields, the arrows thunking uselessly into the wooden bodies of the puppets. It might damage some of Nokogiri's more delicate internal structures. Sad - he'll have to fix those when he gets home.

Once he's hopped on the side of the pirate vessel, he forms a set of hand seals, launching forward a thin spear of chakra and piercing right through one of the pirates taking aim, allowing him to properly board the vessel.

NAME: Kekkai: Yari (Barrier: Spear)

After performing the necessary hand seals, the user focuses their chakra into the points of their index and middle fingers. Using this focused chakra, the user creates a small pyramid barrier that is on inch wide, one inch thick and one inch in depth. Using their fingers to aim the technique, they can extend the barrier in one direction approximately 8 feet in length to impale opponents in front of them. The barrier created by this technique has the same strength as glass, but has enough force to pierce through the human body before breaking. However, objects of higher density will certainly stop it, including certain thicknesses of wood, iron or steel. Once the barrier has shattered, the technique will fade away and cause no further damage to those impaled by the technique.

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 14, 2022 0:28:23 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

There appears to be roughly around twenty crewmen manning the shallow sloop. Five of which are dead between Tomomi's arrows and Azarea's jutsu. Five more in states of such disarray and injury as they roll and fall about on the deck screaming and bleeding that they won't be a threat for much longer and three more that can't see to rise to their feet, but were lucky enough to fall behind barrels or other cover and are trying desperately to draw their weapons or flings knives and belaying pins at Tomomi. That leaves seven more men capable and partially unaccounted for. One clearly in the piloting cabin steering the ship, but the man who'd shot the jutsu doesn't seem to be among them as Tomomi's jutsu pierces through one of the three archers that had been firing at him and Azarea from where he'd hunkered down behind an open hatch riddled with arrows. Killing the man and destroying the hatch.

Below deck and from the piloting cabin Tomomi can hear shouting as the large man who'd cast the lightning jutsu leaps through the door of the pilot cabin wielding a rusty katana and attempts to take a swing at the Yamanak while he's got his side and back turned. Only to let out a startled scream one hand dropping from the katana to begin clawing at his eyes as Azarea's genjutsu settles over him. Robbing the man of his sight. The Kumogakure genin giving Tomomi a thumbs up from where she's taken shelter behind a railing on their merchant vessel and is working to try to control the field.

"There is also opportunity."

Henge no Jutsu -MAINTAINED
Chikyū o Shifuto [Shifting Earth] -MAINTAINED

NAME: Kokuangyo no Jutsu [Bringer of Darkness Technique] -APPLIED to Jutsu Using Pirate
CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Low cont.]
TRIGGER: 1 Handseal
This technique exerts a hallucinatory effect upon the eyesight, effectively blinding the opponent. No matter how skilled an opponent may be, they are forced to wait helpless in this world of darkness, as this technique allows the user to attack unseen [unable to kai]. Although it negates sight, it does not stop the other senses. It should be noted that this technique, unlike some other genjutsu can no be broken through with doujutsu. Due to the nature of the technique in which it prevents the brain from registering data transmitted from the eye, it makes the previously mentioned doujutsu useless.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 269 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 14, 2022 11:53:22 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Even after all these years, he hates to be so close to a fight. Part of the skill set he's developed, he assumes. Those moments always feel like closer calls than they probably actually are. A taijutsu or bukijutsu specialist wouldn't flinch at all at being directly in the path of a rusty katana. He's quite lucky his backup is quick on the uptake, responding even before he can to disarm the opponent by robbing him of his sight.

To make sure he can't do anything funny even if he does manage to break out of Azarea's genjutsu, Tomomi grabs him by the wrist and forms a barrier around his wrist, then yanks him aside to clip him to a nearby pole, handcuffing him in place. Tomomi had wanted to capture a pirate, after all, and that's one way to do so. Getting the one among them who seems to have some measure of chakra training is a good catch, all things considered. It means he might have information from even more high-ranking pirates, ones who might be more dangerous than him.

If there had been seven standing before, he'd killed one on his ascent onto the ship, and Azarea has just helped him deal with one, that leaves five more fully functional men to deal with. Two archers, one captain, two others still possibly in the cabin or below deck.

One of the archers attempts to lunge for Tomomi, trading out his bow in favor of a hunting knife. Tomomi draws Nokogiri back to him in a quick flicker, allowing her to take the blow for him before her arms pop open, revealing two blades which swiftly pierce the pirate.

The other archer seems to have realized that Azarea is the one sowing all the chaos aboard. He takes aim at her, trying to focus her down with his shots and praying that his comrades will be able to make quick work of Tomomi.

