Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 17, 2024 1:38:06 GMT -5
Kyokujitsu Senshi
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groupSand Shinobi
age 13 years old birthday January 7 rank Genin occupation Genin Team 1 Member
In truth, Senshi primarily came here for some bamboo shoots so that she could take them home to add to her ramen, as well as to feed to her estranged lizard pet named Kaijuu, or Kai for short, but hearing of the wishes they could grant? Senshi wished for the best thing. "I wish I could be the very best, like no one ever was. The best ninja in all of Suna!" Tying the tanzaku, she'd slowly stroke her lizard before running off deeper so she can get her fantastical cooking ingredient. 

"Hey...you eat bamboo right?" She asks the lizard, to which it cries out in a reptilian call, before Senshi shrugs, and takes some with her. "I'll take that as a yes." 
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:17:40 GMT -5
Dandead10 has written 209 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 17, 2024 1:45:17 GMT -5
Shirai Tetsumaki
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groupCloud Shinobi
age 38 years old birthday January 7 rank Elite Jounin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader
Knowing it to be a foolish wish in question, Shirai Tetsumaki found herself making a wish that was both inherently selfish, but also impossible in her mind. However, if the Tanabata Bamboo was as magical as people said it was, then she'd wish for something only magic could accomplish. Clapping her hands together, she slowly ties a purple tie, in which she made one that could horribly go wrong. She wished that her dead family could be brought back to life, a vague wish, whether it be her children, her husband, or perhaps any of her estranged family members.

That said, she finds herself burning incense and drinking herself to sleep that night, as she dreams of the past and the joys she had of motherhood. Of raising a family, and how different her life might have been if they'd been with her now. However, that life was another reality. Just a distant dream. A genjutsu she'd probably never be able to experience in anything other than her fantasies and wildest dreams. It was a horrible thought to have, but putting her faith into a little mystical power, she walks off, to build what was present. Maybe if she was lucky she'd have a family again some day, though in some part, she did wish jokingly on the back of the Tanzaku to be about fifteen years younger. Wouldn't that be nice? 
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:18:24 GMT -5
dandead10#5303 has written 91 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 18, 2024 23:49:38 GMT -5
aihara ryoko
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Ryoko was not one to miss out on celebrations. Though she might have avoided the chores, the very concept of a wishing tree made her rather delighted.

It was such a childish thing to believe, that a wish could come true just by attaching it to a tree. Superstitious nonsense like tailed beasts and resurrection jutsu. She wouldn’t be convinced so easily that wishes were anything more than hopes and self delusion. As meaningful as blowing out the candles on her birthday.

Besides, what would she even wish for? For talent and glory? For power and skill and jutsu? She had those things already, earned on her own and learned through painstaking trial and experience. She didn’t need to ask some tree to give her things she could just take for herself. That’d remove all the fun of taking them!

No no, this whole thing was just childish nonsense made to bring families together and give people something to be happy about. Believing in that sort of magic was just silly. She scoffs as she shakes her head, watching the crowd well below her milling about near the now highly decorated bit of shrubbery.

With the wave of a hand a note glides silently through the air. A pushpin hits the trunk of the tall bamboo, and the note is quickly attached to the tree.

"I’d sure like to have more chakra” it read in starkly average calligraphy.

Ryoko was a wild animal, not some weirdo human that believed in these things. With a wish finally made, though, she makes a retreat back for her home.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:19:07 GMT -5
has written 359 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 20, 2024 5:21:51 GMT -5
Kaguya Kimihiro
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groupMist Shinobi
age 21 years old birthday 4/4 rank Special Jounin occupation Sixth Seat of the Seven Swordsmen
A small painting is tied to the bamboo, with awkward lettering written on the back

I want to make sure she doesn't stop smiling
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:21:35 GMT -5
Eleri has written 112 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 21, 2024 1:44:25 GMT -5
Shihōin Eko
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groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday August 11th 1005 rank Special Jounin occupation Kage Bodyguard



Eko had only one wish and she would mumble the words low under her breathe saying "I wish to be the greatest to ever hold a blade."


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]01 | Gengetsu[Crescent Moon] |Lifeblade(Worn on left hip)
01 | Fūinjutsu Brushes(In right hip pouch)
10 | Kunai(In right hip pouch)
20 | Shuriken(In right hip pouch)
02 | Small Scroll
01 | Bandage Roll(In right hip pouch 3)
01 | Wooden Training Katana
01 | Cloak of Darkness(Sealed onto body)
01 | Ninja Wire Reel(In right hip pouch 1)
01 | Gas Mask(Sealed into small scroll 1)
01 | Basic Counterfeit ID[Eiko Kururugi/Land of Iron](In pocket)
01 | Antiseptic Salve(In right hip pouch 3)
01 | Retractable Shield
01 | Fuinjutsu Weights(1 on each arm and each leg)
10 | Smoke Bombs(In right hip pouch)
10 | Explosive Tag(In right hip pouch)
10 | Flash Bombs(In right hip pouch)
01 | Katana Holder(Sealed on body)
260 | Standard Issue Katana(In katana holder)
01 | Life Armor Aegis


[attr="class","lightbluetext"]Japanese Name [English Name]
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Japanese Name [English Name]
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Peak Human Strength
The user’s strength is at the highest limit of human potential. Their strength allows them to perform feats not possible by the average member of their species. Eko is able to throw powerful hand to hand attacks and lift very heavy objects using her immense strength. More specifically for her though this allows her to swing her sword with immense power.
Araikettei Clan Hijutsu
As a member of the Araikettei clan, Eko has access to the clan's many hijutsu techniques and use of the life blade. Eko's life blade takes the form of a simple katana.
Peak Human Reflexes
The user's reflexes are at the peak of human potential and perfection; this means that their reactions are comparable to those of a feline. With her reflexes she is able to do moves with her sword that the average swordsman could not.
Enhanced Chakra Reserves
Although Eko is constantly splitting her chakra between her and her life blade, she can gladly afford to do this as she has a very large reserve of chakra. Between the chakra in her and her sword some people have said that she has the means to go on in a fight for hours.



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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:28:25 GMT -5
Jordan has written 105 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 20:51:20 GMT -5
Hoshino Kohaku
Everyone has a part to play
Hoshino Kohaku Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 11/18 rank Genin occupation

I won't give up 'cause there will be a day...

I'll be worth it

[attr="class","rloverTag"]Taking Back the Crown



Bamboo amongst the snowscape of Yukigakure was such a strange sight. What was even more strange was the messages placed upon these shoots and while to some it could seem like a trap Kohaku saw this as an opportunity. She had her fears and woes that weighed down on her and it wasn't until lately that she was able to finally feel like she was moving past some of them. So she would take these messages as her chance to let her desires take hold once more. Grabbing a piece of paper she would write down her wish and place it back upon the bamboo. Her message read as thus;[break][break]

"I wish to become stronger so I can be a major help to my team"

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:31:15 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 90 posts