Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]

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Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 21:13:25 GMT -5
Yamanaka Tomomi
Learn to recognize poisons before you swallow them.
Yamanaka Tomomi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 34 years old birthday 6/10 rank Jonin occupation Hokage's Assistant

Azarea hesitates for a second, her expression tighter for just a moment. Tomomi's no mindreader (at least not in normal circumstances, he has to probe much more to get that kind of information), so he can't know the exact reason why, but she did say earlier that she doesn't enjoy talking about her parentage. There's definitely a complicated history there. It exacerbates Tomomi's curiosity more than he should. He'll have to do a little prying research when he gets home. It's unlikely he'll find much at all, if he doesn't know it already. Things that are hidden stay hidden for a reason, even if he wishes he could dig up all the old knowledge of the village.

He'll avoid bringing her family up more from now on, at least for the remainder of the trip, to spare her feelings. Though he's not a generally sympathetic person, he at least makes a good show of it for his allies.

"Well, if you already know it, I suppose there's no harm in giving you a brush-up," Tomomi confirms. It'll be a good way to keep the two of them occupied for the remainder of the trip to Kaminari no Kuni, and the technique is low-chakra enough that he'll easily be able to keep watch for any other approaching enemies with his mind's eye while they're at it. This will be an interesting last leg of the journey!

Cocoa has written 765 posts
Sea Wolves [C-rank][COMPLETE]Sept 16, 2022 21:21:23 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
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Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea's smile lights up her face, "Thanks Tomomi-Sempai~" She quips teasing, but sincere. The lure of a new jutsu to add to her meager arsenal enough to cheer her up or at least give her a chance to forget the topic of her complicated past. The remainder of the journey is thankfully slow and practicing the seals and fuinjutsu needed for the technique keeps Azarea busy without jarring her shoulder to bad. The wound thankfully unpleasant, but far from life threatening. The weather holding for them other then a light drizzle that leave Kaminari-no-Kuni's coastline looking ominous and grey when they pull into port.

There the two part ways with Azarea offering her partner a thankful bow, "It's been wonderful working with you Tomomi-Sempai," She still hasn't let up the nickname as she flashes him a toothy grin, "I hope we end up working together more in the future. It would good to see our villages flourishing with these joint efforts in the days to come." The woman quips as the two of them go about their goodbyes before the woman departs heading back inland towards her own village currently hidden up in the cloudy peaks. Not the land she was born to, but her home nonetheless.


"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 207 |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 16, 2022 21:21:58 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts