A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]

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A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 8, 2022 14:37:24 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea's hive buzzed low and inaudible beneath her skin in irritation as the woman in question paced the length of her Inn room. The noise setting her teeth on edge which of course left her canines aching in distress and only made her kikaichu buzz harder in an attempt to warn off any predators or threats. Leaving the woman glancing over her surroundings for any source of distraction within the four walls that had become her temporary residence these past days.

Her home away from home was a small simple and single bedroom affair. The room laid out with a bed and a circular table that could seat two at most and where she'd been handling her mission paperwork and reports. Pressed up against the wall in addition to the bed was a plain clothes chest and a simple brass mirror hanging above it. The use of the polished metal surface honestly clever when the main residents of the Inn were often passing shinobi and looking glasses posed too easy of a commodity to break and be repeatedly replaced. Pausing in step Azarea peered into the brass mirror, her own face albeit with white hair and silver eyes staring back at her. Her skin momentarily free of scars thanks to the illusion of the henge though to prevent accusations of impersonation she'd left everything else about her appearance the same. Truthfully she looked a bit like some sort of albino Inazuka. Her hair usually carefully combed and trimmed to prevent it's natural wilder inclinations having grown out into a bit of a messy feral mane that she'd struggled to tame with a comb and her teeth well...

Hooking a finger into one side of her mouth Azarea pulled back her lips gritting her pearly whites as she grimaces at the sight. Her canines having grown out again with her distraction with back to back mission. "Everythings fine. You've done nothing wrong. The Konohagakure official just wants to meet this Kumo-nin who's been running joint operations with their shinobi. All your paperwork is in order and if things go well they'll clear you to visit the village." She tells her reflection, tells herself. She'll never visit Konoha if she can help it. There was no laws against using the henge for minor alterations and her former Mother was right. She hardly looked like an Aburame in her current state. In fact minor disguises were expected of shinobi. She'll just show her real face briefly. Confirm her ID with the offical and hopefully get out before her former clan realizes she was ever in the country. Maybe she even still has time to take a file to her teeth before said official shows up.

Though this turns out to be a vain hope as a knock sounds at her inn room door and quickly brushing the wrinkles out of her cleanest mission outfit Azarea moves to open it and greet her 'guest.' Though really as a stranger to this once familiar land if anyone is the outsider it would be her.

"Greetings and blessings upon Konohagakure no Sato. I am Azarea of Kumogakure no Sato registration number 0404 and participant in our villages most recent joint mission operations." She greets with a polite bow, but never lowers her head. Keeping her eyes carefully on the man beyond the door.

"There is also opportunity."

NAME: Henge no Jutsu [Transformation Technique]
CHAKRA USAGE: Very Low [Continuous]
CLASSIFICATION: Ninjutsu [General]
After performing the necessary hand seals, the user transforms their appearance to become that of another person, animal or even an inanimate object. This is considered one of the most advanced academy techniques, as it requires a constant emission of chakra as well as constant mental focus to maintain the transformation. Shinobi are limited to transforming into objects roughly their own size, preventing them from turning into a fly while being able to carry items far greater than their transformed state.

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 10, 2022 20:35:23 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


Although he was an extremely busy man, Toshizou was no stranger to taking on village's tasks to his own hand. As someone who always coveted the seat of Hokage, and who also ran an organization from the shadows, he was always seeking information and thirsty to know what was going on in the village. He had a large network of people who did a good job at informing him, but the reports of others would always pale in comparison to what he could perceive whenever he was present. With that being said, he was informed by Root operatives that a member of the Hidden Cloud was there, and when he saw the name 'Aburame' on the papers, he immediately recalled the former heir to the clan, who had been sent abroad due to political problems with the succession. That immediately sparkled his interest, and he used his position as a member of the village council to take charge of the situation.

Accompanied by two members of Root, with their faces covered by their ANBU-looking masks, and bodies covered by black cloaks, they approached the room where the girl was staying and one of the operatives knocked on the door, giving the girl a moment before he proceeded to open it. Once the door was open, the three of them entered the room - Toshizou entering last. The man was wearing his normal shinobi attire and his stern expression. His white eyes contrasting with the intense scarlet eyes that in the past gave him the moniker of Shinku.

