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HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 28, 2024 5:39:29 GMT -5
tokonatsu yukari
this time will be the time we get it right.
tokonatsu yukari Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 31 years old birthday september 29 rank sp. jounin occupation medical corps

Orders had come down while Yukari was still abroad—no matter how solitary or secluded her travel, Takigakure’s leadership seemed uniquely capable of getting in touch with her when there was Work To Be Done. She took the mission scroll from the messenger bird with poorly concealed derision; though she took the time to feed and groom the bird before releasing it so it could return to the village. Her irritation was not the messenger’s fault, after all.

Yukari was to take a few days out of her work for Ruto, a brief detour to link up with a Kirigakure shinobi elsewhere in Mori no Kuni territory to collect a small harvest of some rare herb that had been identified in the area. A simple task undoubtedly assigned to her by virtue of proximity alone. She could only hope that she was not being saddled with some fresh teenage genin of the Mist; Lady Third had taken some sick pleasure in attaching her to various genin as of late, and Yukari wouldn’t put it past the girl to continue inflicting torment upon her from afar.

Their rendezvous point was at the entrance of a town called Kurashiki; from there, the cavern system they would need to investigate wouldn’t be terribly far. The mazelike forests of Mori no Kuni were a nightmare to navigate under the best of circumstances, and the region that encompassed their final destination was supposedly uniquely secluded even by the nation’s standards.

Dark eyes scanned not the faces of passers-by as she approached the small village’s main thoroughfare, but the clothing they wore—seeking the tell-tale sign of a Kirigakure hitai-ate that her assigned partner would surely be wearing.


After joint investigations we have discovered a rare herb, that will be essential to improving our poison and medical research. Takigakure and Kirigakure have sent out shinobi to meet and gather this herb from a cavernous but secluded area known for its rich plant life. Watch out for potential dangers, both animal and human.
tactician has written 65 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 28, 2024 11:57:34 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Mori no kuni, a land so incredibly overgrown with flora that the rumours of people getting lost easily and disappearing begin to make sense. The furthest that she's ever been from a place she calls 'home'.

At times along this journey, the sheer density of these forests make her wonder just how many bodies have been buried beneath each tree to make it flourish. Others, she spends her time correcting her chaperone on their direction of travel. Words spoken with such certainty and backed by the blood in her veins that they give in and allow her to lead the way.

Sure enough, they make it to the town... Kawashita? Kurosawa? Whatever it is, she watches as her chaperone slips off into the town, leaving it all up to her to find the Taki shinobi she's meant to meet up with. Some might call it her responsibility but in Yuzuki's eyes, they really could've stuck around for a bit longer to ensure that she found her mission partner.

Reaching towards her neck, she reaches just under her headband to scratch the growing nerves away. Ah well, what's the worst that could go wrong? Taki and Kiri are supposed to be allied. They couldn't afford to have anything happen to her unless they wished for some kind of international incident.

Perhaps, you should look for those who seem to be searching for someone.

Like that lady over there, whose presence gives her a rather unsettling yet familiar sensation.
[attr="class","prism-notes"]mission: herbs of interest
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 29, 2024 8:42:29 GMT -5
tokonatsu yukari
this time will be the time we get it right.
tokonatsu yukari Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 31 years old birthday september 29 rank sp. jounin occupation medical corps

Yukari noted a hitai-ate around a young girl’s neck only moments before Kyuusai’s curiosity was piqued, whiskers twitching in the way of a rat which had scented something delectable. His intrigue was ignored, shunted aside by Yukari’s irritation at the realization that she was once again being saddled with a teenager barely older than her son.

She lifted a hand to catch the girl’s attention, her red-painted lips pressed flat and dour as she approached. She offered only a perfunctory bow as greeting, the barest minimum required to be polite, and said: "I am Tokonatsu Yukari of Takigakure. I assume we’re to be working together. Are you familiar with the area and our assignment? Do you have any questions or concerns before we depart?”

Icy and yet unfailingly courteous, the kind of rigid politesse found only in the most corporate of customer service sectors. Shaded by a veil of condescension, it was clear that Yukari was thoroughly unimpressed by what Kirigakure had to offer, her technically polite diction dripping with displeasure. If she could have conducted the mission on her own, she would have, but she was not so bold yet as to disobey a direct order when given.

Yukari’s discipline over her fine motor functions was very nearly perfect, but she found her scalpel slipping into her palm, where she idly bounced the tip of it against her finger; more Kyuusai’s motion than her own, a rare fit of restlessness from the scalpel she had forged for her own hand. He was so rarely energetic, certainly not enough to chafe against Yukari’s will; the girl interested him, and he was refusing to be cast aside.


tactician has written 65 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 29, 2024 9:15:20 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Painted expressions do nothing to hide the displeasure that this woman so exudes. And yet, the introduction provided is nothing short of perfect for the situation that they are in. Directs her to focus on aforementioned topics and not stray into idle talk that she seems unwilling to engage in.

"Funato Yuzuki of Kirigakure." An equivalent exchange, the only difference being the faint smile she offers along with a dip of her head. "Not so familiar with the area, but I think I'll be fine."


