Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!

fallen blades
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 20:58:22 GMT -5
Kyuumu Takame
"Family comes first"
Kyuumu Takame Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 17 years old birthday October 10th rank Adv Genin occupation
Wishes were for children and so when the bamboo first appeared in Kumogakure Takame took almost no notice of them. Finding the whole thing a ridiculous ordeal only those with weak minds and helpless ambitions, but his curiosity did get the best of him eventually. This was more so when he got assistance from the birds of Kumo who told them of both some of the wishes people would say along with the vast diversity of people doing it. So in the dead of night when he was able to do so he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his wish. He would hang the slip of paper much like others had and would leave it hanging where it would say;[break][break]

"I wish to fly free away from the chains that bind me"

[attr="class","wpknotes"]word count @tag notes if you want
[attr="class","wpsycho"]EAGLE EYES

[attr="class","wcred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:32:06 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 102 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:01:23 GMT -5
Katsuo Jokyū
"I may fall behind, but I will catch up and surpass eventually!"
Katsuo Jokyū Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday February 2nd rank Adv Genin occupation

freedom in the stars

Star Flyer
find your freedom in the stars

[attr="class","ktt-post"]The appearance of bamboo which could grant wishes was something Katsuo found interesting and honestly something as a time waster. Not that he didn't believe in wishing or anything, but rather it didn't seem productive in the grand scheme of things. Still, he wasn't one to not participate in something others were doing if there was even a slim possibility of it becoming true so he would fill out a sheet of paper. A simple wish he would put upon it as it would simply say;

"I wish to feel like I'm not just a failed clone of my brother"

[attr="class","kttbottom"]All manner of things could be placed within this little box out of character notes, the weather, how your character is feeling, their outfit, a song that inspired your post, links to pictures that relate to your post, this scrolls so have fun with it my lovelies!
𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪 ლ

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:32:56 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 123 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:04:30 GMT -5
Futago Saito
"All the world's a stage!"
Futago Saito Avatar
groupGrass Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday 01/01 rank Academy Student occupation
[attr="class","snikki102"]OR ARE YOU ME?
[attr="class","snikki109"]Saito, much like his brother, lived for theatrics and things of a magical quality to them so when the appearance of fully grown bamboo made its appearance to Kusagakure he was one of the first ones to practically approach the bamboo. Eager with enthusiasm he quickly grabbed a piece of paper wrote his wish on it and returned it to the bamboo. A giant smile on his face as his wish wasn't just for him, but also for his twin Kaito. The paper spinning in the wind revealing his wish;[break][break]

"I wish for the world to see how me and my brother shine"
notes here, i guess?

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:34:52 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 50 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:07:39 GMT -5
Hotaru Tadashi
"Protect those I hold dear with all my might"
Hotaru Tadashi Avatar
groupWaterfall Shinobi
age 33 years old birthday 30th June, 990 rank Jounin occupation Genin Team 3 Leader

Bamboo wasn't that uncommon around Takigakure as the lush flora was something the village was used to seeing so at first some people, Tadashi included, didn't even notice the new vegetation that appeared overnight. It wasn't until someone pointed out the papers attached to them that he noticed them. "A wish huh?" Tadashi would mutter to himself wondering what he would wish for if he decided to participate. It wouldn't take him long to figure out a wish he wanted though so he would quickly write it down before departing with a smile. His wish reading that of;[break][break]

"I wish for my son to grow up happy and loved as much as I love him"

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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:36:06 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 46 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:12:52 GMT -5
Urano Shun
"Everyone is just a friend waiting for a hug!"
Urano Shun Avatar
groupSnow Shinobi
age 8 years old birthday August 8th rank Academy Student occupation
[newclass=.sayab-container]--be-accent: #6e6ab7;[/newclass]


[attr="class","sayab-lyrics"]be as you've always been

[attr="class","sayab-tagged"]for @tag


"Woah!" Shun would say in excitement at the appearance of something green amongst the white landscape of Yukigakure. Bamboo just sprouting out of nowhere and painting the world of white and gray with hints of green was so cool! Shun had to take pictures of these bamboo stalks! It wasn't until he took a picture did he even realized they were wishing stalks! That just made them even cooler to him to the point he wanted to make a wish, but he was a bit too short to reach a paper. So he got someone to help him out and he filled out the paper as best as he could. Handing the paper back to the stranger who helped him they would tie the wish on for him and then write their wish on their paper. Shun would take another picture of the stalk with his camera this time with his wish in the scene where anyone could read it saying;[break][break]

"I wish to take pictures of all the people in the world"


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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:37:00 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 18 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:54:38 GMT -5
Yasuda Jin
"I don't mind if the world spins faster"
Yasuda Jin Avatar
groupRock Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday rank Adv Genin occupation



[attr="class","reskulloverlap"]FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE

[attr="class","reskullbody"]Jin had heard rumors of the bamboo sprouting around the village and other places around the world, but he didn't honestly believe it at first. Not that he didn't think bamboo could grow in most places, but more so at the rate at which they did. Sure bamboo was fast growing and quite invasive of a plant, but the fact it was overnight was amazing to him. When he did happen to see them though it was weird for sure especially since they had papers attached to them already ready for people to make wishes upon them. A crowd was forming around a specific bunch of bamboo and the excitement from the people was so infectious that Jin found himself following along in the almost ritualistic instructions. Once his wish was placed upon the bamboo Jin would smile and look proudly at the wish he made;[break][break]

"I wish for all the wishes of the world to come true"

[attr="class","reskullinfo"]000 WORDS / TAGGED


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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:38:12 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 11 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 21:59:23 GMT -5
Maboroshi Masato
"Protect knowledge to further history"
Maboroshi Masato Avatar
groupRain Shinobi
age birthday rank Jounin occupation