The girl looked familiar to him, but there was something odd about it. He had a pretty good memory and with his Mind's Eye he could see the colour of her chakra, which looked somewhat oddly familiar. Not familiar in the way that he had seen that before, it was more than that, but he couldn't quite put it together just yet. The woman would then speak, omitting her family name, which he didn't fail to take note of. Once she finished introducing herself, one of the members of Root started responding. "Very well." but before the man could continue, Toshizou cleared his throat and the man immediately silenced. "Aburame Azarea. I know who you are." he said, not hesitating on using her family name. "You look different from what I remember. Welcome to the Hidden Leaf Village. I'm Hatake Toshizou." the man said, with a short bow.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
Enters the room with 2 Root operatives
[415 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 10, 2022 21:29:51 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Azarea straightens stepping back towards the middle of the room, but never daring to turn her front away from the three shinobi. Whatever hope she had for anonymity dying a swift death at not only the sight of the two ANBU, but the sound of her former name in it's entirety from the mouth of a man who couldn't be anyone other then a high ranking Konoha official with this level of escort. She couldn't recall a Hatake Toshizou from here time within the village which could only mean the man must have been a career shadow. The things someone like that had to have done to survive, thrive, and be able to walk once more in the light as casually as if he'd always belonged to it was enough to raise the hair on the back of her neck. Her Kikaichu buzzing in alarm and threat loud enough to be perceived as an audible hum at the sight of the man.

"My apologies I wasn't aware we were acquainted Hataka-san. Please forgive me for being remiss in my greetings and appearance," Azarea states plying her carefully cultivated political manners she'd been forced to perfect at Riku's side as she offers the man a genial smile she doesn't feel in the least. No amount of threats and mental orders succeeding in quieting her hive from producing the eerie uncanny buzz they were making.

"Generally clans do not approve of unrecognized members utilizing the clan name and given I am no longer a Konohagakure no Sato shinobi I felt it... best I identify myself aptly." She states smile taking on the tiniest edge of teeth in her irritation showing off sharp canines as she keeps her hands carefully at her sides and away from her weapon pouch. Fingers curled into her palm nails biting into flesh hard enough to leave shallow crescents in their wake as she shoves down the anger that flares within her chest and suffers the indignity of explaining clan political manners to a man whom she has no doubt damn well knows them. The young woman allowing her henge to bleed away as the eyes staring back at Toshizo go from silver, to a bright sharp scarlet between one blink and the next. Scars fading back into existences like tattoos showing through poorly done makeup until they stand out against her skin. Apparently the wounds from where the former Aburame head had attempted to claw her eyes out had left their mark, with one crisscrossing her right eye and the others marring her left cheek. The white hair she'd been affecting staining a rich crimson red just a shade off from that seen among the Uzumaki clan. Until Azarea stood before him as she truly was her smile fading some a somewhat cold flat expression now that it seemed neither of them were inclined to pretend to be what they were not.

"I take it you are here to inspect my paperwork and inquire of my intentions..." She prompts before tacking on a belated "Sir." as and after thought knowing damn well that if the ANBU with him wanted to kill her then there was very little she could do to stop them. Best to die with her dignity.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 10, 2022 21:42:06 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


The stern expression on Toshizou's face remained unshaken when the woman apologized for being remiss before proceeding to explain why she hadn't identified herself as an Aburame. Her explanation had some merits, especially considering the circumstances of her transfer to the Hidden Cloud Village. Toshizou couldn't help but to think of his former student and current Raikage, who would be in charge of making sure this Aburame was well-integrated to their new village. Still, with his Mind's Eye he could perceive more than just the chakra; it allowed him to have an idea of the emotions boiling up inside of the woman, and that made him frown his brows ever so slightly. However, he remained silent as she slowly ended her transformation technique, showing the sharp colours of both her hair and eyes. That immediately caught his attention and his eyes widened a bit. The colour of her eyes catching most of his attention due to just how similar they were to his own. The scar on her eyes made him remember the event as if it had happened just yesterday, and although he didn't show much emotion, he felt a shiver running down his spine.

When she mentioned the paperwork, Toshizou promptly nodded, but against all odds the first words he spoke were not directed at her, but at his own escorts. "You two are dismissed. Leave the premises." he said in a rather cold tone. One of the ANBU members looked back at him. "Sir?" even though he was wearing a mask, it was clear the man was puzzled, but Toshizou didn't flinch. "I do not like to repeat myself." his words sharp as his blade. "A-apologies, lord Toshizou." and with those words, the two man vanished, leaving just the two of them in the room.