NAME: Kekkai: Tejō [Barrier: Handcuffs]

Making physical contact with the target's wrists, a transparent barrier forms in the shape of hexagonal handcuffs, limiting the movement of their hands and wrists. The handcuffs are specifically designed to be just far apart enough to prevent the target from using hand seals while in the shackles. These handcuffs have the consistency of iron and can be used for the ankles and to bind a target by the wrist or ankle to a pole, fence, etc.

NAME: Kugutsu Shunshin no Jutsu [Puppetry Body Flicker Technique]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [Puppetry]

A Variation of the standard Body Flicker technique designed and used by puppeteers. The user of this technique will empower the threads attached to a puppet with chakra, and then rapidly shorten them. Much like the body flicker technique, this results in faster-than-eye movement, bringing the puppet closer to to the puppeteer. Because of the way this technique works, it can not be used to "throw" the puppet, only to "pull" them closer. If the user also knows the standard Body Flicker technique, they may use both simultaneously, vanishing and then reappearing at the new location with their puppet. If the user wishes they may expend a greater amount of chakra to shorten all of their threads at once, flickering up to ten puppets under their control to them. In the same way that the body flicker puts great strain on the human body, this technique puts strain on the user's hands and arms (Or what ever mechanism supports their threads). It cannot be used more than 4 times per thread, regardless of how many puppets are moved. [Counts towards total Shunshin Count]

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 14, 2022 15:16:36 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea drops her earth shaking jutsu given those once caught in it are now dead or dying and allows her jutsu that had been blinding the pirate that can utilize chakra to lapse now that he's captured in order to conserve her own chakra pools. A wise decision as an arrow punctures through her vest and into her shoulder. The impact rocking her back on her heels as she floods chakra into her legs to shunshin to a more secure position behind a couple of barrels and out of the rain of three more arrows that impact where she was. Swearing Azarea screw her eyes shut and snaps the shaft of the arrow off at the base so it will hinder her movement less. Her hive buzzing in alarm.

Peering over the edge of the barrels at the archer Azarea crooks her fingers into a handseal as fourth arrow cuts a thin slice across her cheek for her troubles, but the mans cry of confusion as he suddenly finds himself blind is enough to buy her time. The two pirates below deck scurry up the ladder one cranking back the handle on a strange bow like mechanism as he takes aim at Tomomi and the puppet. His companion following him up with a much more well maintained sword and a half cut barrel turned into a makeshift shield to protect his partner with.

Meanwhile Azarea, careful of her bleeding shoulder, digs through her weapons pouch fulling out three explosive tags and a kunai as she works quickly to try them off. Risking exposing herself once more the kunoichi stood narrowed her eyes, and took aim near the rear of the small pirate craft and let the kunai fly. The knife impacting the back railing of the stern of the ship with a soft thunk.

"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" She yells out to Tomomi knowing that at least he was out of the blast radius and better yet unlike the pirates could walk on water given they were about to the rear third of their ship as she makes the seal and activates the tags in a roar of explosion.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique] -Continued

NAME: Kokuangyo no Jutsu [Bringer of Darkness Technique] -Cast on Archer, Dropped on Chakra Using Pirate
CHAKRA USAGE: Low [Low cont.]
TRIGGER: 1 Handseal

This technique exerts a hallucinatory effect upon the eyesight, effectively blinding the opponent. No matter how skilled an opponent may be, they are forced to wait helpless in this world of darkness, as this technique allows the user to attack unseen [unable to kai]. Although it negates sight, it does not stop the other senses. It should be noted that this technique, unlike some other genjutsu can no be broken through with doujutsu. Due to the nature of the technique in which it prevents the brain from registering data transmitted from the eye, it makes the previously mentioned doujutsu useless.

3/10 Explosive Tags used
1/15 Kunai used

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 359 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 15, 2022 21:03:11 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Damn - it seems as though one of the archers managed to land a strike on Azarea. Tomomi will have to help treat her wound when he returns to the ship. He's no proper medic, but at least he has some experience in that regard. Arrow tips can be especially nasty. Hopefully he can avoid receiving any of his own.

Just as he thinks that, the pirates from below deck emerge with a fascinating device - a crossbow of a mechanized kind that allows for even faster firing. Something Tomomi most certainly doesn't want to be on the end of! He's quick to forge the hand seals needed to place a layer of chakra of his body, creating a small barrier armor. It doesn't provide the most insulation in the world, but it does well enough to guard against the first few shots as he dodges to the side to duck behind cover, practically landing on top of some pirate's corpse.