[newclass=.aangelonfire] --aofAccent:#2A2E83; [/newclass]
[newclass=.aaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]




Logically speaking this phenomenon was impossible and yet here they were. bamboo growing amongst the metalwork that was Amegakure. Like a roach that could get into cracks and survive the worst conditions, this almost magical bamboo was doing the same growing in improbable places and surviving the harsh rainfall that clouded Amegakure. It was so strange and Masato found himself both fascinated and disturbed by their presence. As for the papers with wishes attached to them, he found the whole subject matter obnoxious and ridiculous, but there was something about it that did sort of intrigue him. It was probably simply from the amount of people participating in it so Masato would do the same. His wish was one he knew he could accomplish without the need for wishing for it so to some it might be a waste while to him it was a safety precaution should it not come true. His wish was;[break][break]

"I wish to protect the knowledge of Amegakure for the rest of my life"

and some notes go here! they autoexpand. so go wild, mon frere.


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last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:38:58 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 8 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 24, 2024 22:05:15 GMT -5
Katsue Koki
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Katsue Koki Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 25 years old birthday rank Jounin occupation
[googlefont=Open Sans Condensed:300,700]

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one word

one resolve


[attr=class,kpunkiwofwordcount]#### words

Plants growing in Suna's harsh desert weather were very sparse much so the lush vegetation that was bamboo. Usually, the village would get simply desert flowers or cacti, but bamboo just sort of stuck out in comparison to the red and orange colored landscape they had come to know. Honestly, though it was a nice change of pace maybe they could harvest it and use it for construction materials to help stabilize the homes they created in Suna. There were a lot of uses the bamboo could have for their village, but what seemed to attract a lot of people's attention was the wishing system it seemed to hold. Write a wish on a piece of paper and supposedly it would come true if you hang it back on the bamboo. "Weird," Koki would mutter taking a piece of paper from the bamboo and examining both sides of it wondering what kind of fuinjutsu could be involved to cause such things to happen. Taking caution to the wind Koki would join in on the celebration write his wish down on the paper and place it back on the bamboo. His wish reading;[break][break]

"I wish to find all my half-siblings and protect them from the fate our father has forced us into"

[attr=class,kpunkiwofextra]@ tags here
[attr=class,kpunkiwofcredit]by punki
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:39:47 GMT -5
Elumenate has written 7 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 25, 2024 0:58:46 GMT -5
Oonakayama Asahi
"Words have more power than the sword...."
Oonakayama Asahi Avatar
groupSand Shinobi
age 15 years old birthday rank Adv. Genin occupation Genin Team 3 Member

He came to the place where wishes were said to come true. These Bamboo Stalks that should never have found root in the desert for any length of time were a marvel to behold.

Supposedly they were the product of that shooting star, but he wanted to wish for something, and hope that it was granted to him. There was only one thing that he really wanted.

"Hey I don't know if anyone can hear this, but I want to be strong. Like the strongest ninja from my village in history. I want to be so strong that people stop fighting when I show up, so that words can prevail." He whispers the words from the deepest reaches of his heart. "I wish to be a hero...." Even though what it meant to be a true hero was different for everyone.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:41:01 GMT -5
Solo has written 85 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 26, 2024 6:35:13 GMT -5
Uzumaki Ataru
Nindo Goes Here: Edit Profile > Personal > Most Recent Status
Uzumaki Ataru Avatar
groupLeaf Shinobi
age 8 years old birthday September 13 rank Genin occupation
Ataru's wish was a relatively simple one. He'd sought experience, growth, and power. To become akin to the Uzumaki of old and their legenary heroes as to someday be able to gain a level where he could be akin to the God of Shinobi. Tying the Tanabata, Ataru wished for power above all else. Tying it in a red luck charm, he'd make his leave, as he had more training to do. He still needed to figure out how to finish compressing that darn Rasengan.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:41:44 GMT -5
Volker has written 253 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 27, 2024 1:17:10 GMT -5
Kirigakure's #1 Student
Tota Avatar
groupMist Shinobi
age Ten years old birthday 12/08/-1 rank Academy Student occupation

Tota kneeled silently at the base of the bamboo, his eyes darting around and noticing the other people writing wishes and tying them off onto the branches. He sat there in contemplative meditation, thinking deeply on what he really desired in this world. His thoughts interrupted by the reoccurring nightmare he'd suffered the night prior. "I wish... i wish to know more about my parents" he whispered as tears threatened to form.



Word Count: 327

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:44:23 GMT -5
Zazu has written 144 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 27, 2024 19:40:17 GMT -5
Nue Benjiro
I thought if anyone could understand the terrible burden of tradition, it would be someone like you.
Nue Benjiro Avatar
age 40 years old birthday Dec 19 rank S-Rank Nukenin occupation Wandering Medic
I wish I could do enough good to make up for all the bad things I've done. I wish I could find someone who would accept me for who I am. I wish I could break the cycle of violence that holds grasp over these lands.
last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:45:07 GMT -5
Dahlia has written 30 posts
Tanabata Bamboo - Make Your Wish!Aug 27, 2024 23:23:44 GMT -5
Yūgao Yusaku
We fight so others can live in peace.
Yūgao Yusaku Avatar
groupCloud Shinobi
age 16 years old birthday 17 Nov 1007 rank Chuunin occupation Bodyguard
Standing before the mysterious glowing bamboo, Yusaku opened his heart with a plea.

May my hands learn to heal with grace,
And knowledge grow in every place.
In every wound, in every tear,
May I find the strength to care.

last edit by Yoritomo on Sept 1, 2024 20:45:32 GMT -5
Xylo has written 1 posts