"Your paperwork?" he asked, extending his hand. "It must be just a coincidence... I'm overthinking this." he thought to himself, keeping his cool on the outside.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
Root members dismissed
[331 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 10, 2022 22:34:36 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

A flicker of surprise flashes across the young woman's face likely mirroring the unseen expressions of the ANBU though she's quick to smother it. Perhaps the man had simply deemed her that little of a threat or more likely he thought to put her at ease and make her easier to ply for information. Not that she had any, but the Hatake didn't know that. Those with information were more useful alive after all and though she wasn't afraid to die getting out of this hellhole of a land with her life intact was certainly high up on her priorities.

Her thoughts coming to a sudden and screeching halt as he extends his hand her body reacting on it's own as she takes a quick step back instincts screaming to put some distance between them as the buzz of her Kikaichu kicks up an octave. Her hive knows this man. She knows this man. Even if she can't entirely remember from where. The Kumogakure shinobi stumbles trying to disguise her sudden jump back as a turn, "Of course. Let me get them for you. Sir." She says feeling her mouth form the shape of the phrase, the words leaving her throat, but all she can hear is the high pitched tone of static in her ears. Her heart rabbiting in her chest cold sweat breaking out on the back of her neck as she fights every instinct she has to turn and give the man her back. Moving quickly and mechanically to grab her original mission scroll that had brought her into their territory, passport, and papers. Her mind raking her memories for the man's face. She can't remember his face.

It's not till she's handing him the documents that realization strikes her like lightning of where she knows this individual from. Why the cant of his head, the cold confidence he carries himself with, and the utter near emotionless dismissal of his surroundings seem so familiar to her form. One cannot remember a face concealed by a mask after all.

'His voice is deeper without the voice modulator,' She thinks as she silently watches the man flip through her paperwork. The scene eerily familiar so much so she can almost feel the cuffs around her wrists and the lingering ache of interrogation. It's all there though in perfectly ordered print. The date and land of her birth, the black [deceased] beside the name of her birthmother and red [redacted] over the name Aburame Hiroshi in regards to her Father. The details of when she'd entered the academy, when she took her vows as a Konohagakure shinobi, the date of her release from them and subsequent transfer to Kumogakure no Sato, a death sentence with the plague raging through the land. Her position as a genin of the land of lightning, her return from desk work to active duty following the villages recovery efforts, and most recently a c-rank mission escorting a caravan to Hi-No-Kuni and recommendation for joint mission duty between the villages while she was in residence.

Everything, as far as Azarea knew, was in perfect order.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |

last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 10, 2022 22:36:26 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 13, 2022 12:50:35 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


Toshizou waited with his stern expression while the girl went on to grab her paperwork. All the emotions he was feeling were properly hid beneath his stone cold feature and his mean scarlet eyes. Toshizou didn't hide himself with a mask like his underlings, he had retired the tool since he had left the regular ANBU. There was no need to, he was widely known in the Shinobi world as the Demon of the Fleeting Blossoms; people could recognize him from his fighting style, from his glowing blade, or other traits, which were just made a bit more infamous since the clash with the Hidden Rain Village.

As he grabbed the papers, he narrowed his eyes upon seeing the name of her birthmother, immediately remembering the tender memories he had with the woman, to the immense displeasure of her actual husband. Moreover, when his eyes rested upon her birthday, he started connecting the dots together. "Lovely... The days of my youth will never let me rest." he thought to himself as he sighed. "Interesting they redacted Hiroshi's name." he mentioned nonchalantly; with all the classified information he had access to - officially and not - connecting those dots was but child's play.

"Everything is in order, so let me ask you one thing. Why are you so nervous? Do you really think we would spit on our alliance with the Hidden Cloud and let any harm come to you despite your past? Do you really think of the Leaf as such a lowly village now?" again, his tone never changed, and he might have sounded harsher than he intended, but he was not upset with the girl. Rather, he was upset with Aburame Hiroshi, and pretty much all he represented.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
[293 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 13, 2022 19:57:37 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

"In the midst of chaos..."

Scarlet eyes silently observed the man as he read over the documents the Kumogakure shinobi's expression an emotionless mask as she concentrated on regulating her chakra. If she could not stop her hive from reacting, as embarrassing as such a thing was, she could at least muffle them with her chakra. The loud alarmed buzzing that echoed from the young woman slowly dying off to a soft hum just audible on the edge of human hearing. The Hatake's question was to be expected as Azarea grimaced enterally, no longer a stranger to having her less then shining status amidst her clan utilized against her. She's certain the official knows exactly why her Father's name was redacted, but the identities of ANBU were meant to remain confidential and she couldn't very well call the man out for it.