What good does it do to go around boasting about her capabilities? The last thing she wants is to have her head bitten off for rattling on a little too much. Ah, but now that they are closer to one another, that strange sensation only seems to grow, along with the gentle sway of Isonami against the length of her fishing rod.

Curiosity drags her eyes towards fidgeting hands, then flicks back to meet the woman's harsh gaze. Curiosity is an addictive indulgence and experience has taught her better than to pry.

"Do you know much about the dangers in this area?" There is one question, arising from just how little she knows of the world beyond misty borders. "It's my first time in Mori no Kuni, so I'm not too sure of what kinds of things or creatures we should be avoiding."
[attr="class","prism-notes"]mission: herbs of interest
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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myriascope has written 169 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 29, 2024 9:45:07 GMT -5
tokonatsu yukari
this time will be the time we get it right.
tokonatsu yukari Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 31 years old birthday september 29 rank sp. jounin occupation medical corps

A childish kind of confidence, but Yukari chose to take it at face value. Picking at the girl until she either forfeited the mission or lost her temper wouldn’t serve either of them; she swallowed the criticisms that rose to her lips and artfully held her tongue.

The pulse of Kyuusai bouncing in her hand slowed to match the gentle sway of the line of the girl’s fishing rod. A subconscious thing that escaped Yukari’s notice in favor of the fact that Funato Yuzuki had brought a fishing rod with her, the logic behind her decision-making indiscernible at first glance.

"Some,” Yukari replied, instead of questioning Yuzuki’s intelligence. She gestured for the girl to follow and took the lead towards the road leading east out of town, leaving what passed for civilization behind in favor of a thick treeline and a light fog that rolled in from the north. "The Forest of Bewilderment holds the most dangerous flora and fauna in the region, but the rest of the country is still maze-like and treacherous. If the area this herb can supposedly be found in is as secluded as the mission details claim, then it seems rational to expect a healthy assortment of prey animals that benefit from the region’s plant life, as well as a predator chain unused to sharing hunting grounds with local human settlements. Expect bobcats, pumas, bears.” She paused, considering. "The flora also exhibits strange behavior—be wary of pollen, as well as vine-like appendages.”

A beat, and she let slip her tongue.

"There is not likely to be any time for fishing, she said disdainfully, eyeing Yuzuki’s rod.


tactician has written 65 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 29, 2024 19:08:52 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Eastwards, in the trails of another shinobi far more familiar with the lay of the land than she is. Attention hooked into Yukari's brief run-down, she nods along with every point that sticks out. From the sounds of it, things sound pretty similar to home, save for pumas.

What even are pumas? Big felines, right? Something akin to tigers? Oh, and pollen and vines. So avoid flowering plants and creepers? Gosh, not even a minute into the forests and there's already so many things she needs to consider whilst surveying the area.

"Don't worry, I won't make any detours!" Straight in disdain's face, a lopsided grin that reveals nothing more. This isn't the first time someone has commented on her fishing rod in such a manner and it most certainly won't be the last. The more people get strung on their misconceptions, the more she's allowed to get away with right under their nose.

"So... they've given us a description of the herb, right?" With every step, a quiet song that seeps into the earth. And the melodies that the land echoes back reveals the many secrets that dwell both above and beneath. "How much do you think they'll need for their research?"
[attr="class","prism-notes"]mission: herbs of interest
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Funato Yuzuki on Nov 29, 2024 19:09:08 GMT -5
myriascope has written 169 posts
HERBS OF INTEREST | YUZUKINov 30, 2024 4:06:21 GMT -5
tokonatsu yukari
this time will be the time we get it right.
tokonatsu yukari Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 31 years old birthday september 29 rank sp. jounin occupation medical corps

A goofy, lopsided grin. Yukari only hummed briefly in response, unconvinced but willing to let the matter lie for now. Better to assume incompetence and be proven pleasantly wrong than to put her unquestioning faith in a teenage stranger—and this particular teenage stranger was seeming more airheaded by the minute.

"It’s supposedly quite large,”
she said, "a single inflorescence that can be up to two meters tall, spiky, with small white flowers. If the goal is for both your village and mine to research it appropriately then we should gather at least half a dozen, but it depends on what we find—it is better to gather less and allow the herb to continue propagating in its natural environment than to gather more and risk its endangerment.”

"We may be able to cultivate it ourselves,” Kyuusai added softly, his squeaky voice resonating in Yukari’s mind. That, perhaps more than her proximity, may have been why she was selected for this mission: she was sure to know how to handle the herb.

"Here.” They came upon a cavernous opening, not quite tall enough for Yukari to enter without stooping over; Yuzuki would be able to fit comfortably within. Moss wreathed the entrance to the cavern, a thick veil of greenery that concealed the passageway to the unwary eye. If they hadn’t been specifically seeking it out, they would have missed it entirely. She gingerly reached out to push aside the curtain of thin, spindly vines with Kyuusai's blade, careful not to touch the foliage with her bare skin. "This should be the area in question. Proceed, and be wary.”

Volunteering Yuzuki to take the lead, so that Yukari was not in the line of fire should they be ambushed by predator animals.


tactician has written 65 posts