Back from their vessel, Azarea calls out - an explosive! Very helpful. The kunai lands on the ship with a heavy explosion, setting the men and the vessel itself alight with a massive ball of fire.

The only one left is the captain, and his cabin is likely to be aflame soon as well. With the enemies taken care of, Tomomi can emerge from the place he ducked behind and make quick way to the pirate he captured earlier.

He grabs the man by his wrist, adjusting the chakra handcuffs to snap to the other wrist, and drags him with them overboard.

"Don't struggle, or I can make sure you drown,"
Tomomi warns him.

Furious, but still cowed by the fact that two shinobi took down his crew and vessel alone, the man doesn't struggle anymore, and Tomomi re-boards the merchant ship with the prisoner while the remainder of the pirates sit on their smoldering ship, which will soon sink below the waves.

NAME: Kekkai no Yoroi (Barrier Armor)
TECH TYPE: univeral | Ninjutsu
CHAKRA USAGE: High/ Very Low to maintain

The user creates a small barrier on the very outside of their skin. While this barrier is not anywhere near as resilient as other barriers because of how stretched thin it is, a normal punch being able to break it, it does protect the user from the brunt of all but the most serious attacks. Its effectiveness comes from the fact that it requires no chakra to maintain and is self repairing. However while repairing it is no longer effective and requires two whole post for the armor to becoming functional again after being hit with anything resembling an actual attack, though being hit with things that would not truly count as an attack would not break it. Requires two hand seals.

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 15, 2022 22:28:49 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

As Tomomi bounds back over Pirate Captain in tow Azarea makes her way to meet him at the railing. The woman doing her best to keep her shoulder immobile and having had the sense to not try to remove the arrow head while beneath her coat her Kikaichu do their damnedest to staunch what bleeding there is. It'll be unpleasant to dig out, but she just needs the wound dressed and kept clean till she could get to a Kumogakure outpost. Glancing her partner over she first assures herself the Yamanaka hasn't come to harm before she glances towards their captive and then back at the on fire, and rapidly sinking boat. At least with most of the stern missing it's unlikely anyone will be getting the craft operational again for further attacks on the Hi-no-Kuni and, Kaminari-no-Kuni shipping lanes anytime soon.

"Should we grab the Captain or should I just put him out of his misery?" She inquires tone clipped as she eyes Tomomi for orders before glancing towards the Captain's cabin of the sinking ship as she half draws another explosive tag and kunai. Drowning was an awful way to go, but she'd respect it if Tomomi wanted the man made an example of. She still had some chakra to spare and finds herself rather proud that she'd managed to reserve as much as she had during the fight. Her efficiency with her jutsu increasing.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 237|

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 15, 2022 22:37:43 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 15, 2022 23:09:47 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Tomomi needs to work out more often - he's stronger than the average person, but as someone not so taijutsu-inclined, bounding around with a full-grown adult is still more work than he'd like. He presses a point on the back of the man's knee that makes him buckle down onto his knees so he can talk with Azarea without worrying about him trying to break out or hurt anyone.

Azarea asks if they should put the captain out of his misery and he raises a brow, looking back over at the ship. He hadn't even really stopped to think about it. He's never been one to have significant empathy for the criminals he fights. Given the opportunity, any of them would've just as happily slit his throat as he would've theirs. It was the nature of the work and something he'd been taught from a young age. He's not unnecessarily cruel, but he's also not compassionate.

"Save your equipment," Tomomi decides after some contemplation. "We can't guarantee we won't be attacked again on the route there, we need to make sure we remain well stocked until we're at shore. A good captain enjoys going down with his ship anyways, right?" He jokes.

"Let's find somewhere to lock this fellow up and then I'll take a look at that wound in your shoulder," he says.

He calls on the attention of the sailors, who seem slightly rattled by the combat, but glad enough it ended without them getting involved. With this direction, he's able to take the captured pirate down to the brig and lock him up.

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 15, 2022 23:22:30 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"Understood," Azarea quips and doesn't spare the burning sinking ship another glance nor a thought for it's Captain's fate. Tomomi was right to caution her to save her equipment and given her recent missions she's determined that when she returns to Kumo she needs to update her kit. She did not have nearly enough explosive tags for as fond as she had become in using them.

Tomomi's offer to see to her shoulder though catches her by surprise having expected she'd have to grit her teeth through dealing with the ships doctor however skilled or less then so the man was. "You're a medic?" She inquires sounding rather impressed with the Yamanaka's width and breadth of skill. "Well either way a second set of hands will make getting the arrowhead out easier. Wasn't looking forward to the idea of having to go it alone." The woman jests humor apparently her method of dealing with agony from the way she attempts to smile without grimacing.