"While the Aburame clan do not promote solely based on bloodline that information can be utilized to discredit potential heirs and utilized in Konohagakure no Sano courts in regards to inheritance." Azarea responded voice flat gloves wetting with blood from the force of her nails digging into her palm. Legal heirs and children had priority in regards to inheritance after all. This was done to ensure that some random bastard from a brothel did not walk into their hallowed halls, claim a bloodline, and attempt to steal the clans fortunes. It was a safeguard. Just one that had burned her badly.

Thus the man's next question came as no surprise as Azarea lifted her gaze from the documents to meet the Hatake's stare, "Konohagakure no Sato is one of Kumogakure no Sato's most valued allies. I know the village would never approve of any conduct or actions that might jeopardize such an alliance." She states navigating such a minefield with methodical and exacting care. Perfectly well aware that clan business was not always village business and accidents happened. What the eye did not see the heart could not grieve.

"I am grateful to Konohagakure no Sato for allowing my transfer in regards to my circumstances. Thus I am repaying my former village with my efforts to improve the diplomatic alliance between them and my current village. I am one to settle my debts Hatake-san." Azarea explains tone cool, clipped, and eyes hardening with steel. She did not despise Konoha despite everything, but they were no longer her village. She would not allow herself to be in their debt. Kumogakure no Sato was her home and she would protect it with all the heat and flame that she held within her that had once burned for the will of fire.

"As for my nervousness you merely remind me of someone. Sir. I am sure it is just a misunderstanding on my part." She adds with a casual bite to her tone. He can no more admit to being ANBU then she can admit to recognizing him as such as the red haired woman offers him a slow fanged smile bereft of warmth.

"There is also opportunity."

Jutsu Used And Other Notes Go Here

Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |

Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 13, 2022 22:07:36 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


The man nodded when she mentioned the succession system within the Aburame clan, his eyes continued to run through her paperwork until he seemed satisfied with it and offered it back to the woman. He was still asking questions regarding it, but at the very least he seemed to be done with her documents. Her answer to his question, however, was careful and political; she didn't accuse the village of anything, and even made it seem like she had no reason to fear anything, but at the same time her answer was not direct, and vague enough to give room for interpretation from the listener. She was clever, and that much was obvious, able to navigate through the conversation without putting herself in any awkward positions.

The expression of her gratitude on the village seemed but a polite approach to the subject, as she didn't seem all that grateful, and that was made even clearer when she started indicating the payment of a debt, highlighting the fact that she liked to settle her debts. "I see. Fair point." he briefly commented, moving on to his next question, which she responded with a rather casual tone.

Her answer, however, sparkled his interest, prompting him to lean forward a bit and rub his chin with his index and thumb. "Remind you of someone, you say? Interesting. I don't get that very often. Most people I meet already know who I am." he stated, his tone still cold and deprived of emotions. "Your eyes. They angered Hiroshi, didn't they? That's why you have that scar. That's a rather rare colour. So much so I've only really seen it on one person." and even though he didn't name the person, it was clear he was referring to himself. Then, he scoffed and cracked a smirk of sorts. "Staring at you must have really hurt his pride." he added, leaning back against his chair and resting his hand on his knee.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
[332 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 13, 2022 23:07:48 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Mind Games

"As I said Sir. I am sure it is merely a misunderstanding as the individual in question was taking exacting measure to not be recognized." She states with cold clipped sarcasm. The sort of dry double edged humor that had served her well in the shark filled political waters of the kage tower. "After all I was only briefly acquainted with the individual. Konoha's special forces are as always, all business when it comes to dealing with matters concerning village security." The two dancing around one another with words as she accepts her paperwork back and folds it with care before tucking them back into her jacket. Trading and parrying verbal blows with practiced ease as they both felt out their opponent.

In truth it's almost a relief when Toshizou goes for her throat. She lacks the rank to keep her footing against him if she chose to verbally attack, but no one can fault her for defending herself. "Hiroshi-sama at the time was angered by a great many things. I'm sure in his mind he thought taking my eyes was the least of recompense I could offer him, but it is not the place of the child to pay their parent's debts." She snipes right back, the young woman's scarlet eyes so alike his own narrowing sharply at the implications in regards to their color. Before she smiles all fangs and teeth and cruel cutting edge without a single hint of warmth like a wolf baring down on a rabbit. If the man wanted to play mind games then he would find he'd picked the wrong opponent.

