Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 28, 2024 9:50:03 GMT -5
Fuitchi Sogo
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groupSnow Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday April 9th rank Genin occupation Genin Team

get away from me
[get closer to me]

Written backwards onto one of the shoots in messy words: ".name her In .blockade a become will I."


[Actual meaning]

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:46:36 GMT -5
TOFF E has written 37 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 29, 2024 2:35:03 GMT -5
Funato Yuzuki
Anything goes even in still waters
Funato Yuzuki Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 16 July 1008 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 3 Member
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
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[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]No crew, nor captain's guiding hand can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow
[attr="class","prism-onebody"]Bamboo in a place like this... Do they usually grow here? No, isn't the greater problem that they simply appeared overnight? What kind of genetics did these plants have to sprout and grow that fast?

Ah, well -

You're making a wish?

Do you want yours written too?

It's not hard to grab another piece to write on. Just a little weird if anyone catches her doing it. Thankfully, she's picked a time where no one seems to be hovering around. And with a quick scribble and a hop, she hangs their wishes up for all to see.

'I wish to one day part the deep blue.'

'I wish to find a purpose.'

[attr="class","prism-notes"]tanabata season
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:48:30 GMT -5
myriascope has written 59 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 29, 2024 20:29:33 GMT -5
Inuzuka Ashi
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Inuzuka Ashi Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 4th, 1007 rank Chunin occupation Genin Team 1 Leader
"I'm still not convinced these things are safe but if I have to wish for something I guess... I could always use another dog."
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:52:34 GMT -5
Dahlia has written 21 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 2:26:36 GMT -5
Suzuki Taru
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groupMist Shinobi
age birthday rank occupation
Taru had been visiting the bamboo every day since it first sprouted, to deliver her prayers and celebrations to this fascinating occurrence gifted by the sky. She performed little dances, told the children of the village stories of kuda-gitsune living in the bamboo shoots and granting wishes, telling the secrets of the world. She helped pick the kids up to tie their tanzaku up high, and sometimes climbed the bamboo just to see how strong it was.

But for her own wish, she waited a long, long time, taking a whole month to think about what she wanted to wish for. It was a hard choice. If you only got one wish to the bamboo gods, what were you supposed to ask for?! Taru was really contented with her life, so it's not like she wanted for much. Now that she worked for the Mizukage's office, she made a lot of money, and could almost afford to move out of her drafty old apartment, though part of her wanted to stay in it anyways.

In the end, she wrote something a little predictable; "O spirits, reveal yourselves to me, and grant your blessings to Kirigakure!"
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:53:27 GMT -5
has written 403 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 5:28:15 GMT -5
Warai Ameko
Might makes right
Warai Ameko Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 14 years old birthday 16 November 1009 rank Genin occupation Team 1
"I'm not going to pretend to know how to go about any of this, but, uh, oh magic bamboo, grant me the strength to do what I need to. Grant me the power to achieve my goals, to prove myself, and to reach the apex. Oh and take care of my friends and family, while you're at it, you probably don't have limits or whatever with your power. Magic bamboo and all."

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:54:24 GMT -5
bonobo has written 193 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 5:29:55 GMT -5
Okada Renge
Damn the odds! I'm going to the top!
Okada Renge Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 12 years old birthday 28 February rank Academy Student occupation Academy Student
"I want to be the biggest and the strongest so I can prove all those dumb idiot doubters wrong. Make me the besterest at ninjutsu and fighting and let me do that woosh thing that all the cool ninja can do."

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:55:04 GMT -5
bonobo has written 36 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 5:32:07 GMT -5
Shindera Mori
The roots must be destroyed for the rot to die
Shindera Mori Avatar
age 27 years old birthday 15 September 996 rank A-Rank occupation Bandit
Mori was silent as he observed the bamboo, electing not to speak, electing not to write. Instead his gesture was far simpler. A single knife, a clean cut across his palm, the hand held outstretched, the red liquid allowed to drip into the soil. Blood for blood, let it flow and let it shed. May the new world come.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:55:59 GMT -5
bonobo has written 39 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 11:52:35 GMT -5
Ha Tsuru
To war is divine, a person can only truly be forged in the flames of conflict.
Ha Tsuru Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 30 years old birthday 2nd December rank Sp.Jonin occupation Bodyguard
To wish was to let the fates know of your grand plans, the things that lurk at the heart of you. At least that was what Tsuru's parents had taught her. That meant if she was going to make a wish it would be an important one, to let the fates themselves know that she wasn't content to just be a sword, she was going to be much more. So it was that her messy handwriting marked out her wish on the ribbon that she tied to the bamboo; "By summer sun and burning gale, wicked flame of cries and wails. Grant me strength and furious might, cast off shadow let my blade cut night!"
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:58:04 GMT -5
Blade has written 5 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 14:08:11 GMT -5
Shimamoto Miyo
Either you are a puppet or a puppeteer. There is no in between.
Shimamoto Miyo Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 20 years old birthday June 6th 1004 rank Chūnin occupation
Miyo had recently lost her mentor and guiding light in everything since her father kicked her out of her home. She wiped a tear and put her haiku on the bamboo.

New dawn, new wisdom,
Guide us through the paths unknown,
Teacher, come with light.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:58:59 GMT -5
Alli has written 23 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 14:45:59 GMT -5
Nōhime Ouritsu
Solid as the stone beneath me!
Nōhime Ouritsu Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday June 5th, 1006 rank Chuunin occupation Ops Team 1 Member
Ouritsu stares silently at the small slip of paper in his hands, unsure of what the future holds but putting out a prayer for better fortune.

'My wish is for the resurgence of the Nohime.'
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 21:01:18 GMT -5
Kata has written 369 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 30, 2024 15:03:27 GMT -5
Hiesin Mairusu
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Hiesin Mairusu Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 18 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Snake Sage Apprentice
What could one wish for when their greatest desire was so very close at hand?


'To be nature's ultimate vanguard, is my wish.'
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 21:02:01 GMT -5
Kata has written 235 posts