The sailors are quick to grab the man in question and help Tomomi take him down to the brig. Azarea trailing in their steps though the achi is settling into her bones from her injury now that the adrenaline was wearing off. "Might want to bind his fingers. If he's had much training he'll be able to get out of the cuffs if he can form handsigns." She suggests letting herself lean against the wall on her good shoulder.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 243 |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 16, 2022 0:16:12 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 0:14:57 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

"If he hasn't an an academy education, I doubt he's learned the rope escape technique," Tomomi says, though it's a decent enough catch. It gives him an opportunity to show something off. Forming a second set of chakra handcuffs in front of himself, he shows them off. "They're constructed to be just too far apart to form hand seals in any case. A very interesting barrier jutsu. I suppose people with one-handed seals practice can counter the efficacy, not to mention those who might be able to use weapons to break them, but they're a rare enough sort that I doubt someone untrained will give us trouble."

Still, Tomomi always applies an abundance of caution, and in agreement with Azarea's suggestion, Tomomi takes some rope to tie the fingers of both hands into uncomfortable positions, preventing their use in jutsu.

Now that the man is locked up properly and there seems to be no method for him to escape, it's time to return to the matter of checking Azarea's wound. She's putting on a brave face and gritting her teeth about it, but she's clearly in a great deal of pain.

"I'm not a mednin, but I've got medical training. I stand back on the field most of the time, so I receive the least injuries. Just made sense for me to study up on medicine so I could patch my team after a rough fight."

He needs some light materials to get started, though. He scrounges up supplies. He takes two arrows from Kazane's storage compartment and plucks the feathers from the end of them, then gets some supplies from the ship's doctor.

"Let me explain the process here... The ends of these feathers are hollowed. That means I can put them around the barbs of the arrowhead like caps so that when I remove it from the wound, they can't bury into the skin. Then I'll seal the wound, which should buy me enough time to patch you up without you bleeding too heavily."

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 0:26:27 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

"It's thankfully a shoulder wound so I doubt I'm at risk of bleeding out in the short time between you removing the arrow and staunching the wound." Azarea assures him as the two pick the place to work. Somewhere with decent enough light and the woman settles down her movements stiff and tentative.

"So..." She murmurs drawing the word out, "You're not afraid of bugs are you?" The woman inquires as she carefully unhooks her good arm from her jacket and lets it drop off her injured one once given slack. Beneath it she's wearing a form fitting black, red, and brown jumpsuit, the fabric around the injury already dark with blood, but not as much as would be expected or normal for such an injury.

"Because I don't want to alarm you, but I suppose you could say I'm part of a bastard offshoot of the Aburame and you might see some Kikaichu. They understand you are trying to help me, but they may kick up a fuss the second you start prodding at the wound." Azarea warns with an apologetic grimace. To her own ears she was already buzzing with the slow irritated hum of her concerned hive, but she knows the second she is put under further pain or destress that they'll become more then audible to Tomomi.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 221 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 0:41:15 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

A bastard offshoot of the Aburame. Now there's something interesting. Clans marrying outside the village and having children who might know the family hijutsu is certainly not unheard of, though definitely frowned upon very strongly. Especially for someone like the Aburame, who have to specifically caretake their insects and go through specific processes for them. Someone from Kumogakure having something like that... A nukenin parent who took flight and brought a hive with them? He can't think of any Aburame nukenin off the top of his head at the moment - they don't tend to be the type to run off from or be disloyal to the village - though if he dug he's sure he could. He's not ANBU, and doesn't work with them as closely anymore, so he's not privy to all that information, even as a barrier corps member.

"I thought your chakra signature felt a bit like an Aburame's," he says, interested. "I don't mind the Kikaichu one bit, so I doubt I'll have any trouble." He's always had a fondness for creepy crawly things, really. Bugs and snakes and the like. Maybe controlling them with his own hijutsu has given him that peculiarity. It makes him wonder if a Kikaichu could be targeted with a body swapping technique. He's not likely to ever actually try it, but it's a curious question.

Tomomi takes a moment to look at the wound, inspecting the orientation of the arrow so he can determine where the barbs will be located. Once he's got that down, he goes ahead, prodding at the wound to get the feathers in place. Once that parts done, the good news is that the arrow comes out with relative ease, even if it's still not a pleasant experience. Tomomi touches the wound and applies a pulse of chakra. It seals closed under his touch, leaving the characters for "fuuinjutsu" behind. Then he sets about bandaging up.