"Strange that you should say that Hatake-sama. There was No One in Konoha with the same eyes as me last I'd paid a visit to the village." Azarea quips drawing out her words like the scrape of wet steel on a honing stone. After all she didn't trust the man hadn't simply employed a henge to fuck with her head. He'd seemed the sort for those kinds of tactics to put his opponents off their game. It's what she would have done after all. Perhaps he and Hiroshi held a grudge against one another and she was just another knife to twist in the former Aburame clan head's gut. Not that she cares. Let the old man bleed.

"But I have, of course, been assured that the color is a recessive trait in a few select clans such as the Inazuka, Uzumaki," And the Hatake though she won't give him the pleasure of mentioning such, "Among others." She adds tone cold and sweet as the kiss of a blade as she observes the man settling down into a chair. Clearly here to stay for a time with how he is making himself comfortable as with measured care Azarea takes the seat across from him.

"But of course I'm sure I don't need to lecture an official of Konoha on the villages prestigious bloodlines. Not when you are one yourself. If I may ask are you the new Hatake clan head? There wasn't one at the time when I departed from the village." Azarea inquires with a slight cant of her head her smile genial and inviting and more then perfectly happy to use this guise of polite banter to turn the tables and begin sifting the man in front of her for information of her own.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 13, 2022 23:10:28 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 13, 2022 23:29:26 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


Indeed, back when the Aburame affair happened, he was not himself, but the ANBU known as Shinku. Most members of the ANBU keep the secret of their identity to the grave even after retiring from it. Toshizou had made it to Captain and held the position for many years until he ultimately retired from it and joined the village's council. Still, he couldn't keep himself away from the Black Ops for too long and eventually decided to reactivate Root and train some selected individuals to do the dirty work that needed to be done for the sake of the village. If only Root existed back in the day, Hiroshi could've been properly disposed of, but alas, there's no changing the past. "For the ANBU, the village comes first. It's just a simple fact." he commented when she mentioned the individual as more concerned with the village security. He had abdicated from his entire personal life while working for the organization, to the point he had forfeit his daughters until many years later.

Finally, when she mentioned there was no one in the Leaf with similar eyes, he chuckled lightly. "Or you were not paying attention." he contested just before she went on to mention the recessive trait in few selected clans, not really mentioning the Hatake, but implying they could be included in that. It was a rare trait indeed, as neither of Toshizou's parents had his eyes.

When asked if he was the new Hatake clan head, he nodded, confirming his identity. "I am the current head, but you are wrong in saying there wasn't one. My father was just a very private man. I assumed the clan some time after he passed away, for I wasn't there during his final moments. The village comes first, as it should to someone who once held the position within the ANBU." and now it was out in the open. Even though it wasn't against the law to reveal he had been a member of the ANBU, it was still something that didn't happen very often. "You are quite good at dancing around the subject. Reminds me of myself on my younger years. Which leads me to the realization..." he paused, getting up from his chair and taking a couple steps towards the girl. "... That I should've killed Hiroshi back then. And be there for your mother. Eri was a good woman, but I couldn't see past my own duties at the time." he sighed, shaking his head, finally showing some glimpse of emotion.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
[427 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 14, 2022 0:07:46 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

The Price of Blood is Always Blood

The mention of her Mother hurts. Some days Azarea is not sure what to think of the woman. Whether to love or hate her such emotions change on the day to day, but she has never ceased to pity the woman. For all her skill and brilliance the most it had bought her was the position of a second bride to a clan head old enough to have been her own Father who would never love another woman after the death of his first wife. A cold empty relationship in which she existed for the sole benefit of her clan rather then herself and asked to give of her own body to provide heirs for a man she reviled. Perhaps if Azarea's real Father had been in the picture Eri could have escaped. She would have been thrown out of the clan in disgrace, Azarea would likely have never had her own hive, but the two could have lived and happily.

But she'd been alone and with no one to claim the child her daughter surely would have suffered an 'accident' in the crib if anyone suspected she was ever anything other then an Aburame. The woman had spent years trying to hide Azarea's parentage, fighting for her daughters right to succeed because if Azarea became clan head then she could make the annals of the clans history obey her, could write the story how she had pleased, and free her Mother. But that's not how the story goes.

As Toshizou rises from his seat taking a few tentative steps towards her the Kumogakure Kunoichi does not move, nor flinch away. Instead hardening her heart the young woman stares him down with eyes as sharp and as cold as his own. Her polite flat indulgent mask a near unconscious perfect mirror of the ROOT leader's own expressions. As the woman folds her hands into her lap, crosses one leg over the other, and cants her head back to meet his gaze with a calculating glance.

"Hatake-san I truly hope that you do not think that I am so naïve as to believe your claims without proof." She states voice cold. She can't believe him. Won't believe him. Not without concrete evidence. Otherwise she would be making herself vulnerable. Opening a scar she'd worked so hard to burn closed and all the hatred, the questions, the unending want for what she had never had would spill out like bad blood and she didn't know what would remain. Whether it would be a clean injury or an infected wound.

"I know for a fact all of the old clans have methods of telling direct blood relations," Though if she recalls the Hatake one was a summoning contract so that was as likely to kill her as it was to work. She herself had passed through such methods with the Aburame due to her Mother being Aburame herself. "Fetch one at your leisure or bring a Konoha standard parental test." The two of them simply dropping a few bits of blood and seeing whether the fluid in the vial turned the blue of direct patrilineal relation would do just as well or green if in-direct clan relation as it had when Hiroshi had pushed to finally have her tested before being struck from the annals as his child. The tests after all were notoriously tamper proof unless Hatake-san somehow knew her real Father and had a way of slight of handing his blood into the vial. Her Kikaichu would just have to be on alert for foreign scents if that was the case.

"Though I'd prefer the standard parental test, but I also understand if you'd rather this not be on record." Azarea states her smile sharp enough to draw blood. One had to request such a test even if you didn't have to file them. The system would know the Hatake-clan head had a potential child out there somewhere and inquiries would be made. Hopefully the threats of such would be enough to prove whether the man was truly lying or not by whether he had the balls to put his reputation on the line. She had after all already politely offered him an out. A chance to say he was mistaken and back away from this conversation and this room with no one the wiser. Whether or not he took it was yet to be seen.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 14, 2022 0:12:14 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 29, 2022 13:54:37 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


There was pain there, no matter how much she tried to keep her emotions at bay, for someone with such a keen Mind's Eye, no emotions were truly concealled. He remembered Eri well, her loveless marriage and just how much passion she had inside of her, just waiting for an opportunity to be unleashed. It was easy for the two of them to grow close together, as he had been assigned to watch the Aburame clan at the time, when he was still in his earlier years in the ANBU. Still, back then, he had a duty to the village and he couldn't - and wouldn't - allow any personal aspect of his life to get in the way. Aku Soku Zan, his personal philosophy, his Ninja Way.

After he spoke his words, her response was not unlike what he expected. She would be foolish to just believe him after everything she had been through in life. "Of course. But I don't say this lightly. This is just reality." he responded, and for the first time, there was a hint of emotion in his tone, and that was regret. Yes, he wouldn't have done differently if given the chance, but it didn't change the fact that it cost him dearly, and he just had to pay for it every day until he could repent. The village always came first.

"I'm the head of the Hatake clan and the owner of the contract. I will not ask you to sign the contract, but we can use it to easy your doubts, if that will help you believe my words. As for a standard test, that can be arranged as well." he nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, a masked figure appeared beside him, kneeling down. "I'm not ashamed, and I want it to be on record. I've neglected my family for many years while I was in the ANBU, but not anymore." After saying those words, the man beside him nodded and disappeared again, only to come back less than a minute later with the scroll for the test. The Root member place it on the ground in between them and then bowed to Toshizou once again before disappearing in a poof of smoke.

Grabbing a kunai from his leg holster, he removed his right glove and drew blood from his thumb in her plain sight, placing it on the scroll. "Whenever you are ready." he said once he finished doing his part.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
Parental test
[ ]
[421 words]
last edit by Hatake Toshizō on Sept 29, 2022 13:55:41 GMT -5
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 29, 2022 14:34:10 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot

Heroes and Traitors

Panic boiled within her chest mingling with fear, hatred, and doubt. He couldn't be serious? Could he? "I think you're bluffing." Azarea admits as she eyes the scroll watching as he pricks his finger crimson blood welling in the cut. She doesn't bother drawing her own. Too wary of being cut down for taking a weapon in hand around an important official. Instead she tugs off her gloves and scratches open one of the poorly healed nicks on the back of her hand from one of her many recent missions. Waiting for the blood to pool in the wound before she smears it across her thumb and presses it to the test scroll holding it there for a moment as she glances up at the man across from her.