NAME: Kizu Fūinjutsu [Wound Sealing Technique]
RANK: D-rank

One of the flaws that Kamui found with the Mystical Palm Technique was the time it took to heal a wound. Simply put, healing would go much faster if a wound were closed prior to the healing itself, which was the resolve behind this technique. By forming touching the wounded area(s) of the patient's body, the bleeding will stop and the flesh will close as if it were never damaged, and the kanji for 'fūinjutsu' ("封印術") will appear over the area, typically no larger than a hand and no smaller than a palm. This keeps the flesh closed and prevents bleeding for as long as the seal is in place, which lasts for a total of three minutes (usually long enough for the patient to remain alive for complete healing).

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 0:55:43 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

As Tomomi peels back the fabric to get at the injury it becomes apparent why the wound was not bleeding as heavily as normal. Tons of little fluffy golden Kikaichu, their 'fur' stained red, had clumped themselves about the injury in the instinctual need to 'staunch' the 'hole' in their host/home. The little beetles humming and vibrating their wings in irritation, but with a little mental prodding from Azarea they scuttle away from the injury and set about cleaning themselves.

"Yeah. I don't really like to talk about it." She admits tugging her glove off to clamp the leather between her teeth as she fixates her gaze just over Tomomi's shoulder in lieu of watching him work. Though as the arrow head comes clean and the man sets a fuijutsu seal on her shoulder that does get her attention.

"What's that technique?" Azarea inquires spitting her glove out as she glances down at the kanji for 'fuinjutsu,' and hoping this wasn't some secret clan technique she wasn't allowed to steal because such a quick fix was certainly more then bloody handy pun fully intended.

"And would you be willing to show me how you did it?" Was her second question as the glances up at the man currently bandaging her shoulder with a coaxing grin. Slowly the humm of her hive dies off as the wound is addressed. Though her shoulders and arms are layered with the little white fluffed, and gold carapace bugs. The Kikaichu seeming to have adapted to kumogakure climate from their appearances.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 257 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 19:24:52 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

It was unsurprising that Azarea wouldn't like to talk about it. It was unlikely that anyone would want to talk about such a thing. A person betraying their home village was a major mark upon their reputation and even their children could sometimes carry the shame of it, after all. It was not so bad to move from Konoha to Kumo as it was to go between unallied nations, of course, but Tomomi could see himself carrying doubts towards someone from a betrayed Kusa union within Konoha's walls. Not that Tomomi will say that aloud, of course.

Azarea expresses interest in the technique that Tomomi used, and Tomomi hums softly, in thought.

"It's a fuuinjutsu developed by the Konoha medical institutions. It's something of a secret of ours, so I'm not sure I wouldn't get in trouble for sharing it with you,"
he admits. However, he is conflicted. He's a person of blood and nation - in his mind, Azarea is still a member of Konoha, even if her parentage has prevented her from being within its walls. That complicates the matter slightly to him.

"...It's not too complicated, though. The basic idea is that you form your chakra into a seal to hold the wound together. It only lasts for a few minutes before breaking, just enough to keep the blood in while you patch someone up," he explains. Just explaining can't get you in trouble, surely. "Since one of your parents is from Konoha, I am sure one of them could teach you." There's a bit of a wink-nudge in his tone. If she can pretend she learned from someone else, maybe he can teach her on her next visit to Konoha. It's not one of Konoha's most carefully guarded secrets anyways.

Cocoa has written 693 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 19:48:09 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

The young woman's curious smile freezes on her face chakra shivering with something akn to pain. Tomomi is not wrong technically both her parents are Konoha Shinobi or were in her deceased mother's case. Her Father though... well... as the Yamanaka implied such an excuse could work. "Yes. I'm sure I could have learned it from my Father." She murmurs choosing her words with care as she watches the Yamanaka closely, "In fact the technique looks rather familiar. I'm certain he has shown it to me, but I could certainly use a refresher course." Azarea adds playing along as she glances up at Tomomi with a coaxing stare. Not quite to the puppydog eyes stage, but the ability to keep herself from bleeding out for long enough she could first aid herself or get herself first aid was just too good of a technique to pass up.

Injury was simply a reality of shinobi life. It was best to prepare for it as much as one could. "And we've got a day or so more on this journey to kill time as it is." She quips her smile a bit more warm and true as her chakra settled back into the low strange hum so similar and yet so starkly different from the clan that had given birth to her.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 220 |

Keen has written 1,221 posts