"You've worked how many years clawing your way up through ANBU and are a councilor. You only stand to lose being associated with a traitor if this works." Azarea warns him though she's not so foolish as to not realize the scroll may well disappear before it ever makes it to the archives. Even if it did the only one who would benefit from it was her with a temporary stay of execution until the clans could figure out what to do about her. She's not dumb enough to think he'd...

Pulling her thumb back she leaves a bloody smeared fingerprint in it's place as the fuinjutsu shifts, the text on it unraveling as the jutsu worked. Before the ink bled
blue. Leaving Azarea to stare at it ashen faced and feeling distinctly ill at the implications. Unable to lift her eyes. Unable to look the man... Unable to look her Father in the face.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: 284 |
Keen has written 1,221 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 29, 2022 20:58:13 GMT -5
Hatake Toshizō
Aku Soku Zan - Slay Evil Immediately
Hatake Toshizō Avatar
age 37 years old birthday April 15 rank Elite Jounin occupation Shinobi Council | Commander of Root
"a wolf at the door".
"A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic, dead or alive."


"You are free to think whatever you want, I'm not going to pretend I have the moral high ground here, but I'm not here to jest." he said, sighing briefly as the blood dripped onto the scroll. Once he was done, he waited for her to do the same, which she did immediately after he was done. Toshizou's eyes locked on her eyes, they were so similar that it felt like he was staring into a mirror, her words, however, made him sigh again and shake his head. "You are not a traitor. If anything, you were a victim of circumstances. One we should've been able to protect rather than send away due to politics from an era in which we were ruled by an incapable leader." it was no secret he was not a fan of the former Hokage, or the current one for that matter. He coveted their seat, if anything.

In any case, the fuinjutsu in the scroll activated due to their blood and the ink bled blue, as he already knew it would, so there was absolutely no surprise on his face. On the girl's expression, however? She grew as pale as a ghost, and he took a deep breathe. "See? I wasn't bluffing. Now... I'm sure you have many questions of your own, but I also understand if you need some time. You keep this scroll. The village will be informed of our connection, and you will be added to the Hatake clan census as well. You may decided not to accept me as your father, but that doesn't change the fact that I am." he said, looking back to the door, where another member of Root briefly appeared, nodded to him before vanishing again. "Three..." he thought to himself, before closing his eyes and inhaling sharply.

"You can train a dog with food. You can buy a person with money. But there isn't a man alive that can put down the Will of Fire. Some things will never change. The Will of Fire will never be extinguished"

Hidden Leaf Village
Parenthood confirmed
[310 words]
Ren has written 399 posts
A Wolf At The Door [Toshizo/Azarea]Sept 29, 2022 21:23:35 GMT -5
Aburame Azarea
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Aburame Azarea Avatar
age 21 years old birthday 5/31/-13sd rank Chuunin occupation War Council Apprentice

The Devil That You Forgot


It feels like a bitter twist of irony that she will be added to archives she'll never be allowed to access. His words jarring Azarea out of her stupor as something in her cracks. The woman sitting up straight as she smiles sharp as broken glass and eyes like freshly spilled blood. A sort of mad bravery of a woman who has nothing left to lose to her gaze as her hive hums low and vicious beneath her skin. Her Kikaichu begging for blood as she reaches for the scroll twirling it idly between her fingers.

A 'victim' he called her. As if she hadn't suffered at his own hands. The thought jarring a sharp cutting laugh. The noise mirthless and maddened as it falls from her lips as she lifts her free hand to push the ragged stray strands of her red hair back from her eyes in a broken mirror of the man across from her. "Get. Out." She spits baring her teeth as with a snap of her fingers she sets the scroll in her other hand alight.

"I don't need your misguided pity." Azarea snapped hating that look in her Father... no the Hatake's eyes. Like she was some regretful existence. A stray to be picked up alongside the road. "Get out before your ANBU have to arrest me." She growls out baring her teeth uncaring if she looked just as much like a feral dog as the bastard of a man sitting across from her.

Justu Goes Here

                           Made by Keen of FBNRP | Word Count: |
last edit by Aburame Azarea on Sept 29, 2022 21:23:49 GMT -5
Keen has written 1,221 posts